I feel like I'm starving!! :(



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm also a mum of 3, and I've got 37lbs to lose until I get down to pre-pregnancy weight. My youngest is 7 months.

    I'm pretty good with my diet, and I used to be the other way round, thinking I had to eat 1200 calories or less to lose, so I've trained myself to eat more and lose on 1550 calories and I've recently decided to eat back a few of my exercise calories as I've been extra hungry.

    My diary is open so feel free to get some ideas. I eat lots of protein...generally eggs for breakfast with either ham, bacon, sausage etc, some sort of salad for lunch involving tuna or cottage cheese and something like fish and veg, chicken stew, chicken stir fry etc for dinner. I'll snack on mini babybels, apple and peanut butter, natural yogurt, almonds etc. I drink lots of water and tea and coffee (milk no sugar).

    My kids eat what we do, although they do occasionally have different snacks, like crackers, and my son likes bread and butter. So we don't usually have things at home to snack on.

    I do a treat day once a week, and we bake a cake or cookies or something, so I know I have that to look forward to, and my kids do too :)
  • rcsmommy
    I have exactly the same stats as you. I'm 5'3 190 (down from 223 after my second kid). I have 2 sons. The first month is the worst and I cheated by taking an herbal supplement the first month I started counting. It probably was all in my head, but it worked.

    Now, I find that I'm good during the day, but night time is when I want to snack. The problem is, I feel like I deserve a reward after I've lived through the day. lol. I've been going to the gym after the boys go to bed (8:30 - ish). It gives me extra calories so I can have that glass of wine or cookie, and it keeps me from binge eating at night. Feel free to send me a friend request.

    Oh do I hear you about "getting through the day"!! Some days it's all I can do just to make it until bed time!! I'm a stress eater (or wine drinker depending on the day ;) ) too so that doesn't help. My hubby and I just got a gym membership as our Christmas gift to each other, tonight will be my first time going, I'm looking forward to going. I hope the fact that I have a gym to go to will help with actually getting a workout it. It can be almost impossible to try and get a workout in with three kiddos wanting to join, needing something, or having a breakdown as soon as you go to workout.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    clehman71 wrote: »
    It is hard to start changing your lifestyle. I promise it does get easier over time. I can suggest making sure you get protein in your food intake to make it a little less difficult. If you like veggies, use those for your snacks as you get a lot of bank for your calorie buck if you nutrient dense low cal foods. If you like veggies but not without dip, look at different low-cal or fat free dips. You will learn lots of ways of making your calories work for you!

    I've been told a fat, a protein, and a carb for each snack. I've been doing an apple with a nut butter.

    This snack is good with Carbs and Fats, but not enough proteins. My starving feeling only comes about when my blood sugar isn't evened out enough. Try eating non-fat greek yogurt instead of the peanut butter. See if upping your proteins in each snack doesn't help that starving feeling.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Something else to consider might be tapering off keeping those "kids' treats" in the house. I see it all the time, mom with her salad and the kids with nuggets, mac and cheese, and pizza in a never ending rotation.

    There is nothing about these foods that makes them necessary for kids. ( My kids rarely if ever had them and used to hate eating out because that's all they ever have on the kids menu!) If "kids treats" are a temptation for you, I have a hunch that they aren't the kind of food your kids should be learning to crave, anyway! Try filling a muffin tray with all different kinds of fruits and veggies and putting it out on a low-ish table, that way you and they can nibble on good stuff all day and nobody is tempted into indulging or learning a bad habit!
  • rcsmommy
    To be honest, all the research I've done with eating, and the thing is to eat more in the morning, then decreased through out the day. So for example Breakfast should be around 600, then you have 150-170 calories in snacks, 450 for lunch and then 400 dinner :)

    I've heard that too, I'm bad about that because I didn't use to really eat breakfast at all, it was just coffee then I started "snacking" around 10:30 wich continued all day. And I usually made a decent size dinner for the family.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Try 500 calories for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure you are getting enough protein, and some fat, with each meal (don't go low fat/diet everything).
  • rcsmommy
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Something else to consider might be tapering off keeping those "kids' treats" in the house. I see it all the time, mom with her salad and the kids with nuggets, mac and cheese, and pizza in a never ending rotation.

    There is nothing about these foods that makes them necessary for kids. ( My kids rarely if ever had them and used to hate eating out because that's all they ever have on the kids menu!) If "kids treats" are a temptation for you, I have a hunch that they aren't the kind of food your kids should be learning to crave, anyway! Try filling a muffin tray with all different kinds of fruits and veggies and putting it out on a low-ish table, that way you and they can nibble on good stuff all day and nobody is tempted into indulging or learning a bad habit!

    Great point! And great idea with the muffin tray!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It gets easier. One thing for me, is I find if I eat earlier in the day, I'm hungrier throughout, so I usually don't eat until 9:30-10:30. Additionally, WTG on the gym membership, you will soon be earning more calories.
  • rcsmommy
    wkwebby wrote: »
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    clehman71 wrote: »
    It is hard to start changing your lifestyle. I promise it does get easier over time. I can suggest making sure you get protein in your food intake to make it a little less difficult. If you like veggies, use those for your snacks as you get a lot of bank for your calorie buck if you nutrient dense low cal foods. If you like veggies but not without dip, look at different low-cal or fat free dips. You will learn lots of ways of making your calories work for you!

    I've been told a fat, a protein, and a carb for each snack. I've been doing an apple with a nut butter.

    This snack is good with Carbs and Fats, but not enough proteins. My starving feeling only comes about when my blood sugar isn't evened out enough. Try eating non-fat greek yogurt instead of the peanut butter. See if upping your proteins in each snack doesn't help that starving feeling.

    Will try the yogurt for sure. I try not to eat too much peanut butter, as I'm not keen on the natural peanut butter and lean towards jiff with all the extra sugar! I try to do natural almond butter.
  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    Tammy_1971 wrote: »
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    I'm a 33 year old mommy of three little guys and about 60 pounds overweight. I've been miserable for some time and decided it's time to do something about it. I used a weight loss calculator and with my height, current weight, and age it came up with 1500 calories/day. Which is probably good (I'm only 5'2", 33yrs old, and currently 190 pounds :( blah!) I've been logging everything I've been eating for the past 2 days and am eating much better than I normally do, problem is with logging I realize I've easily been eating 22-2400+ calories/day, most of which was pure garbage. I'm trying hard to fight the urge to indulge again because 45 min after each meal I'm hungry again. I eat about 300 calories for breakfast and lunch, 150 calories per snack (2-3) and about 300-600 for dinner. Will this starving feeling go away?! I'm afraid I'm going to cave and binge!!

    How's your water intake? Making myself drink more water help me a lot!

    I definitely need to work on it! I'm not a fan of water, but have cut out soda and sugar-filled beverages I'm used to so I need to make myself drink good ol fashion h2o!

    This is a big help. One thing we did was buy a Soda Stream. We threw out all the flavor packets that come with it and just make straight up fizzy water to have with dinner every night. Our kids (2 and 4 years old) LOVE it - they get to participate in helping make the fizzy water, and that is what they request to have with dinner. I thought they were gimmicky, honestly, but now that we have one we use it every night. Might be a good fit for you and your kids.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    1. Get a fitbit or similar (the zip can be had through ebay for $40) and let it log your running around. This gets you extra calories so you may be able to eat more. Yay!

    2. Log any other exercise you do - which will let you eat more. Yay!

    3. If I get more than 40% of my calories from carbs I feel like I'm starving and I can't lose weight. Healthy things that do that to me - pancakes for breakfast, oatmeal, anything with lots of sugar and unprocessed carbs. 40% isn't low carb. It's higher protein and fat.

    4. If you're hungry, eat something with protein and/or fat. I used to have a big spoonful of ice cream or 5 or 6 nuts. Log it. It made me hold off until the next meal.

    5. If you're still hungry, go to half a pound a week and KEEP LOGGING. You'll get there. This is a great decision you've made to lose weight. Stick with it.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Remember tea is water too. I also keep a lemon spritzer around to jazz up my water. I must get enough water in a day and I got thoroughly bored with plain H20.
  • rcsmommy
    nxd10 wrote: »
    1. Get a fitbit or similar (the zip can be had through ebay for $40) and let it log your running around. This gets you extra calories so you may be able to eat more. Yay!

    2. Log any other exercise you do - which will let you eat more. Yay!

    3. If I get more than 40% of my calories from carbs I feel like I'm starving and I can't lose weight. Healthy things that do that to me - pancakes for breakfast, oatmeal, anything with lots of sugar and unprocessed carbs. 40% isn't low carb. It's higher protein and fat.

    4. If you're hungry, eat something with protein and/or fat. I used to have a big spoonful of ice cream or 5 or 6 nuts. Log it. It made me hold off until the next meal.

    5. If you're still hungry, go to half a pound a week and KEEP LOGGING. You'll get there. This is a great decision you've made to lose weight. Stick with it.

    Awesome advise! Thank you!! I think I saw Fitbits on sale at walmart! I'll check it out!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If you put a spoonful of PB2 in that yogurt, it's not many more calories but will add lots of protein and flavor. I love that stuff. It means I don't have to give up peanut butter after all!
  • Christi102012
    Christi102012 Posts: 87 Member
    rcsmommy wrote: »
    The first 2 weeks i had a couple days like that.
    It went away.

    I am also sure that my body was confusing hunger with being thirsty. So drink a lot. I drink about 3 liters of water a day ( some days 2.5 others 3 just depends) This is beside my coffee in the morning and almond milk.

    When i exercise i drink a whole liter alone :)

    And eating a protein helps too :)

    I do need to force myself to drink more for sure! I really am not a fan of water, but will make myself love it eventually!

    I hate water also. I've found that Mio flavoring helps. There are also lots of other water flavor additives out there now. Yes, you are getting some artificial sweetners that a lot of people don't like but I say if it helps you in drinking the water period its still better than even diet sodas.

    Are you exercising at all? Exercising will help create that calorie deficit for weightloss and also help improve your fitness. On days that I run I can earn at least 400 extra calories for the day. I normally only eat back about half of them but that's still an extra 200 or so.

  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    think of the first week as an experiment to see what work for you. Breakfast or no breakfast? 6 meals a day or just 2. I know that for me when I eat many meals a day I am always hungry but if I eat only 2 more satisfying meals I am rearely hungry. Change things around and take not of your hunger levels :)
    good luck
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'll warn you that the whole "eat most of your calories at breakfast" thing does't work for everyone, so don't let anyone make you feel like you HAVE to eat that way. I find that if I eat a hearty breakfast I lose all control over my cravings/hunger later on at night. I've always been a late night eater and it doesn't help me no matter what I eat for breakfast, buuuuut I've found that eating a hearty dinner REALLY helps me curb my cravings and stick to the plan. I've managed to stay right on track with my "estimated" loss each week eating this way.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is experiment with it and see what foods curb your hunger and what time of the day it's best to eat them FOR YOU! I also second, third, fourth, or whatever the idea that you should make sure you're drinking enough water to help curb cravings.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I just put your numbers in the Scooby Workshop calculator - even without doing anything other than chase after your kids (which puts you at lightly active) and with a 20% deficit (I'd personally suggest 15% but some people want faster results), you still have 1775 to eat. With a 15% deficit, which is slower but more manageable (and what my group EM2WL supports), you would get to eat 1885. If you are exercising at all or have an active job, then even more food for you. Consider it. (And yes, protein & fats are good for deficits)
  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    edited December 2014
    Great advice about what works FOR YOU. I'd only add that the same applies with the 'eat small meals / snacks every few hours.' It all boils down to what you can do to end the day with a calorie deficit. I am not by nature a snacker, and forcing myself to eat very small meals and lots of snacks makes me feel like I am eating all the time and am NEVER satisfied. I always do better and lose more if I eat three healthy, moderately sized meals. That's also easier for me eating with family in the evenings. Best wishes to you!
  • lothquendi
    lothquendi Posts: 22 Member
    I was super hungry the first week or so. Then I figured out how to space my meals (for instance I'm hungrier at night, so I have bigger dinners later), and eat more low-calorie foods, so I rarely get that hungry feeling anymore.