Question for runners

How often do you strength train? Could you give me an example of your weekly schedule? I've always liked running, when I did it years ago... But I've been doing bodyweight workouts for 3 weeks now, 3 days a week, and I think I've discovered that I hate strength training. So I'm trying to figure out how to fit running, strength, and yoga in the week. I've been doing 3 days of strength, 2 yoga, and 1 cardio. But I don't know where to go from here to switch to a running based week.


  • Yanagibashi
    Yanagibashi Posts: 58 Member
    3 days of running, 2 days of strength training, 1 very short and easy run day and 1 day of no exercise so the muscles have time to breathe a little. Here's my schedule:
    Monday: Run day
    Tuesday: Strength day
    Wednesday: Run day
    Thursday: Rest day
    Friday: Run day
    Saturday: Strength day
    Sunday: Easy run day
  • fitmama0914
    3 days of running, 2 days of strength training, 1 very short and easy run day and 1 day of no exercise so the muscles have time to breathe a little. Here's my schedule:
    Monday: Run day
    Tuesday: Strength day
    Wednesday: Run day
    Thursday: Rest day
    Friday: Run day
    Saturday: Strength day
    Sunday: Easy run day

    Thanks. That sounds pretty doable.

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Maybe you just need to find a different strength training routine. I use All Pro, which is a 3 day full body routine, and I'm training to run a full 5K 3 days, then one rest day.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    edited December 2014
    Monday Run
    Tuesday 1 hour strength
    Wednesday Run
    Thursday optional Run/Rest day (depending on distance goals)
    Friday Rest
    Saturday long run, 30 minutes strength training
    Sunday Rest

    If I'm training and doing 4-5 mile runs during the week I rest Wednesday and run Thursday.
  • fitmama0914
    Maybe you just need to find a different strength training routine. I use All Pro, which is a 3 day full body routine, and I'm training to run a full 5K 3 days, then one rest day.

    Thanks. I bookmarked that page. I do get bored pretty quickly with my routines, so I end up changing them every few days. I don't have access to a gym, so I have been doing home workouts and I find that YouTube helps me stay focused. If I follow a written workout with my music playing, I end up singing and distracted lol.

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    edited December 2014
    Maybe you just need to find a different strength training routine. I use All Pro, which is a 3 day full body routine, and I'm training to run a full 5K 3 days, then one rest day.

    Thanks. I bookmarked that page. I do get bored pretty quickly with my routines, so I end up changing them every few days. I don't have access to a gym, so I have been doing home workouts and I find that YouTube helps me stay focused. If I follow a written workout with my music playing, I end up singing and distracted lol.

    I always had to use videos for everything in order to keep focused, but I've weaned myself off of them in the last couple of years. YouTube has a lot of great videos, though. Have you looked at the BeFit and FitnessBlender channels? Also, I use dumbbells for all of the exercises, because my gym doesn't have a squat rack. It's easily adaptable. The book New Rules of Lifting for Women is also adaptable to dumbbells. I almost forgot about The Butt Bible, which is also on YouTube. That's 2 weeks each level: upper body Mon/Th, lower body Tues/Fri and cardio Wed/Sat, with Sunday as a rest day. Your butt will be hurtin' by the 3rd level.
  • fitmama0914
    Yeah I know of those ones, and like them. I'll have to look up the butt one. Squats are one of the things I like. :smile:
  • allieallieoxenfree
    allieallieoxenfree Posts: 114 Member
    I do 3 days of mixed cardio and strength-training, 1 long run day, and yoga every day! :)
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I lift weights on Mondays and Fridays and run the other five days
  • 67mirunner
    Hal Higdon has great training suggestions for any distance.
    My schedule:
    M: Run 5-10mi
    T: Run 5-10mi
    W: Run 3-7mi & lift
    Th: Run 3-7mi
    F: Rest
    S: Run 12 - 25mi
    S: Xtrain & lift
  • fitmama0914
    Lots for me to think about now :smiley: I'm sure I'll have to start with c25k or something similar. I have no idea where I stand with my running readiness. Does that work like muscle memory does... Does your body quickly remember how to do it?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm similar in as much as resistance training bores me to tears.

    Bodyweight twice a week, run four times a week and cycle as the opportunity is there.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Does your body quickly remember how to do it?

    Technique isn't your issue, joint readiness is. If you've not been running then a C25K will help to mitigate injury risk.
  • DavidKempe19
    DavidKempe19 Posts: 15 Member
    My routine is:

    Sunday: Strength training
    Monday: Hill sprints
    Tuesday: Strength training
    Wednesday: 10 minute jog with end sprint
    Thursday: Strength training
    Friday: Long walk
    Saturday: 5km race or 20 minute jog

    My strength training is pretty much a combination of Stronglifts 5x5 and Start Bodyweight, plus some accessory exercises.
  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    I lift in the morning and run in late afternoon or evening. I try to do both in the same day because I run 6 to 9+ miles typically and don't want my run to compromise my squats and deadlifts if I only have 12 hours of recovery.

    M: Lift & Run
    W: Lift & Run
    Th: Yoga
    F: Lift & Run
    S: Yoga
    S or S: Run

    Alternate schedule - when I am trying to catchup on my lifting. With this schedule I don't do both in the same day due to Tuesday evening commitments and Thursday evening yoga class.
    S: Lift
    M: Run
    T: Lift
    W: Run
    Th: Lift & Yoga
    F: Run
    S: Lift & Yoga - Gym opens at 7 and yoga is at 9. These days are the hardest yoga classes I have ever had, especially when I don't get to the gym until around 8. My arms and legs are already tired from lifting and I am already warmed up so within a few minutes of yoga starting I am covered in sweat. I have had a few bad dismounts out of crow and slid off my mat.
    S or S: Run

    Muscle memory works for running, your legs will remember how to run. Unfortunately the problem is your lungs and legs may not be physically ready to go as far as you want.

    After nearly 10 years only running intermittently, I discovered a marathon near where I grew up and decided that needed to be my first marathon. My first training run was two 1.4 mile loops around the neighborhood. I was ready to die during the first lap and walked a large portion of the 2.8 miles. However I kept at it and 5 months later finished the marathon.

    Due to work and some knee issues I fell out of running for nearly a year and a half before I restarted in late September. I started doing yoga and aerobics classes last March and started lifting around the same time I started running. When I started running again it was a lot easier than the previous times. Within a couple sessions I was able to run 4 miles non-stop and as previously stated I now regularly run 6 -9 miles. I think the aerobics class helped with my cardio conditioning and made it easier when I started running.

    If you have not been doing workouts that really push your cardio then initially running might be difficult. However the c25k program is a good program. My wife, who has never been a runner, is on week 6. I went with her for the last session of week 5 and after a 5 minute warmup she ran for 20 minutes nonstop. Before she started c25k she would have thought it was impossible for her to run for 20 minutes.
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    I do get bored pretty quickly with my routines, so I end up changing them every few days. I don't have access to a gym, so I have been doing home workouts and I find that YouTube helps me stay focused.

    Don't do that. You should allow your body some time to adapt and compensate for the training that you put it through, that is where the gains and benefits come from.

    If you really can't go to a gym (mind you, inconvenient is not the same as "can't go"...) then get a kettlebell and/or a sandbag and use those alongside the bodyweight training that you are doing.

    The biggest problem is that you don't seem to enjoy it? If you aren't enjoying what you are doing, chances are that you won't be doing it for very long. Your best bet would thus be to find some form of strength training that you do enjoy. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as you just find it enjoyable, or at least tolerable... :smiley:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How often do you strength train? Could you give me an example of your weekly schedule? I've always liked running, when I did it years ago... But I've been doing bodyweight workouts for 3 weeks now, 3 days a week, and I think I've discovered that I hate strength training. So I'm trying to figure out how to fit running, strength, and yoga in the week. I've been doing 3 days of strength, 2 yoga, and 1 cardio. But I don't know where to go from here to switch to a running based week.

    1 fullbody workout a week, only major lifts, get it done quick in 30 -40 min. Sprint after this if you like the feel of running dead tired.
    Rest day after to get max benefit.

    1 upper body lifting some other day, with true HIIT routine, hopefully hill sprints, done as basically lifting for your legs again, only sport specific.
    Rest day after to get max benefit from recovery.

    Then 2 other days of running, and then yoga.

    5 days.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'll just leave this here:

    If you haven't run in a while, doing the couch-to-5K seems like a healthy thing to do. It's three days a week, no more no less. Other days are rest days in theory, but cross-training is fine as long as you take it relatively easy; yoga, strength training, walking, swimming, cycling, etc.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    zipa78 wrote: »
    I do get bored pretty quickly with my routines, so I end up changing them every few days. I don't have access to a gym, so I have been doing home workouts and I find that YouTube helps me stay focused.

    Don't do that. You should allow your body some time to adapt and compensate for the training that you put it through, that is where the gains and benefits come from.

    If you really can't go to a gym (mind you, inconvenient is not the same as "can't go"...) then get a kettlebell and/or a sandbag and use those alongside the bodyweight training that you are doing.

    The biggest problem is that you don't seem to enjoy it? If you aren't enjoying what you are doing, chances are that you won't be doing it for very long. Your best bet would thus be to find some form of strength training that you do enjoy. Doesn't matter what it is, as long as you just find it enjoyable, or at least tolerable... :smiley:

    I switch up all the time and reap great benefits from it. Keeps me from getting bored.

    OP, I hate strength training with a passion. So I typically try to incorporate it with my cardio. So like i'll run with hand weights, work in some push ups, etc.

    Prior to my recent injury I would do 2 short runs (2-4 miles) and one long run (4-7 miles) then cross train 2 days a week. Typically i'll take a bootcamp or zumba class, swim or horseback ride. Whatever feels groovy that day.
  • fitmama0914
    Thanks again. I've actually been gearing my workups towards calisthenics, and I'm pretty sure I would love hiit, but I think I am a bit scared I wouldn't be able to keep up. I am familiar with the gist of c25k, and I'm probably going to start with that. I can jog for 30 seconds straight, but my problem is learning to pace myself because I have a tendency to want to go as hard as I can.