Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oh yeah, and everyone liked my dips too! Hummas seams to be a hit or miss... People either like it or they don't but the people that did said it was better than store bought! I was so very proud of myself :wink:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member

    AprilStar - what's your real name by the way? - I hope you got the kids good in the paintball game! Hope you chose wisely for getting drunk. :bigsmile:
    My name is Kasi. I did get the kids good and my husband too:wink:

    I pretty sure the only reason I got so drunk was cause I didn't eat enough food. I had half a bottle of vodka and maybe 2 shots of whiskey. Typically that shouldn't have phased me the way it did but i ate an early lunch and only had half a chicken breast and some veggies and dip for dinner. I was so mad at myself in the morning for getting so drunk but at least i didn't let it stop me from getting some exercise:smile:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member

    AprilStar - what's your real name by the way? - I hope you got the kids good in the paintball game! Hope you chose wisely for getting drunk. :bigsmile:
    My name is Kasi. I did get the kids good and my husband too:wink:

    I pretty sure the only reason I got so drunk was cause I didn't eat enough food. I had half a bottle of vodka and maybe 2 shots of whiskey. Typically that shouldn't have phased me the way it did but i ate an early lunch and only had half a chicken breast and some veggies and dip for dinner. I was so mad at myself in the morning for getting so drunk but at least i didn't let it stop me from getting some exercise:smile:

    Drinking is a bit evil. I had more then a few beers Saturday night, but it's also been a couple of weeks since I had any alcohol. Might not sound like a long time but my husband and I used to both drink quite a bit. I'm glad you didn't let it stop you from getting some exercise. :)
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I went crazzy with my workout and housecleaning on Friday. Was sore on Sat. but still worked out. I had more then a few beers Sat. night which I'm sure pushed me over my calories goal, but since I fell asleep on the couch... I never logged my dinner or the beers. Funny thing was that I weighed like 177.2 this morning which was a pound down. My husband, Jason, said it was probably from dehydration. lol

    I originally wasn't going to workout today because I was soooo sore from the last two days, but I just waited until the afternoon to do it, although it wasn't as vigorous as I would have liked. I stayed under my calories for the day, but I'm betting my sodium intake was more then it should have been because dinner was ramen. Meh.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member

    Here is a link to the first challenge...I weighed in at 169.4 this morning - very excited about this!!!! However, Connie and I have texted this morning and she did beat me. Darn it!! LOL!! I am happy for her - she has lost more than me and honestly I feel better with her winning - she did deserve it. YET I won as well - I beat the 170's finally. I cried when I read this scale this morning - who does that??? I do!! LOL!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    So happy for you for making it into the 160's! I read over there about your measurements too, wow!! I did not think to take my measurements when we started this round, must do that.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Oh, thank you so much. Yes, I did take measurements. WIsh I would have when I was in my 230s. I would love to know how many inches less I am from that weight!! Or maybe it would be depressing - LOL!!

    I'm on a high right now. It didn't really hit me until I measured. 160's are awesome - great feeling but for sorme reason, knowing the measurements along with it is way better. I highly recommend measuring to all of you and writing it all down if you haven't. Plus, when the scale does not move, I remeasure and see inches lost. It saves me from sabotaging myself with food (I'm an emotional eater).

    I almost sabataged myself this morning - was kinda down and just starved when I woke up. Got past that however and I'm on my way to a great day today. Whoooot!

    How are you all doing so far this week? I see those of you that posted this weekend had a nice one. I haven't had a drink in so long. Maybe a month or so? Not sure - but a beer sounds really nice - nice, tall beer with wings. I might have to have a cheat meal sometime after Wednesdays weigh in. I am done doing home daycare as of Friday. I have done it for 8 years and am taking the summer off to be with my 3 kids before going back to school full time end of August. So I will want to celebrate with my hubby. He has been so supportive and amazing and put up with 10 kids, 10 hours a day in our home for all these years. So a celebration wings and beer night with him is in the near future. :drinker:

    Wednesday will be here before we know it. With my almost 3 lb loss this week so far, I have a feeling I will be safe from Faith's disadvantage given to me. But I'm going ot keep on truckin it hard just in case my body fights against me for working so hard over the last week/weekend to get to the 160's.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member

    Here's a before picture of me at my heaviest weight Fat Fighter friends. :love: Love the nest looking thing on top of my head - gotta love weddings and having bad hairdos. LOL!!! :embarassed:

    My husband would barely put his arms around me. Take a look at those fat rolls. I was wearing one of those body suit things underneath to make me look slimmer and I remember thinking and feeling so slim that day. And on the way to the wedding, I remember going to McDonalds and eating a doulbe quarter pounder supersized with a coke. HA!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    You know you are more than 2/3 of the way to your goal? :happy: I agree, you do need a cheat day in there. After Wednesday.

    Thanks for posting the picture, I just love before and afters.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Love the "after Wednesday" add in - LOL!!

    Well, I'm pretty shocked. I just found out that I did win the first round actually. I thought for sure I lost this morning. Obviously I'm the one in the group that's not the accountant - LOL!! I'm very excited!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Eva, I think Beer and Liquor are both a bit more than evil! They are sneaky and misleading! They make you feel good for a few hours than like crap for a day or two... Not nice at all:wink:

    Irishgal, awesome work! Your before picture looks nothing like your profile picture, are you sure that was really you?:wink:

    So, I weighed myself this morning to see what the damages were from the weekend and guess what!? I maintained! I didn't gain nor lose not even an ounce! Very exciting :bigsmile:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    You've done so awesome Irish, I'm very happy for you hitting the 160's! It's absolutely awesome.
    Congrats to winning!!!!!!!!! *happy dance*

    April, I agree totally. I think I would rather have a drink for the taste then the effect. Hangovers suck. I was surprised at how well I did feel on Sunday, but it did take a lot of effort to actually work out.

    I maintained my weight this weekend... Maybe lost a little. I guess we'll see what I weigh on Wednesday. I kinda went all out today even though I was tired and sore.... and had an unpleasant day at work. I thought about running some idiot in a mustang off the road but I couldn't because I was in a company car. :(

    Before I forget... Great job April for maintaining. :) And Irish... it IS difficult to recognize that as you. :)
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    So glad you maintained from your weekend fun! Bet you will show a loss for Wednesday. :)

    I know...doesn't look too much like me. My kids laugh at that picture.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Maria - that's awesome you won, congrats!!!

    I'm onto week 2 of turbo fire. I took Sunday off as we biked around the city. I plan to surpass the rest day during the week unless I really need it, but its not too likely.

    I'm hoping I don't have a gain tomorrow. While I've been working out, I've also been eating, and not the greatest although not too bad. I did have taco bell yesterday. I'm going to try to eat light today, and not snack later tonight. I need to keep on this water thing too. I will do good for a bit then not, I need to just keep on it so today that is my plan.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    dang dang dang, I was down 2 pounds Monday but now back up a pound. Even worked out yesterday. Trying to figure out where I went wrong. Under calories too. Water maybe? Trent warned me about paying too much attention to that scale! :grumble:

    Hope all ya'll are doing good but I don't want to be the one sent to the other team. :sad:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I guess we are leaving tomorrow for our next camping trip. We have to leave early so we can find a good spot being that its memorial day weekend. I gonna drive back to town for work on Thursday though so I will check in then. This will be a major challenge for me, 5 days without a scale or MFP! I just have to plan on taking some serious walks/hikes and not munching on snack foods all day... I can do this!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I guess we are leaving tomorrow for our next camping trip. We have to leave early so we can find a good spot being that its memorial day weekend. I gonna drive back to town for work on Thursday though so I will check in then. This will be a major challenge for me, 5 days without a scale or MFP! I just have to plan on taking some serious walks/hikes and not munching on snack foods all day... I can do this!

    Goodl luck with the camping!! Did you clear the late check-in with Kim? If not, you might want to shoot her a message ASAP. I think normally if someone doesn't check-in by midnight of the check-in date, they get eliminated, unless it was a pre-approved late/non-check-in.

    Just thought I'd do a quick check in with you all. My eating really hasn't been that great this week, but it could've been worse. I have been exercising. I'm hoping if I drink lots of water today and make sure I behave with food tonight, the scale won't be too horrible tomorrow. I'm trying a new "weigh in once a week" thing, so I haven't stepped on the scale since last Thursday morning. I'm nervous.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I'm not leaving till I get off work tomorrow so I will weigh in as usual with everyone else. I might not get the results till Thursday though:grumble: That'll drive me nuts!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I'm not leaving till I get off work tomorrow so I will weigh in as usual with everyone else. I might not get the results till Thursday though:grumble: That'll drive me nuts!

    Ok, that does make sense. And, rereading what you wrote above - that is what you said. I took it the same way as Trent...funny how we read what we want to sometimes.

    I have a loss today...144.8. I can't remember where I was at last week - I have to go look - but I know it was above 145. Guess that's good for our team. I hope I don't get moved, but if I do then that means everyone did well enough that I'm still moved with a loss.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Trent!! You're going to make us wait all day???? :bigsmile: Hopefully you will be way down.

    Let's go Fat Fighters!