5:2 Fast Diet Anyone??

Hi there

Has anyone done to 5:2 Fast diet? If so, what are your thoughts and results to date?

Thank you


  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    Done it to get to my current weight. Stopped and maintained weight for about 3 months. Started it last week to lose about 10 lbs. I'll do a quick rundown of how I structure my week and then give my opinions on it.

    Monday: Fast from dinner the night before around 6-7 until 6pm. Light cardio for 20-60 min depending on what it is.
    Tuesday: Normal eating I consume around 2000 calories all what I consider healthy foods. Lift weights at the gym for about 45-60 minutes.
    Wednesday: Repeat Monday
    Thurs: Repeat Tuesday
    Friday: Slightly higher Cals then Tuesday and Thursday Usually because of a drink or two. but only 30-60 minutes of cardio. No Weights
    Saturday: Play Golf and go to the gym and lift. I eat the same as the for breakfast and lunch as tuesday and Thursday but will indulge in a cheat meal of over 1000 calories. Total cals will hit over 3000 this day.
    Sunday: Rest day and maybe a second day of 18 holes. Eat the same as Tuesday and Thursday.

    With the fasting it comes to an average of 1750 calories a day consumed. Obviously it works out to a lot less than that if you include exercise. Adjust your regular day calories to suit your needs.

    Personally I really like this way of eating when trying to lose or maintain weight, when maintaining I will drop change to a 6:1 fast. It gives you a little cushion if you don't quite measure your foods right and allows that nice cheat meal somewhere in the middle of the week if you want it.

    There are some downsides though. Even though its my second time doing it I still get headaches occasionally. They aren't terrible but they are noticeable. It only happens on fast days, and they keep happening for about 2 weeks. Then there is the obvious that you are going to get hungry. Its 2:30pm right now and I could definitely eat. its just a mind over matter thing, also it is easier if I am not stuck in the office all day. Distractions help big time. Also I drink way more water than normal, and chew gum on fast days as well.

    Over all though I prefer this to any other way of dieting. I still count calories and watch what I eat but normally if I have a cookie or something I don't feel as bad. Well Normally that is. I put myself on a deadline this time so no missteps for about 2 months.

    Sorry for the wall of text but I hope it helps.

    TL:DR: I like this way of eating a lot and recommend trying it.
  • scifi81
    scifi81 Posts: 31 Member
    oh thank you for that!! That really helps!

    I have bought the book to read, I am fascinated by all the scientific theory behind the diet!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Hi Emma,
    There's two groups on here for 5:2'ers.... (the second one is a bit quiet though)



    The website is a good resource as well thefastdiet.co.uk/

    I've been doing it since August 2012 and love it. Lost the weight I carried around for 20 years with 5:2 and maintaining happily and successfully on 6:1.
    Glad you are doing your research - I do advise people to either do it properly or not at all. :smiley:

    Like all styles of eating it certainly doesn't suit everyone.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    A lot of Mosley's conclusions are based on Varady's research. Her book is on sale for $2.99 (kindle version) this month. It's usually $12.99. You can read it in a browser if you don't have an ereader.
  • scifi81
    scifi81 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you sijomial and WalkingAlong.

    sijomial - How much weight on average do you lose a week?

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    scifi81 wrote: »
    Thank you sijomial and WalkingAlong.

    sijomial - How much weight on average do you lose a week?

    None because I'm maintaining!
    When I was losing weight I kept my overall deficit low so a pound a week loss was normal. I later nibbled a few extra pounds off in a series of steps but kept my rate of loss to about half a pound a week. Retaining lean mass is very important to me - it's easier to keep it than rebuild it when you are in your 50's.
    Beware your weight does fluctuate wildly when you are doing this form of IF so harder to see the trend.
  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    scifi81 wrote: »
    Thank you sijomial and WalkingAlong.

    sijomial - How much weight on average do you lose a week?

    Beware your weight does fluctuate wildly when you are doing this form of IF so harder to see the trend.

    This is true. If you have the willpower I would recommend weighing yourself once a week on the same day.

  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Or weigh daily but use something like Trendweight.
  • TimElwis
    5:2 is actually really cool. I lost a good 60lbs with it. My last 60lbs too!

    I planned it out as being mon-fri 1600-2000 calories then I'd fast for the weekend. Then I started going out more so I changed it to Monday if I've got no plans and Wednesday.. If i'm busy one of those days I push it back. If I manage to push it all the way back to the weekend. I just wouldn't go out. Good way to save money as I was drinking with work friends way to often.

    I was losing around 1-2lbs per week at the start then for the last 30 about 1lbs.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    It sounds interesting. Has anyone out there tried it while in nutritional ketosis.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Ketosis just makes the fast days easier.
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    this is my second week into 5:2 and i've lost 3 pounds so far. i absolutely love it; i believe it has enabled me to feel fuller sooner and longer on my regular eating days. however if your goal is to lose weight, i recommend keeping track of your calories on non-fast days at first to be on the safe side. people sort of take "eat regularly" at face value, when it should not mean eat until you hate yourself (or how you gained weight in the first place). and then you step on the scale with no progress to show for and then give up. so word of advice: use common sense on the regular days lol

    good luck and welcome to the club!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Ketosis just makes the fast days easier.


    That would make sense now that my cravings are very very low when in nutritional ketosis.

  • scifi81
    scifi81 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. I am feeling really motivated :-)
  • lizzyhood
    lizzyhood Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm going to do the 5 2 diet!!

    To be honest I'm not sure why I stopped before (my 2nd time round). The weight loss was evident each week and it felt like I was only making a real effort to lose on the fast days. The rest of the time I just felt like I was living! For a diet, that's incredibly freeing!!

    Hey ho! I have over four stone to lose and would like to do the majority of it this year.

  • mon11uk
    mon11uk Posts: 1 Member
    Today's my Day 1 of the 5:2 diet, second time around. Trying to find the will power to stick to it this time by making up future imaginary wedding anniversary trips to the Bahamas in April :smile: . Perhaps the image of a perfect bikini bod imprinted in my brain is the key. Good luck to everyone who's also trying it, and I'll keep checking in, hopefully with progress!