Your experience with birth control and weight loss



  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    Hi there :smile: I was off and on Ortho Tricyclen-Lo from the ages of 15 to 27 (I just turned 28 this year). Moments in between, I had the Mirena IUD for about 2.5 years, and for the past year have been on an OT-Lo generic called "Trinessa".

    Neither of these three birth control options caused me to balloon up or made it hard for me to gain weight. I was born and raised in the U.S., and my heritage is almost 100% Latina-American (a small % of my background is German).

    Hope this help! <3
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    The pills I'm on help with some other issues immensely, but they did cause me to gain some weight. Only about 10-15 pounds. I look at it like a challenge...I have to work this much harder to reach my goals...but it doesn't hinder my weight loss at all.
  • jessakittyis
    jessakittyis Posts: 159 Member
    I used to take Ortho Tri Cyclen when I was in my earlier 20's for a few years and then stopped because I was very unhappy with it. It made me gain major major weight and killed my sex drive. I have very irregular periods and so I really felt like I needed to get back on some form of BC to at least regulate my cycle. When I went back to the Dr to get a new prescription I told the nurse that I literally gained 20lb in the first month of taking Ortho the pevious time and she didn't believe me so when I came back for a check up and gained about 15lb I wasn't surprised. My Dr recommended I try a pill brand called Chateal which I've been on for about a year now and I love love love it. I don't have any nasty side effects like crazy mood swings and I do get my period once a month but its very light which is great. I've also consistently been losing weight since I started taking it. I know results will vary because everyone is different but I would recommend trying it if your Dr agrees.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I've never had a problem with BC being the source of any weight issues I've had. It's always boiled down to what I put in my mouth. As far as the IUD I did have girlfriend who was told that because she had never had children it did not work for her. She had a really painful time with it and finally had it removed. I've had Implanon for the last three years with no issues.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I tried Mirena, less than a week later had to have emergency surgery to have it removed as it had perforated and was waaaay over on my right side causing a lot of pain. A lot of my friends have either Mirena or Paragaurd (non-hormonal IUD) and they love it. I was just the lucky one.

    Now I'm on Errin (mini-pill). Estrogen pills made me emotional and hungry, so I opted for the progestin only pill. It's not as effective as the estrogen pills, you have to take them at the same time every day. I have lost 25 pounds on it though, so I'm not too excited to change right now.

    I am considering the nuva ring now though, after reading these posts. IUD's are out for me, but I'm worried about msising a pill!
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I've been on the pill (Minastrin) for 2.5 years and I haven't had any problems with weight that I've noticed. I've lost almost all my weight while on it. With the exception of having to take it everyday at the same time, I love it. I used to have crazy, horrible periods. The pill evened everything all out. The periods I have now (if I have them) are cake compared to what they used to be. I'll eventually switch to another method because I'm forgetful. :)
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi there. I have taken various forms of birth control over the years. I started on the Nuva Ring ~13 years ago and I had no side effects. I knew about it while it was only available overseas and as soon as it became available here I asked my doctor about it. I absolutely LOVE it. This helped alleviate the heavy bleeding and severe cramps I would get during my period. Now I only get mild cramps and mild bleeding. :blush: I did stop the Nuva Ring 2 years ago to try for a baby. I had a healthy baby in April and resumed the Nuva Ring 4 months later, still with no side effects. I love this product so much I recommended it to family and friends. It does take some getting use to but once you have the hang of it, I think it is great. Definitely discuss with your doctor and I wish you the best!
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Skyla IUD has been studied for women who have not given birth. It is slightly, really slightly smaller than Mirena, but the study is what is important. Seems to debunk that business about not using IUDs in childless women.

    Also, if you are sensitive to the hormones, there is the copper IUD, ParaGard.

    I've personally had a terrible time with hormone based birth control, but don't have to worry about it anymore, thank goodness, so good luck to those of you that do in finding what works best. I hope you find it right away.