Portion Sizes...who does this?



  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I typially dont eat anything without measuring it, whether it be by scale or by measuring cups! They are my best friend lol!!!
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    I take ALOT of guff from my BF about this...but i portion EVERYTHING now. I don't yet own a food scale...so for some things I have to eyeball it..or cut it down (for example meat i purchase and look at the total weight and then I divide it up into sections to get an idea of what i'm REALLY eating.) But my cup measures and measuring spoons are definitely getting their exercise in. Although with my favorite/everday food (like my morning coffee) i'm learning what my typical portion looks like so It's getting easier.
  • jujecarp
    jujecarp Posts: 7 Member
    I use my scale for anything that requires a one ounce serving. I actually had 6 sets of measuring cups and my son told me that I had to get rid of some. He said NO ONE has that many measuring cups. I got rid of 2 sets that were old and I couldnt read the numbers on them anymore and then I went out and bought a new set that I can put in my purse. The cups flatten out so they are easier to take with me!!!!! If you dont measure how can you count calories???
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    I use my measuring cups and scale for everything! the only things I ever cheat on are veggies when I'm not close to my calorie goal. otherwise, everything is weighed and measured. It is amazing how big of a difference it makes!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    I weigh or measure EVERYTHING!
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I don't have a scale but I do measure what ever i can fit into a measuring cup or spoon.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    My DH and I both measure out count out our food. We do not have a digital scale but we do have a regular kitchen scale that we use to weigh our meats. You have to keep portion sizes in mind because that is what got most of us here. I know that is what got myself and my DH here.
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    I do! I weigh my food using our kitchen scale, and I measure everything out. No guesstimating that 1/4 cup of dry oats is what I think it is--I measure it every morning. If my salad is supposed to have 5 oz of chicken, I make sure it has exactly that.

    Now that said, for certain things I am a bit more lax. For example, I don't weigh baby carrots or measure lettuce in measuring cups. Those are not the things that are causing me to hold onto weight. 2 oz vs 3 oz of carrots is not where my problems lie. However, I can easily eat 2 cups of granola or trail mix if I just eyeball it, so I make sure with things like that are measured precisely.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Who makes sure they are trying to portion size their food so when it says 1/2 cup it is truly 1/2 cup? Who owns a digital kitchen scale to weight their food in ounces or grams?
    I am asking because when I started seriously doing this about a month ago and making sure I wasn't guesstimating it has truly been making a difference in my measurements and my scale weight. I think that being more conscience will cause weight gain not to just creep up on me ever aga in.
    Let me know!

    I do! I do! In fact, my hubby tried to grab one of my almonds out of my pre-weighed serving and I smacked his hand. :laugh: I did have to explain that I weigh and measure EVERYTHING. If he wants some, he needs to go get his own! :wink:

    LMAO!!!! I just did this to my hubby too when he decided he wanted some of my nuts!
  • I am a bit obsessive about weighing all my food. I actually need to replace the battery in my digital scale now!
  • I have just started doing this and have become compulsive about it, my boyfriend laughs at me when I count out the 10 M&Ms I allow myself to have, but I am really starting to see a difference :)
  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    I just bought one and I'm in LOVE. I got this sexy little stainless model http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000U65G4Y and it's been fabulous. I love the tare button. I put my cereal bowl on the scale, hit tare to return it to zero. Add 28g of cereal, tare it out. Add a serving of nuts, tare it out. Add fruit, tare it out. milk. Done. And, just the bowl to wash. Two of my friends have the ones that do all of the nutritional info, but I opted for the simplified version as I use the database on here when I'm journaling my diary. I do not need more buttons to figure out how to push, KWIM? Simple = good = I'll use it consistently :wink:
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I do! I weigh my food using our kitchen scale, and I measure everything out. No guesstimating that 1/4 cup of dry oats is what I think it is--I measure it every morning. If my salad is supposed to have 5 oz of chicken, I make sure it has exactly that.

    Now that said, for certain things I am a bit more lax. For example, I don't weigh baby carrots or measure lettuce in measuring cups. Those are not the things that are causing me to hold onto weight. 2 oz vs 3 oz of carrots is not where my problems lie. However, I can easily eat 2 cups of granola or trail mix if I just eyeball it, so I make sure with things like that are measured precisely.

    Exactly....I do it like you with the oats and meat. Lettuce and spinach I can eyeball. ;-)
  • Angelpecan
    Angelpecan Posts: 16 Member
    :love: I LOVEEEEEE my scale!!!!!! What would I do without it??!!!! :love:
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    I am a bit obsessive about weighing all my food. I actually need to replace the battery in my digital scale now!

    Well you keep showing us how it's done and stay obsessive cause it's working for you baby, 75 pounds lost....You go girl!
  • Angelpecan
    Angelpecan Posts: 16 Member
    Who makes sure they are trying to portion size their food so when it says 1/2 cup it is truly 1/2 cup? Who owns a digital kitchen scale to weight their food in ounces or grams?
    I am asking because when I started seriously doing this about a month ago and making sure I wasn't guesstimating it has truly been making a difference in my measurements and my scale weight. I think that being more conscience will cause weight gain not to just creep up on me ever aga in.
    Let me know!

    I do! I do! In fact, my hubby tried to grab one of my almonds out of my pre-weighed serving and I smacked his hand. :laugh: I did have to explain that I weigh and measure EVERYTHING. If he wants some, he needs to go get his own! :wink:

    HAHA!!! OMG!!! TS65 I do the SAME thing!! My hubby now knows not to touch my preweighed snacks!! ha ha
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I own a scale for my food and measure away my portions not to guess it. however with time, some things I do eyeball it when it's things I eat or drink often... Good girl doing it that way :) It's a fast thing to do and as you put it, it helps a great deal to be in control and helps
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I measure for EVERY meal, EVERY snack... EVERYTHING. I use my scale for solid foods and measuring cups for my liquids. It really does make a difference and teaches true portion sizes. Everything around us is SUPERSIZED and we've become accustomed to those sizes as normal servings.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Yup that's me. I weigh and measure everything. My digital scale truly showed me that I was overdoing it even with measuring cups. So I weigh a good portion of my food and use measuring cups for the other stuff but it made a huge difference because sometimes you can't just eye ball portions. Our eyes are bigger than our stomach sometimes and that is what got some of us here in the first place.
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    I dont yet, I intend to, how do you know what is the correct portion size? or amount? you are aiming for? Also English people where can I buy measuring cups from? Never seen those before? thanks
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