I feel like I'm starving!! :(

rcsmommy Posts: 32
edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a 33 year old mommy of three little guys and about 60 pounds overweight. I've been miserable for some time and decided it's time to do something about it. I used a weight loss calculator and with my height, current weight, and age it came up with 1500 calories/day. Which is probably good (I'm only 5'2", 33yrs old, and currently 190 pounds :( blah!) I've been logging everything I've been eating for the past 2 days and am eating much better than I normally do, problem is with logging I realize I've easily been eating 22-2400+ calories/day, most of which was pure garbage. I'm trying hard to fight the urge to indulge again because 45 min after each meal I'm hungry again. I eat about 300 calories for breakfast and lunch, 150 calories per snack (2-3) and about 300-600 for dinner. Will this starving feeling go away?! I'm afraid I'm going to cave and binge!!


  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    Yes. It took me a week to get over that initial feeling, and it comes and go but it's nothing unmanageable. Try eating 1700 or 1600 and slowly cutting back.
  • rcsmommy
    Thank you!
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    It does seem to get easier to eat less after a couple of weeks. Hang in there. Look for low calorie treats or some veggies. You can do it.
  • Vanilla_Lattes
    Vanilla_Lattes Posts: 251 Member
    I'll friend you :) i'm a mom of 2 boys.
  • HugoMartinez66
    HugoMartinez66 Posts: 257 Member
    edited December 2014
    As long as you don't go in to extreme dieting techniques you should be fine and good luck with reaching your goals.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Also, keep track of what foods leave you satisfied the longest (for most people it's protein-rich ones, but nothing is absolute for all people) and try to include them strategically in your day. Also note which very low calorie snacks are pleasurable to you...when my kids were little I'd put out a plate of blanched broccoli and cucumber slices and they'd nibble at it all day...now that they're teens they still choose those veg as a snack. A few raw radishes or celery sticks or dill pickles all come in at the 10 calorie range, but they are very different taste experiences....figure out what keeps you feeling good!
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    What helped me was to make sure I was adding in a lot of protein and healthy fats into my snacks and meals. They make me feel fuller for longer and that helped me over the initial hump.
  • DavidFitFocus
    Take your time. Go easy on you. It took me awhile to put on the weight; it will take me a while to take it off. Most important thing is that I'm changing my lifestyle and that takes time. Remember you are amazing already and there's no finish line to cross to be wonderful and lovable!
  • victoriaalice40
    Once you start to see results it will get easier to not want to binge or indulge. Drink a ton of water, and eat lots of fiber. Greek yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit) yummy. If you want to add me feel free. I totally understand how you feel.
  • elysianashes
    I felt the same way when I first started - like I just couldn't get enough food. It took me a good week or two to get to the point where I didn't constantly think about eating. I found it easier to break up my meals into smaller snacks so I could nosh for longer, but that's because I have a tendency to want to eat when I'm bored or thinking too much. I also found it easier to start with the right number of calories to *maintain*, rather than jumping into the deep end of enough to actually lose. I got used to how much food my body actually needed first, then dropped down from there. I reminded myself often that I was getting ENOUGH food to keep me alive and healthy, and that if I ate more it was just excess that I didn't NEED to have. I admit it was a rough time but eventually my stomach started realizing that it would be okay if it wasn't stuffed constantly. It does happen eventually, hang in there!
  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    It is hard to start changing your lifestyle. I promise it does get easier over time. I can suggest making sure you get protein in your food intake to make it a little less difficult. If you like veggies, use those for your snacks as you get a lot of bank for your calorie buck if you nutrient dense low cal foods. If you like veggies but not without dip, look at different low-cal or fat free dips. You will learn lots of ways of making your calories work for you!
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    I have three kids too.. I can't resist fun food either so now I force myself to eat fruit , vegetables, meat instead of junk. If you fill up on fruit etc and drink a lot of water you will get used to it. Took me weeks but every time I thought of eating I'd grab a banana or some walnuts. I only do 1600 per day but exercise so it's really 1200 and I have calories left over.. I hope that helps. I feel full now all day even with the extras I could be eating.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It took me three months to stop feeling like I could eat the furniture. High protein and lots of nonstarchy low cal vegetables will help you. Sweet potatoes are excellent (even though they do have starch) for a low cal stick to your ribs nutritious snack. Put some cinnamon on there to pump up the flavor. Eat spinach, green beans, cooked broccoli, and such like there's no tomorrow. I said cooked because vegetables in the Brassica family, and also kale, can suppress your thyroid if you eat large quantities of them raw.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I try and get 400 calories for breakfast, and some of that will be protein. I have one walnut every morning along with a complex carbohydrate to try and tide me over.

    My second most dangerous time is when I come home after work. I never skip my mid-afternoon snack so when I go home I'm not ravenous. Otherwise the temptation is to raid the fridge and pantry of all easy consumables.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    The first 2 weeks i had a couple days like that.
    It went away.

    I am also sure that my body was confusing hunger with being thirsty. So drink a lot. I drink about 3 liters of water a day ( some days 2.5 others 3 just depends) This is beside my coffee in the morning and almond milk.

    When i exercise i drink a whole liter alone :)

    And eating a protein helps too :)
  • rcsmommy
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    For me, it really helps make vegetables and protein the center of my diet. I have MFP set to track protein, carbs and fiber, and I think of the protein goal as a minimum, the carb goal as a maximum and the fiber goal as a target.

    I also find that when I eat around 1500 for a few, I can feel ravenous. I can eat 1300 day after day and be fine or I can eat 1800, but 1500 seems to be some kind of weirdo trigger point. I have no science, only anecdotal evidence.
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    I'm a 33 year old mommy of three little guys and about 60 pounds overweight. I've been miserable for some time and decided it's time to do something about it. I used a weight loss calculator and with my height, current weight, and age it came up with 1500 calories/day. Which is probably good (I'm only 5'2", 33yrs old, and currently 190 pounds :( blah!) I've been logging everything I've been eating for the past 2 days and am eating much better than I normally do, problem is with logging I realize I've easily been eating 22-2400+ calories/day, most of which was pure garbage. I'm trying hard to fight the urge to indulge again because 45 min after each meal I'm hungry again. I eat about 300 calories for breakfast and lunch, 150 calories per snack (2-3) and about 300-600 for dinner. Will this starving feeling go away?! I'm afraid I'm going to cave and binge!!

    How's your water intake? Making myself drink more water help me a lot!

  • rcsmommy

    gothchiq wrote: »
    It took me three months to stop feeling like I could eat the furniture. High protein and lots of nonstarchy low cal vegetables will help you. Sweet potatoes are excellent (even though they do have starch) for a low cal stick to your ribs nutritious snack. Put some cinnamon on there to pump up the flavor. Eat spinach, green beans, cooked broccoli, and such like there's no tomorrow. I said cooked because vegetables in the Brassica family, and also kale, can suppress your thyroid if you eat large quantities of them raw.

    Ugh! I hope it doesn't take 3 months. :)
  • rcsmommy
    I have three kids too.. I can't resist fun food either so now I force myself to eat fruit , vegetables, meat instead of junk. If you fill up on fruit etc and drink a lot of water you will get used to it. Took me weeks but every time I thought of eating I'd grab a banana or some walnuts. I only do 1600 per day but exercise so it's really 1200 and I have calories left over.. I hope that helps. I feel full now all day even with the extras I could be eating.

    Too many of the kiddos treats are what got me here. I must resist, but it's killing me right now!!