Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)

So this is a thread for the Round 2 Fit n' Trim Challenge - Team Fat Fighters to support each other. Since the other group already setup their own thread, I thought I'd setup one for us. Here's a list of our team members:


(List may change - Kim may re-arrange the groups if they're super uneven or if anyone misses the first weigh-in)

It'd be cool if we could introduce ourselves, discuss strategy, goals, etc. Whatever people feel like discussing. Tomorrow's our initial weigh-in - should be exciting! :bigsmile:


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just bumping for updates...not creeping:bigsmile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Woo hoo!! This would be me! Here's to hoping I don't drag you guys down. Of course, I may save some of you by being eliminated before you. :laugh:

    Uh, should I introduce myself?

    As of yesterday morning I was 147, which is up a few pounds from where I've consistently been so it should be good for weigh in. :smile: My problem will be when I get back to 144 and can't go farther...

    I have some plans in the works - like eating more fruits and veggies and buying a treadmill. So hoping it will help me get down more and keep me around here longer.

    Ooooh, here's something that will help me tremendously...no fast food!! Starting tomorrow I will not get fast food for lunch, and if we get pizza for dinner - I'll order a salad. I've also been bad about drinking too much pop lately so I'll stear clear from that now. I've been horrible - which accounts for my increased weight.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    bump...for later alligators!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'll go ahead and introduce myself, too. I'm Trenton (Trent, for short) - I'm 5' 3.5" and as of this morning I was 182.5, but we'll have to see what it's at tomorrow when I weigh-in "officially". I'm a long-time MFP user... was really successful at first, then did a lot of ups and downs over 2010 and the first few months of 2011. Overall I'm about 45 pounds down (started MFP at 227) but reset my ticker recently to give myself a "fresh" start. I need to keep going down, so I can't remain too satisfied with my loss so far.

    I love eating healthy - I love most vegetables and trying out healthy versions of foods. One of my favorite "healthy version" treats is black bean brownies... yummm! As long as I remain aware of my goals and remember how good eating healthy makes me feel, it's not too much of a struggle. However, I have a tendency to binge and to fall off the wagon and just say "screw it" even when I know what I'm eating (or the amount I'm eating) will make me feel like crap. I'm hoping this challenge will help keep me on track.

    In terms of exercise, I am working out a structured routine - six days a week with 3 days cardio (running is my cardio of choice), 2 days strength training and one day HIIT & strength straining.
  • mindy71183
    mindy71183 Posts: 74
    Hi! My name is Mindy, I live in the little state of Delaware. I currently around 184 pounds, I'll find out for sure tomorrow at weigh in. I have lost around 14 pounds since I joined MFP in March. For the challenge I plan on sticking to my calorie goal, try not to over indulge in alcohol (mainly wine) and drink tons of water!!! I also plan on stepping up my exercising by working out twice a day, doing the 30 Day Shred and either my Body Burn classes at the gym or starting the Couch to 5k Work out.

    I look forward to getting everyone and Go Fat Fighters!!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi! My name is Mindy, I live in the little state of Delaware. I currently around 184 pounds, I'll find out for sure tomorrow at weigh in. I have lost around 14 pounds since I joined MFP in March. For the challenge I plan on sticking to my calorie goal, try not to over indulge in alcohol (mainly wine) and drink tons of water!!! I also plan on stepping up my exercising by working out twice a day, doing the 30 Day Shred and either my Body Burn classes at the gym or starting the Couch to 5k Work out.

    I look forward to getting everyone and Go Fat Fighters!!!

    I highly recommend the C25K program! Have you started it yet? I did it last summer and have found that running really helps with my weight loss. Great for burning calories and improving cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Mindy - if I get a treadmill we can start the c25k together. I've been motivated to try a couple times, but I just can't do it. I can do it in my living room though. I'm thinking of getting one tonight - its used, but not sure. Anyway - just thought I'd throw that out there.

    Oh, I live in MI. I have 3.5 year old twin girls who stay home with their dad all day so that adds into my not wanting to leave to run or whatever after I get home from work.

    Hmmm, what else - I'm 31 and am 5'3". I never had an issue with weight until I had kids. I was about 184 when I had them, got back down to my pre-prego weight initially, then went back up. I think I was about 165 before I joined here - can't remember and I've altered my weight a couple times because of scales. Anyway, I know where I am now so it is what it is.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Kasi, I live in Salem Oregon. I have 4 kids and an awesome husband and am employed as a bartender. I'm fairly new to MFP but I love it... It really helps to keep me focused. This game sounds like a freakin' awesome opportunity for me to step up my weight loss! I love a good competion! I currently weigh 168 lbs and am only 5'2 so I have about 38 lbs to to go before I'm at a healthy weight. Personally I would be happy at 140ish but either way i've got a ways to go. I do really well with my food calories, i usually come in under until i add in my drinks:drinker: I'm gonna have to start putting a strict limit to that. Also, i've been slackin' big time at exercise. I think this game is gonna be a big motivater to get goin' on the workouts:smile: I'm super excited to get to know everyone and glad to be part of you team.... Cheers!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hi, I am Debbie and live in a suburb of Ft Lauderdale. Married with one grown daughter and one grandson. I started MFP at 190 last year and lost 8 pounds and then gained back 4. :wink: I am hoping this challenge will give me some motivation to get moving and start eating better. I am 5'4" and currently @ 186, we'll know for sure tomorrow!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I "know" about half our team already, but for those who've introduced yourselves that I don't know (Debbie & Kasi) - Hi!! Nice to "meet" you. :smile:

    Wow - how lucky am I... I think I'm the only guy in this challenge... :laugh:

    Debbie - How funny that you're from Ft. Lauderdale... I'm looking to be spending about 10 days down there in November. Never been to Florida before.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    will post when i get off of work!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    If anyone's curious, I decided to create a motivating exercise schedule, print it out and post it up in my house each week. Here's a thread with an example: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/232151-motivating-weekly-exercise-schedule

    Hoping having the plan with the motivating pictures, and having it up as a reminder will keep me moving!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Wow that is pretty good, I need something like that. I am just starting out though so there won't be any running. :laugh:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Finally home from work. :)

    I'm Erin and I live in Appleton Wisconsin. I am currently 5'4" and 184 lbs. I've been a member of MFP since I think January and I've lost 10 lbs since then. I'm married and have a little boy that's 2 years old.
    I admit that I struggle with eating healthy, but I've decided that I need to do something about my weight. My goal is to get back to my pre-marriage weight of 130. I am considered a prediabetic and I don't want that to move to a full diabetic.
    I'm a gamer, painter, writer and a car nut.
    I'm hoping that this challenge helps keep my motivation levels up and I continue working out everyday. I do a couple of different workouts using my Kinect.
    It's great to meet you all!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Pre-marriage weight... I want that too!!!! That's been a huge part of me wanting to loose weight. I have only been married about 18 months and have gained 20lb. I don't wanna be that girl!!
    Finally home from work. :)

    I'm Erin and I live in Appleton Wisconsin. I am currently 5'4" and 184 lbs. I've been a member of MFP since I think January and I've lost 10 lbs since then. I'm married and have a little boy that's 2 years old.
    I admit that I struggle with eating healthy, but I've decided that I need to do something about my weight. My goal is to get back to my pre-marriage weight of 130. I am considered a prediabetic and I don't want that to move to a full diabetic.
    I'm a gamer, painter, writer and a car nut.
    I'm hoping that this challenge helps keep my motivation levels up and I continue working out everyday. I do a couple of different workouts using my Kinect.
    It's great to meet you all!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Ok...finally sitting down for the first time all day - whew!
    My name is Maria ~ I am from Minnesota. I am also 5 ft 4 and at 175ish. Tomorrow I have a feeling I will be up - I have been way too high on sodium the last two days. This is ok, so I can show a better loss for next week, right? LOL. (I'm telling myself this to make myself feel better). When I started on MFP in January I was 194. My highest however was 230ish and I have lost quite a bit on my own before joining. I'm hoping to be 145 by end of summer. I have never been under 170 before (as I can ever recall) so every single weigh in is exciting for me because it's all a new adventure. I am going to start P90X as soon as I hit 159 - it will be my reward. So I'm even more excited to keep losing and very motivated. Plus, I'm liking all the compliments - LOL!! I run for exercise but also enjoy my new exercise ball and elliptical machine, and I love to watercolor paint on canvas...haven't done one in a couple years - too busy - but it's one of my passions.
    Hmm....what else...I have been married for 13 years in June, have 3 great kids who keep me busy, do home daycare 50 hours a week (I gave my notice last week and my last day is May 27th) and will be going back to school full time in the fall for Physical Therapist Asst. Excited!!! I cannot wait to take the summer off - I have worked since the age of 15 and it's time for a much deserved break.
    Oh, and I love to smack talk against my teammates on here for fun and games - love sarcasm. This is a fun challenge since I'm in the top 4 with Kim's first round. Feels great to be in it this long!!! :smokin:

    That's it!! Excited to meet you all - feel free to friend request me if you want.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Nice to 'meet' those of you who I don't already know. Looking forward to getting to know you and to the competition.

    Irish - do people call you that or do they call you Maria? - anyway - I'm up today too. Too much sodium and horrible eating lately. But, it is good for the challenge I suppose.

    Don't foget to post your weights in the other thread if you haven't already. I haven't yet, but I have my pic...still need that full body pic though. Maybe I can get hubby to take it later.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Maria, way to go on your weight loss so far and cool that you were in the top 4 for the first round. I am hoping the weigh in requirement each week will get me motivated to starte eating better and moving more. Eating my healthy lunch right now and off to search for some dinner ideas. Who's making what tonight? :bigsmile:

    Oh, DH made sausage and peppers last night and I was up 1.5 pounds from yesterday! I hated to see that number but hopefully it is all water and will be gone next week.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Its hard to say what's for dinner tonight. We can do eggs, leftover homemade chicken noodle soup, or go out. We need to go to the store. I think I'm making chicken enchiladas for tomorrow though. :smile:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I think being up in weight today is a good thing for a lot of us because it will look that much better next week for our first weigh in. :)

    Shamrock - you can call me either Irish or Maria - either works fine - LOL. Now that I'm in my 30's I have decided anyone can call me anything they want (I used to get irritated by "Marie" or "Mariah" in my 20's). As long as it's a nice name, I don't care what it is!! HAHA.

    I have no clue what supper will be tonight. Going to the grocery store after my eye apt later this afternoon so it will be a very quick and easy thing since I won't get home until 7ish and I will have hungry kids at home!! Maybe even KFC to take home (GULP)...only time will tell muahahahaha (evil laugh).