Hundred Push Ups - November



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    How's everyone doing? I'm doing better I guess. I managed to do week 6 level 2 day 2 today. It was pretty hard for me but I made it through.
    9-58 (min 53)
    My wrist hurts a little, so we'll see how Friday goes. I should test this weekend or Monday and see how far I can get. I ordered my shirt that says, "I did the hundred" not "I'm doing the hundred". I wanted to get it before Thanksgiving but it may not come till the next week. It's still my goal to finish by the 29th.
    Oh 3BB, week 3 is intimidating, but you can do it! It doesn't seem as bad as it looks!

    WOW your looking great! I am going right now to do my 30!! Thanks.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    How's everyone doing? I'm doing better I guess. I managed to do week 6 level 2 day 2 today. It was pretty hard for me but I made it through.
    9-58 (min 53)
    My wrist hurts a little, so we'll see how Friday goes. I should test this weekend or Monday and see how far I can get. I ordered my shirt that says, "I did the hundred" not "I'm doing the hundred". I wanted to get it before Thanksgiving but it may not come till the next week. It's still my goal to finish by the 29th.
    Oh 3BB, week 3 is intimidating, but you can do it! It doesn't seem as bad as it looks!

    When you do the 100, you need to post a pic of yourself in your awesome shirt! You're SO close!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Last night I did Week 3, Day 3, Level 3

    25 (I read the dumb column wrong & my husband was using the computer...gggrrr..supposed to be 22. Yes I am bitter about this. LOL)
    35 (min. 28)
    TOTAL = 130.

    I'm moving onto week 4 tomorrow, but if I have as hard of time this week as I did on week 3, I'm going to have to stall & do it twice. I did them, but not as well as I have liked. I had to hold a few & I'd much rather just go at a good rhythm & crank them out, kwim? I was able to go down further yesterday than I did on day 2 of week 3, though so that's something. I'm just glad I'm not testing today & can just move forward to week 4! :tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I am back finally! I really wish I hadn't taken that week off but I sure didn't feel like working out. I tested this morning and didn't do too badly, although I know I did not get down that low and my form was horrible. I cranked out 70, so I was pleased since I hadn't done them in awhile. I just don't know that I can gain 30 more by this weekend! I don't think it will take as long for me to get built back up again, so it could still happen I guess!
    I did 70, then 4 sets of 20. Not as many as I should be doing in a day according to the program but that 70 took a lot out of me! I'll get back to the program on Wednesday with day 2 level 2 or 3. Not sure which yet.
    3BB, you're doing great! Already week four huh? Awesome!
    Arewethereyet, I'm glad you are still with us and checking in! Doing 30 is still great and will help build arm muscle! Keep checking in with us!
    Tresa did you get started last week?
    I hope everyone else is doing well. Seems like we've lost some people! Come back!
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I just got started today! I am doing sort of wall pushups ... putting my feet back and using the kitchen counter. I did day 1 today and did 6 at the end, although I got distracted during my ... haha ... 60 seconds of rest and didn't remember to do the last bit until about a half hour later!

    I have basically no upper body strength and with my current weight, I think I might get to 100 counter pushups and then go through the program again with girlie pushups unless I feel strong enough by then to try it with regular ones.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good job, Tresa! You'll be amazed at how quickly your strength will build.

    I completely forgot to do my pushups today. Bad, girl
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA for a while - I was sick last week and it totally kicked my butt. And then I almost forgot to do them today to get back into it. But - I have started week 6 over again, on level 1. It is tough after a week off!

    1: 25
    2: 30
    3: 20
    4: 25
    5: 54 (minimum 40)

    The first set I did very slowly, and that really tired me out. So to get through that last set I was pumping them out just as fast as I possibly could. You all are doing great! I can't wait to see you in your shirt when you hit 100, MM! :bigsmile: I am hoping to get there by New Years.

    P.S. I did test at the beginning of last week, even though I didn't do the program for the rest of that week. I got 63!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Where'd everybody go? :laugh: I hope you all are having a lovely Thanksgiving.

    I did week 6, day 2, level 1 today. I probably didn't get as many on the last set as I should - my feet started slipping!
    1&2: 14
    3&4: 15
    5&6: 14
    7&8: 10
    9: 48 (min 44)
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey CP, good job on the push ups!
    I'm obviously not making my goal to one hundred this weekend. I'm aiming for Christmas now. Sigh. My shirt is just waiting to be worn! I have felt sore in the upper back this week due to pulling something so I have been just trying to do as many as I can. I can see my arms are starting to get flabby again. It goes fast I guess. So I did 52 today, then two more sets of 30. I have come to realize something that's rather strange. The softer and thicker the carpet is, the more it hurts my wrists. That's one reason I couldn't do that many this morning.
    Next week I will be back on schedule doing week 6 level 2. I have lost some motivation since I was sick and lost some ground. I am trying to get it back.
    Everyone keep it up! Don't quit, you can get there! I've been at this for several months and I'm not there yet but I've gotten close! WE can do it!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Week 4, Day 1, Level 3 (I'm sticking with it for now...I keep saying that, don't I?! LOL)

    36(min. 32)
    TOTAL = 124

    Since I took a few extra days off, I wasn't sure how this was going to go. Not too bad, I guess. Didn't get as many in the last set as I would have liked, but I still met the min. so that's good. Hopefully I will remember to do them on Sunday.

    Good job, CP!

    You'll get back on track, MM! Pulled muscles happen & you need to heal. Don't be too hard on yourself. I do my pushups on the hardwood floor in our living room & tried to do them on carpet after you said that. No thank you! I'll stick to my hard floor, thank you very much.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Great job, 3BB! I'm impressed that you are sticking it out on level 3. I am planning to move back to level 2 next week myself.

    Today was week 6, day 3, level 1:
    1&2: 13
    3&4: 17 (actually I did 19 on the first set by accident)
    5&6: 16
    7&8: 14
    9: 50 (min 50)

    I was feeling really out of breath today for some reason on the last set. At least I got the minimum done, but I was expecting more!

    Keep it up, everybody! :smile:
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    Has anyone got a link to the website please?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Options Join us Lib!

    We're starting a new thread tomorrow for December! Look for Hundred Pushups December!!!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Options Join us Lib!

    We're starting a new thread tomorrow for December! Look for Hundred Pushups December!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Week 4, Day 2, Level 3

    36 (min. 36....:grumble: )

    I got the min. amount in that last set but my body wasn't too happy about it. I think I'm going to repeat this day on Tuesday & then move to day 3 on Thursday. The first 3 sets felt great, though & that was encouraging.

    CP - do you have a goal date for doing the 100? You're getting so close!

    Welcome, Lib! It is a really great challenge!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    just wanted to save this older thread till I read through to see how you are are doing etc and who's in on the challenge:drinker: :happy:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Push ups are out for now. I found out on Monday that I am pregnant (probably about 5 weeks) but I've been spotting off and on since then. My doctor put me on bed rest pretty much for several days. :grumble: :noway: So I probably won't make my goal by Christmas either. I hope that I can at least finish before I'm too big to wear my shirt! lol If not I'll send it to CP since she's nearly there. :wink: I won't complain. I've been trying to get pregnant for a year!
    How's everyone else doing? Who's still around? I sure miss doing the push ups. My arms have turned flabby. :cry: Once I get clearance to do things again I will do push ups till my belly gets in the way. Ha ha.