


  • crescentgaia
    crescentgaia Posts: 71 Member
    Eggs are one of my main proteins at the moment, so if they're killing me, what a nice way to go. :smile: Mine are usually fried in the bacon fat, so not the healthiest, but so tasty. Also, I have a way to do a perfect hard boiled egg - it's in the NomNom Paleo book but I'll post it below - so you might want to do that in order to have a very handy snack.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs
    What you need: Pot big enough for 12 eggs with a lid, a dozen week old eggs, 6 cups water (I guestimate on this so it's not a hard truth), 1 teaspoon baking soda, and a pin or thumbtack.
    1. Using the pin or thumbtack, poke a hole on the wide bottom of the eggs.
    2. Gently place eggs in the saucepan; add the water and the baking soda (helps separate the eggs from the shell).
    3. Put on stove and crank heat to high. As soon as they start boiling, set a time for 1 minute. When that minute is up, take off the heat and cover - let them sit in the water for 10 minutes.
    4. While that's happening, fill a large boil with more water and ice. You're going to want enough so, when the timer goes off and you put the eggs in the ice water, it's enough to have all eggs under the water.
    5. Set the time for 5 minutes for the eggs to be in the ice water bath.
    6. Fish eggs out of water (I usually use a slotted spoon), rap against hard service (I use a plate), and peel starting where you made the pinhole.

    Result: Perfectly cooked eggs. :smiley:
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i am a vegetarian, and I eat eggs twice a week. I limit fatty foods like eggs and cheese for personal reasons.

    Eggs are a fatty food?
    Eggs and cheese, cream, spicy foods and oil all give me wicked heartburn if I don't monitor the quantity/ make sure they fit into an overall low fat /high fiber diet.

    So when I plan my day and i include eggs, i make sure I'm not having other high fat dishes that day.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    An extra large egg only has 5 grams of fat unless you are frying it in butter or oil.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have the wife will pick me up a dozen or two chucked hard boil eggs from WalMart. I never liked to remove the shell when I first get up. :)
  • _Johnny_Bravo_
    _Johnny_Bravo_ Posts: 2 Member
    Eggs are great for you!! I'm a nutritional science major at the University of Wisconsin, a huge fan of Dr. Mercola ( and have done a lot of research on the issue. Of course eggs have been made out to be bad for you, as we've all heard, but typically thats not correct. A raw egg is the best way to go actually. That way, you're keeping all the fats from becoming oxidized, which we don't want. The same rule goes for any kind of fat.... each type having a heat tolerance before becoming oxidized. This includes butter, olive oil and fats in meats. Cooking an egg any other way would, of course, have to be done so using low heat. It might take a little longer but your eggs will be much healthier and delicious. Also, the best cooking oil to use is coconut oil. This has the highest heat tolerance and actually has many health benefits. A lot of people get scared seeing how much saturated fat it contains but don't worry about that! Most of the saturated fat is composed of medium-chain triglycerides which your body can use very quickly for energy. For this same reason, coconut oil or even a whole coconut are great staples in a ketogenic diet!
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Don't the "Incredible Edible Egg" commercials still air on television???

    I remember seeing them on tv every day for years. But then again it has been years since i have had cable. The only tv i get at home is via the internet.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Eggs are great for you!! I'm a nutritional science major at the University of Wisconsin, a huge fan of Dr. Mercola ( and have done a lot of research on the issue. Of course eggs have been made out to be bad for you, as we've all heard, but typically thats not correct. A raw egg is the best way to go actually. That way, you're keeping all the fats from becoming oxidized, which we don't want. The same rule goes for any kind of fat.... each type having a heat tolerance before becoming oxidized. This includes butter, olive oil and fats in meats. Cooking an egg any other way would, of course, have to be done so using low heat. It might take a little longer but your eggs will be much healthier and delicious. Also, the best cooking oil to use is coconut oil. This has the highest heat tolerance and actually has many health benefits. A lot of people get scared seeing how much saturated fat it contains but don't worry about that! Most of the saturated fat is composed of medium-chain triglycerides which your body can use very quickly for energy. For this same reason, coconut oil or even a whole coconut are great staples in a ketogenic diet!
    Hopefully your second semester is more informative.

  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    As for the digestive problems. I have none other than having to take magnesium to go to the loo.

    Hehe... maybe focus of some fiber in your diet. Eggs, cheese, butter= no fiber. Diet rich in vegetables = high fiber = non-stained loo visits :smile: I watch my fiber intake in my food diary (I have been really bad logging lately). Fiber is something I have to pay attention to or I also have issues.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    *"non-strained"* is what I meant to write.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    a huge fan of Dr. Mercola (

    Translation: we can safely ignore anything you have to say.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member