Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    That is SO sweet of your hubby. :D

    I had a good day - ate a greek yogurt - YUM for bfast. Ate big for lunch - brat, hamburger, chips...grilling out food. Then lemon bars for dessert- ate so much I wasn't hungry for supper until a while ago so I just ate another lemon bar - hahahaha. Still made it under cal goal and got a Shred video in, so I'm happy. Weighed myself yesterday and I'm up...a lot. I'm not going to freak out about it, and am just crossing my fingers that our team loses well this week, otherwise, I have a feeling I will be in the second chance group. I'm so grateful Kim created that group because at least I will keep on trying to lose if I do end up in it. Jeepers!!

    So why the gain? I emotionally ate this week. It's an issue...I practically didn't taste some of the crap I ate - it started with my body just begging for some extra cals, then heart tests and the stress from that and then I ended my job of 8 years on Friday. And of course, my daycare moms brought me treats, we had 2 birthdays to celebrate, and my hubby and I went on a date together and ate steak (with blue cheese on top - wow). It was all good but my tummy feels jiggly tonight and I started over today (yes, bad food choices, but still, I was under cals so I am happy with that!).

    Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend - looks like most of you did.

    Trenton - hope you're feeling better!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    uggg, I am up too. Holiday weekends may be a killer for me. Hope somebody went down this week or the Fat Fighters may lose a round. Noooooo! :laugh:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    That puts the count at 3- I'm up too :sick: I didn't eat that horribly- but it was the late night dinners and beer throughout the day I'm sure. Already have 24 oz of water down and went for a walk (first with the pup, she did really well!) and IT IS HOT! along with humid.

    I think I'm gonna try only having 2 oz of meat protein a day from now on... we'll see how that goes b/c lemme tell ya Maria- I want that steak!!! lol but I think i'll be for the best.

    Trent how goes it?

    Yay for hoolah hoops! We play on the wii fit and I dominate- but it does a number on my joints :frown:

    Got some errands today and hopefully piddlin in the front yard before the storms come! Have a great day!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm still alive! Feeling - eh - kind of better. Head is still a bit congested and I'm still coughing some, and the dark circles under my eyes make it look like I haven't slept in a few days (when in reality I slept more over Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon than I have in a LONG time). I decided not to participate in my run yesterday, which I think was the best decision given the circumstances. I'm a little disappointed, but there will be other races. :drinker:

    I peeked at the scale over the weekend and I was down on Saturday but back up on Sunday to my starting weight for the week... not sure if I'll really be down much tomorrow but I don't think I should be up any. Sounds like we have a tough fight this week - who knows, maybe the other team is struggling just as much! Is it mean to hope they are? :devil: :laugh:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    :smile: Hi Guys, I'm back! I had an awesome time camping this weekend. My little sister surprised us and showed up for a couple days which was really cool cause we rarely get to see her anymore cause she is always so busy:cry: We took all the kids (7 of them!) out fishing and they all caught pretty close to their limit. We ended up with over 50 fish in a 3 day span!

    I did pretty good with food choices... I ate alot of veggies with hummas (and trout:wink: ). I didn't get much exercise though, I took a few walks but not as long as I wanted. I caught a cold the first night there so I've been pretty sluggish. The scale says I'm up .4oz but I'm pretty sure it's water weight cause I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should have. My skin is even super dry! I'm on it today though (i'm just finishing 48oz) so hopefully I will have somewhat of a loss tomorrow:smile:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Yay for camping and family!! Hubs and I are planning an us only trip for the UP!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey all - here's hoping we can keep up our winning streak! :drinker: Might be tough this week. :ohwell:

    I'm not surprised that I stalled out and broke even this week. With the way the last two weeks have gone, I'm just happy I didn't gain!

    Time to break out the "let's get serious" attitude - I'm determined to get out of the 170s this month. I'd be thrilled if I could do it by the summer solstice, which is the 21st. (So for the weigh in on the 22nd.)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I'm with ya Trent, I'd like to be 145 by Solstice, that's just over 2 pounds a week. Putting into account my track record it may be hard- but we're gonna try for walks every morning with the "kids" tee hee, so that should help!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Another one for getting serious, I want to be 173 by the end of the month and it is totally doable. 4th of July week is going to be rough if we go to the in-laws, hopefully we won't have to. :blushing: (bad daughter in-law)

    Hope we can keep our winning streak but it is looking iffy. Maybe Aprilstar will come in with a big number.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I only lost .4oz:sad: I guess thats not too bad concidering I was in tim-buck-too for 5 days and unable to track calories. I think Trent somehow passed me his icky bug cause I feel like crap too! I think what i'm really upset about is how stinkin' close i am to being in the 150's and knowing that I could have made it if I woulda tried a little harder:grumble: I've got it next week though for sure!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Sorry Debbie, no big number from me:cry: I shoulda takin' the picture at 4am when I weighed 159! Not sure why I even thought to get on the scale at that time, I only got up to go potty but for some reason I did and was shocked! If I would have had the code word I woulda had a huge loss! Does anyone know why I woulda had sure a weight difference from 4am to 8am?
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Kasi, beats me.... :huh: I almost had the 170's, let's make a pact to get down in the lower range next week and really beat the pants off the Muscle Busters. Although in a way I am glad they won cause it might have been getting hard always being losers. :devil: But one week is enough for now.

    Dentist today, I don't know why but I always come out of there STARVING. Last time I stopped at the grocery and bought a box of donut sticks and ate three of them on the way home!! Of course that was before mfp.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    ha try being me, I feel like the ultimate loser, they lost when I was on their team, now I'm a fat fighter and we lost! lol

    Next week we will dominate!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Debbie, get some carrot sticks instead of donut sticks this time please:smile:
    MamaT, it's not you... it had to happen sometime and that long memorial day weekend was a huge contributor I'm sure.
    Back to Debbie, I've got 2.4lbs to go to get into the 150's and you only have a couple of ounces right? We definately got this!!
    Big numbers next week team! Keep your heads up:flowerforyou:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Irish - just wanted to tip my hat to you - although you dropped into the second-chance group this week, overall you're doing fantastic! Keep it up and keep checking in with us. :drinker:

    hey all - I did some snooping and thought I'd give our group a warning that the other team is discussing the possibility of sticking one of us with an early weigh-in. They said: "So, from looking at the chart, you need to pick someone really consistent...I think Evailtryst, Accountant or Mama are all good bets..." So... we need to be extra good over the weekend if at all possible, that way if they stick us with a Saturday or Sunday weigh-in, it won't be too horrible. :ohwell:

    I think we should learn soon what options the winner has picked...

    Hope everyone is having a good day. I got a ton of sleep last night and am feeling pretty good. I think I'm going to skip my Friday rest day since yesterday ended up being a rest day, and go for a HIIT/strength training session tonight, a cross-training (non-running cardio) session on Friday night, and a looooong run on Saturday. I'm considering trying to push myself to go 10 miles! (Haven't hit double digits yet...) My last long run was about 8.25 miles, so it's not even 2 more miles. I can probably do it assuming I'm feeling top-notch. I might get up early Saturday morning and try to get the run in before the sun is high in the sky.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I agree with Trent Irish!!!

    And way to keep your eyes peeled for us Trent... sneaky lil guys. Scares me a bit but I've been doing pretty good food wise- walking more, however we missed our morning walk b/c I'm not feeling the best- hot and cold sweats/chills and bad migraine off and on. Looking forward to putting baby girl down b/c she'll be in our bed (my lil bro's staying with us for a couple days and works 3rd so he's in her room sleeping)

    Here's to us all to get 'em back next week!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    So Kim announced it :
    Brit has PM'd her choices for the week...

    #1...0.5 lb advantage for herself for next week
    #2...McDebbie has been selected to weigh-in on Saturday...I will post the word Friday night...good luck

    Heather, you will weigh in on the 9th instead of the 8th since you will be traveling. We will not have the results of the contest until Thursday when you weigh in.

    Debbie - good luck!!! Think of it this way - although you have a short week this week, that means you have 3 extra days for next week to help you get a good loss. :flowerforyou:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Thank you so much you guys for the compliment. I am going to really work hard to keep at this since I might have a chance to come back, and will communicate still on here if it's ok with you.

    I really needed that week off. When I worked SO hard to beat healthymom in the first competition, I pretty much starved myself that weekend before to lose so much. Was great, cause I won. HOWEVER, my body didn't appreciate it - will never do that again. Lesson learned!! I guess I also learned how competitive I can get when it comes to winning something (and to know there wasn't even money involved - hahahahaha). I had to take the week off to physically and mentally recooperate. I'm sad I didn't do well, but even had I lost, it looks like we would have lost anyhow, so I'm feeling even better now that I took the week off and recooped. My body sure appreciated it. :heart: Anyhow, I'm back to making very healthy choices and mentally OK with losing 1-2 lbs a week. Or even less if that's what my body decides.

    Hoping to see the 160's in the next couple of weeks!! :flowerforyou:

    I saw the disadvantage for this week - they picked the WRONG person!! Kinda laughed when I read it cause I know how amazing you (debbie) are and how you will kick some major butt on Saturday. Plus, the week after, you will have an advantage. Good for you!! But seriously...Debbie...I have seen how awesome you are competing and they really did pick the strongest link to pick on. hahahahaha....awesome for our Fat Fighter team!!

    Mamaturner - it was just our turn I guess - you are an awesome player and I can't wait to see the number you pull next week. :bigsmile:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Don't you worry my faithful fellow team-mates! Luckily I checked in as soon as I got home from the dentist cause I was feeling a little 'poor me, I deserve a day off' ish. Well that little decision got my butt up on the treadmill and NO MORE 30 minutes at 3mph, I kicked it up to 4mph and did 40 minutes! And DH had called for dinner ideas and suggested lasagna earlier, I called him back and told him fish and vegtables would be dinner. :wink:

    Unfortunately on the way home from the dentist, again STARVING so I ended up with a Whopper Jr. Awwk, what was I thinking? And you should have seen me driving home trying to eat it with a numb mouth, condiments all over my face, gumming it. Ketchup on the steering wheel but luckily not on my work clothes. :sad:

    Maria, any tips for the next 40 hours? I figure I can get in two workouts tomorrow and maybe one in the morning before weigh in. Have you tested weighing before and after work outs? Planning my menu for tomorrow and I think I can keep it to about 1200. Or would less be better? I don't have any problem going hungry for a day to kick some butt. But I don't want my body holding on to anything thinking it is going into starvation mode.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Oh, and somehow they missed the comment about how last Saturday I saw 179 on the scale, Saturday is always my best weigh in day. Guess it must be the dehydration from Friday night drinks! :drinker: :bigsmile: I am just glad they didn't pick Monday.

    Thanks for all the support you guys, and Maria, please stay on our team thread, we need your advise for the coming weeks. You know, even if I did get kicked to the second chance section I am just so happy to have joined this challange. If not for this, I would still be sitting on my butt thinking I'll start "next week". Next week is 10 years old now, I am tired of it but feeling great and powerful now just with the 10 pounds lost. I think you all that have been at this for some time should look back and really see how far you have come and all be so so proud of yourselves.