Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Sounds awesome Trent! 8.5 miles... wow! I couldn't even imagine... How long does that take?

    I usually have a little of everything at the bbq's but if i'm gonna drink, I don't wanna go overboard. Love the veggies though so I'll pile those on my plate:tongue:

    Girls... where ya at? Probably work huh.. Duh! I forget most people don't have the luxury of sitting on their laptops during work. I wish I had something else to do but bartending dayshift on weekdays in a corner bar really doesn't make for much activity:wink:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Sounds awesome Trent! 8.5 miles... wow! I couldn't even imagine... How long does that take?

    I usually have a little of everything at the bbq's but if i'm gonna drink, I don't wanna go overboard. Love the veggies though so I'll pile those on my plate:tongue:

    Girls... where ya at? Probably work huh.. Duh! I forget most people don't have the luxury of sitting on their laptops during work. I wish I had something else to do but bartending dayshift on weekdays in a corner bar really doesn't make for much activity:wink:

    My last long run was 8.25 miles and that took me an hour and 25 minutes. I'm hoping to run the 8.5 miles in about that time (so, running slightly faster).
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Good luck with beating your time today Trent! I just completed my goal of burning 500 calories before the bbq, I'm excited!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    How'd everyone do this weekend? April - how'd the BBQ go?

    Overall I had an okay weekend - great workouts on Fri & Sat. I didn't workout today (was really tired!) and ate too much, but I had about 600-1000 calories left yesterday (couldn't eat back all the calories I earned from my run) so I figured it balances out.

    Unfortunately I seem to have injured my foot, which does not bode well for my running plans - wrote a blog about it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/accountant_boi/view/running-too-much-too-fast-115855

    Am going to go without running this week, so it looks like it's back to daily gym visits for me, for now... I'll be doing lots of rowing and elliptical work. (Stair stepping might aggravate my foot too much.)
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 643 Member
    Sorry I haven't said much lately.

    April I am feeling a bit better stomach wise.
    I was outside in the rain all day Sunday working on my husbands car. Felt awful this morning. Ugh. Could definately tell I had been in the cold and wet for eight hours. :P
    I'm going to try and work out tonight but it won't be till late if it happens.
    I am still losing. Just doubt I'll be in the 160's by Weds.
    I was 171 on Sat then 172.8 this morning... sooo fluxuating, but we did have Little Caesers Sun night sooooo that was bad.

    Good luck to everyone. I betting that Trent will hit the 160's first. :) *crosses fingers* Good luck!

    Miss you Debbie!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Good luck to everyone. I betting that Trent will hit the 160's first. :) *crosses fingers* Good luck!

    Miss you Debbie!

    Ahh, thanks. Miss you all too. Except I'm still here. :bigsmile: The new team is great, don't get me wrong (hi Kim) but you all are who I started with yada yada. Don't worry about me being the one to break into the 160's this week, remember I just got to the 170's! Glad to hear everybody is feeling better and pumped up and motivated. I DID NOT want to go to the 'mill today but I did.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Erin - sounds like you're still not quite 100%. Hope this week turns out to be much better than last week for you!

    I really don't want to go to the gym - I'd rather go out running, but I can't run this week. :grumble: So I downloaded an audio book from our library and am going to listen to that while I do an elliptical workout.

    Hi Debbie!!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 643 Member
    Erin - sounds like you're still not quite 100%. Hope this week turns out to be much better than last week for you!

    Thanks Trent! The rain and the cold on Sunday really destroyed me, but I'm fighting it... or trying rather.

    I'm going to desperately try to get back into my routine this week. Hopefully no more setbacks.

    Am feeling dizzy today. Seems to be happening in spurts. My sugar meter scared me earlier cause it read 48 and after I retook it read 103 which was better. I wish my test strips weren't expired because I'm not sure they're even reading right. Somethings gotta give soon with my husband and a job. I'm getting really tired of this no money parade.
    Alright I'm done complaining. I'm GOING to workout now.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'm back!! So, the BBQ went well...my husband bought me a shot of whiskey though but I did awesome with my food choices THEN we decided to go to the beach. I'm pretty sure I stayed under calories on Saturday but Sunday was rediculous! We had alot of whiskey and i'm not too certain what all I ate... I know I had a piece of pizza for lunch, a salad for dinner, and a cheeseburger for a late night snack:embarassed: :sad: I did a TON of walking though and swam laps in the motel pool on Monday morning. Not sure what the scale will look like tomorrow.

    So Trent, Did you hurt yourself during you 8.5 mile jog? That really sucks... I hope it heals quickly. My husband blew out his knee a couple weeks ago... Hurt legs/knees/feet really makes life hard when your an active person:frown:

    Eva, Sorry to hear bout your icky rainy Sunday! Darn Pizza .. I had a couple pieces over the weekend. It's always the left-overs that get me! I always order a salad when the fam gets pizza and it doesn't bother me but then the next day that damn pizza calls to me:grumble:

    No word from Heather huh? Hope everything is going good for her.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Erin, Looks like you might be the 'biggest' loser this week....Whoo Hoo, Great work!

    Heather, Still hope all is going well for you.... be proud of your loss, I know you have a lot going on.

    Trent, No worries... you've helped all us through our low weeks, now we got you.

    It doesn't look like will have to say goodbye to anyone this week (if I'm doing my math right). Muscle Busters had a tough week and a bunch of their team members gain. We just have to regroup and work together to pull bigger numbers next week cause MB's are gonna come back fighting after this loss.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Erin, Looks like you might be the 'biggest' loser this week....Whoo Hoo, Great work!

    Heather, Still hope all is going well for you.... be proud of your loss, I know you have a lot going on.

    Trent, No worries... you've helped all us through our low weeks, now we got you.

    It doesn't look like will have to say goodbye to anyone this week (if I'm doing my math right). Muscle Busters had a tough week and a bunch of their team members gain. We just have to regroup and work together to pull bigger numbers next week cause MB's are gonna come back fighting after this loss.

    Hope you're right! (Haven't taken the time to do the calculations myself.)

    I've noticed that my exercise/food/nutrition efforts have been a bit bi-polar over the last few months... I'll have a week or two (or sometimes even only a couple days) that are really good and I feel great, and then a week or two (or a few days) that are really bad. Back and forth. I need to figure out how to even things out and quit bouncing between extremes. I really want to average a pound a week for the rest of the year if I can - I'm not asking for anything unreasonable, I don't think... I feel great when I'm on track and when I'm not binging and when I'm exercising regularly, so I don't understand why it's so hard for me to stay there.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 643 Member
    Erin, Looks like you might be the 'biggest' loser this week....Whoo Hoo, Great work!

    Heather, Still hope all is going well for you.... be proud of your loss, I know you have a lot going on.

    Trent, No worries... you've helped all us through our low weeks, now we got you.

    It doesn't look like will have to say goodbye to anyone this week (if I'm doing my math right). Muscle Busters had a tough week and a bunch of their team members gain. We just have to regroup and work together to pull bigger numbers next week cause MB's are gonna come back fighting after this loss.

    Yay me! lol
    I'm getting really tired of eating so little, but the fact that we have no money to buy food means I can't eat out which is a good thing.
    Hopefully I'll hit the 160's next week. That would be awesome!

    you'll find a way. I know for me a lot of it is about the mindset. I keep telling myself that I have to continue and this isn't a diet... isn't temporary that it's a life change and something I will continue on with even when I loss the weight. I don't have a high metabolism so I have to keep up with it unless I want to regress.
    Stress doesn't help either. It makes us want to quit. I don't know if your work stresses you out at all.
    All I know is you can do it. I have no doubt that once you find your mindset that you will achieve it.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    You know what's cool? The winner this week gets a .5 lb advantage AND gets to give someone a .5 lb advantage. So Erin as the biggest loser gets 1/2 pound and gives the other to Trent and you both get into the 160's next week means you BOTH would get another .25 advantage!!! Not that I would want you to do that or anything. :laugh: That should give you some motivation for the week.

    Hope I don't regret my words.... Nah, I'm feeling really motivated. Just one person at work has noticed a difference. I am on vacation the week of July 4th and I want to come back in the 160's and really pop a few eyes. So I need to lose .3 pounds a day for the next 18 days. Just have to focus focus focus.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Great plan Debbie! Love it! I REALLY wanted our team to get that advantage this week cause I knew it would give us a whole pound advantage but I didn't think about the extra .5 if they both reach the 160's... That's awesome.

    You did really good this week Debbie and you seam to be pretty consistant... I think your goal sounds very reasonable. I'm with ya on wanted to pop some eyes. No one has really noticed my loss this far. I coulda cause a wreck yesterday in front of my house though yesterday. Some guy slowed down to check me out and honked and waved at me almost rear-ending the car in front of him. Kinda made me feel good:laugh: :tongue:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 643 Member
    I totally dig debbie's idea. :)
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I totally dig debbie's idea. :)

    Debbie is brilliant!!!!

    Trent - so happy you are still in the game - good for you. And quit the bipolar dieting...lol....cause I do that and it's not good!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. :smile: I totally lucked out that things happened the way they did this week and I didn't get eliminated. Can't say I would mind a half pound advantage this week... lol. A would pound advantage for our team would be awesome.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    So, we have a whole pound advantage this week! We could bring Irishgal back too if someone on our team wins next weeks challenge... this game is freakin' awesome! I hope Kim does another one and another one until I reach my ideal weight... Not sure I could do it without the challenge:wink:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hmmmm but we would have to put her on the other team... Darn it. That's gonna be a tough one cause if we bring someone to our team we would lose someone we already have. We'd have to take out their biggest threat and put Irish back in the game on their team... my wheels are turning!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Hmmmm but we would have to put her on the other team... Darn it. That's gonna be a tough one cause if we bring someone to our team we would lose someone we already have. We'd have to take out their biggest threat and put Irish back in the game on their team... my wheels are turning!

    I love the turning wheels....whatever you guys decide, I'm game - and I'll respect and honor any decision - pretty easy going over here! LOL. I am doing well this week friends. So happy that the scale is finally in my favor. Helps that the 30 day shred is over. Went to Dairy Queen today and kids got blizzards and I got a small strawberry sundae - felt so awesome getting something way less in cals. Usually I go with that plan and order bad the last second. Whew!

    I love having my laptop back - I can chat again on here! Whoooot!
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