SODA - Biggest addiction



  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    I've never had much of a soda addiction, just sweets in general. I've found that doing things like cutting out sugar for a couple months makes me more sensitive to the sweetness in foods like vegetables.

    I've got two ways that I break away from sweets (whenever I get hooked again).
    One method is to increase the time away. If the last time I was successfully sweet-free for 8 weeks, I'll try to push it to 10 weeks the next time.
    The other method has more to do with how quickly I quit again. If I was hooked for 10 days last time, I'll try to give it up again in under 8 the next time.

    It's a process, and you'll probably keep fighting it forever. But if you strive for more success with each attempt, that's what you'll get.
  • Panda307
    Panda307 Posts: 61 Member
    That can be very tough! Maybe each day replace a soda with a carbonated flavored water. There are plenty of yummy flavors like fuji apple and mandarin orange. Next begin to replace each carbonated water with water.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros. It's basically a dietary philosophy that believes that you shouldn't label individual foods as healthy or unhealthy. Instead your daily intake can be healthy or unhealthy as a whole. Basically you set up proper macronutrient goals (gram goals for protein, dietary fat, and carbohydrates) which follow your overarching calorie goal. You then eat basically whatever you want to hit those macronutrient goals and not exceed your calorie goal. It's also a good idea to consume adequate fiber, and make sure you hit certain micronutrient goals as well (vitamins and minerals).
  • T00GlaM0r0US
    T00GlaM0r0US Posts: 31 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros. It's basically a dietary philosophy that believes that you shouldn't label individual foods as healthy or unhealthy. Instead your daily intake can be healthy or unhealthy as a whole. Basically you set up proper macronutrient goals (gram goals for protein, dietary fat, and carbohydrates) which follow your overarching calorie goal. You then eat basically whatever you want to hit those macronutrient goals and not exceed your calorie goal. It's also a good idea to consume adequate fiber, and make sure you hit certain micronutrient goals as well (vitamins and minerals).

    Well that explains why you are the first person in my life to say there is nothing wrong with diet soda. I like that idea, and sounds like it is definately an easier way to get into weightloss. I didn't think you were arguing with me, but I did think you were pulling my leg lol..
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    I guess I am just going by what I have read and heard from several different sources (magazines, internet, tv blah blah) which is water weight, leads to cancer (what doesn't these days) and unhealthier than regular soda

    This is part of the problem, you shouldn't take anything you read at face value, especially if it does not cite a scientific source such as an actual peer reviewed research study. Unfortunately, most of what you are going to find in articles in magazines, the internet and on television is complete BS.

    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    maybe it is just that i need to become more educated on these types of subjects?

    Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Don't listen to what other people tell you they heard or they read some article. Start doing some research for yourself. It's the only way to know what's factual and what's just misinformation.

    Not everyone on this forum is interested in starting a scientific debate. If you want to goad someone into it, don't choose someone who is just looking for support on how to stop an unhealthy habit.

    OP, it's the same way I approached quitting smoking. It's bad for you, you know it's bad for you. Sometimes you drink it because you're thirsty, other times you don't even know why, just habit. There's only one thing to do and that's stop it. Stop drinking the pop and any other overly sugary drinks. Replace it with water or tea (anything unsweetened really). It will be hard at first but after a few weeks it won't be so bad.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited December 2014
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    I guess I am just going by what I have read and heard from several different sources (magazines, internet, tv blah blah) which is water weight, leads to cancer (what doesn't these days) and unhealthier than regular soda

    This is part of the problem, you shouldn't take anything you read at face value, especially if it does not cite a scientific source such as an actual peer reviewed research study. Unfortunately, most of what you are going to find in articles in magazines, the internet and on television is complete BS.

    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    maybe it is just that i need to become more educated on these types of subjects?

    Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Don't listen to what other people tell you they heard or they read some article. Start doing some research for yourself. It's the only way to know what's factual and what's just misinformation.

    Not everyone on this forum is interested in starting a scientific debate. If you want to goad someone into it, don't choose someone who is just looking for support on how to stop an unhealthy habit.

    OP, it's the same way I approached quitting smoking. It's bad for you, you know it's bad for you. Sometimes you drink it because you're thirsty, other times you don't even know why, just habit. There's only one thing to do and that's stop it. Stop drinking the pop and any other overly sugary drinks. Replace it with water or tea (anything unsweetened really). It will be hard at first but after a few weeks it won't be so bad.

    Why does everybody think I'm trying to debate her? I'm just trying to give her useful information. I have not once been hostile to her. Even she thinks I'm not trying to debate her, why can't everybody else see that?

    Also, what a ridiculous comparison. There is conclusive, definitive evidence that smoking is extremely bad for you. There isn't anywhere near conclusive or definitive evidence that diet soda or artificial sweeteners are bad for you. To the contrary artificial sweeteners have been tested over and over again and have not been found to be harmful in humans.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    edited December 2014
    AJ_G wrote: »
    IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros. It's basically a dietary philosophy that believes that you shouldn't label individual foods as healthy or unhealthy. Instead your daily intake can be healthy or unhealthy as a whole. Basically you set up proper macronutrient goals (gram goals for protein, dietary fat, and carbohydrates) which follow your overarching calorie goal. You then eat basically whatever you want to hit those macronutrient goals and not exceed your calorie goal. It's also a good idea to consume adequate fiber, and make sure you hit certain micronutrient goals as well (vitamins and minerals).

    Well that explains why you are the first person in my life to say there is nothing wrong with diet soda. I like that idea, and sounds like it is definately an easier way to get into weightloss. I didn't think you were arguing with me, but I did think you were pulling my leg lol..

    Yea, I've tried many different "diets", and ended up failing every single one of them, before I did my research and found out about IIFYM. I have never been healthier than I am now, and never been more satisfied with my dietary choices and my relationship with food as I am now.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    From MayoClinic's site: "Although switching from regular soda to diet soda may save you calories in the short term, it's not yet clear if it's effective for preventing obesity and related health problems. Healthier low-calorie choices abound, including water, skim milk, and unsweetened tea or coffee."

    Basically this quote is saying "we have no idea".
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    From MayoClinic's site: "Although switching from regular soda to diet soda may save you calories in the short term, it's not yet clear if it's effective for preventing obesity and related health problems. Healthier low-calorie choices abound, including water, skim milk, and unsweetened tea or coffee."

    Basically this quote is saying "we have no idea".

    No kidding... I didn't catch that when I was reading it. You said to she should have more information... that is more information, just different from yours.

    How is inconclusiveness relevant information that will help inform her?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member about we say you're both right, because you probably won't change each other's opinion?

  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member about we say you're both right, because you probably won't change each other's opinion?

    Yea, but arguing is fun
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited December 2014
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    I guess I am just going by what I have read and heard from several different sources (magazines, internet, tv blah blah) which is water weight, leads to cancer (what doesn't these days) and unhealthier than regular soda

    This is part of the problem, you shouldn't take anything you read at face value, especially if it does not cite a scientific source such as an actual peer reviewed research study. Unfortunately, most of what you are going to find in articles in magazines, the internet and on television is complete BS.

    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    maybe it is just that i need to become more educated on these types of subjects?

    Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Don't listen to what other people tell you they heard or they read some article. Start doing some research for yourself. It's the only way to know what's factual and what's just misinformation.

    Not everyone on this forum is interested in starting a scientific debate. If you want to goad someone into it, don't choose someone who is just looking for support on how to stop an unhealthy habit.

    OP, it's the same way I approached quitting smoking. It's bad for you, you know it's bad for you. Sometimes you drink it because you're thirsty, other times you don't even know why, just habit. There's only one thing to do and that's stop it. Stop drinking the pop and any other overly sugary drinks. Replace it with water or tea (anything unsweetened really). It will be hard at first but after a few weeks it won't be so bad.

    I don't care if the OP decides to drink diet soda or not, but PLEASE do not compare drinking diet soda (or even regular soda) to smoking cigarettes. There is no comparison. If you think they are equally bad for you, you're severely misinformed.
  • panicpicnic
    panicpicnic Posts: 1 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros. It's basically a dietary philosophy that believes that you shouldn't label individual foods as healthy or unhealthy. Instead your daily intake can be healthy or unhealthy as a whole. Basically you set up proper macronutrient goals (gram goals for protein, dietary fat, and carbohydrates) which follow your overarching calorie goal. You then eat basically whatever you want to hit those macronutrient goals and not exceed your calorie goal. It's also a good idea to consume adequate fiber, and make sure you hit certain micronutrient goals as well (vitamins and minerals).

    Well that explains why you are the first person in my life to say there is nothing wrong with diet soda. I like that idea, and sounds like it is definately an easier way to get into weightloss. I didn't think you were arguing with me, but I did think you were pulling my leg lol..

    Good on you!
    It's super to see someone willing to rethink their ideas about healthy eating and weight-loss.
    Coke zero is my go-to when I'm feeling deflated and sick of all the salads and rice cakes etc... XP I'd have given up without it, definitely.
    I wish you lots of luck, pal! (*)
  • PurpleMomster
    PurpleMomster Posts: 71 Member
    I just did it, gave up a 3 can a day addiction to Pepsi. And that was 18 months ago. Was it easy? Nope. I still to this day get an incredible craving for a tall, cold glass but I don't give in to it. Why? Because I'd rather have the calories for food :smiley: I don't think there's anything wrong with diet sodas, if that's what it takes to help you get over an addiction to soda, then I'm all for it. I haven't ever liked the taste of diet drinks so it wasn't an option for me.

    Good luck - you can do it!
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    edited December 2014
    fatcity66 wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    I guess I am just going by what I have read and heard from several different sources (magazines, internet, tv blah blah) which is water weight, leads to cancer (what doesn't these days) and unhealthier than regular soda

    This is part of the problem, you shouldn't take anything you read at face value, especially if it does not cite a scientific source such as an actual peer reviewed research study. Unfortunately, most of what you are going to find in articles in magazines, the internet and on television is complete BS.

    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    Diet soda is not healthy
    Based on what evidence?
    AJ_G wrote: »
    They say it's just as bad for you as regular soda; as in retaining water etc.

    First off, no it's not, secondly, why do you care about retaining water, fat loss is what is important, not weight loss.

    also aspartame is said to be very unhealthy.
    It's not...

    I am starting to really wonder if you are just messing with me ..

    I'm not messing with you, I honestly want to know what evidence you have to show that diet soda is unhealthy or that aspertame is bad for you

    maybe it is just that i need to become more educated on these types of subjects?

    Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. Don't listen to what other people tell you they heard or they read some article. Start doing some research for yourself. It's the only way to know what's factual and what's just misinformation.

    Not everyone on this forum is interested in starting a scientific debate. If you want to goad someone into it, don't choose someone who is just looking for support on how to stop an unhealthy habit.

    OP, it's the same way I approached quitting smoking. It's bad for you, you know it's bad for you. Sometimes you drink it because you're thirsty, other times you don't even know why, just habit. There's only one thing to do and that's stop it. Stop drinking the pop and any other overly sugary drinks. Replace it with water or tea (anything unsweetened really). It will be hard at first but after a few weeks it won't be so bad.

    I don't care if the OP decides to drink diet soda or not, but PLEASE do not compare drinking diet soda (or even regular soda) to smoking cigarettes. There is no comparison. If you think they are equally bad for you, you're severely misinformed.

    What I meant was that I applied the same method and mentality to quitting smoking as i did to drinking soda. Quitting an addictive behaviour.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Actually, I am having a big fountain diet cherry coke right now at work. One of my co-workers was kind enough to make a run to Wawa. :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    OMG. I struggled so hard. And just like you, I'd have "just one"...then just one more...and I was back on it.

    On and off that stuff so many times. I finally got sick of always having to quit the stuff and stopped having "just one" at any point. I just remind myself every time that I KNOW it won't be just one. Getting one means spending more money on stuff it don't need. Getting one means I get hooked again and have to quit again.

    I just got sick of it, so now I think first.

    It's not easy. I still worry that I'll start up again! But I haven't in quite a while.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    Yea, cause correcting misinformation is such a terrible She can make whatever decision she wants and that's completely fine for me, but why not give her all the information possible so she can make an informed decision. I guess you ladies would just rather live in the dark.

    I'm sorry, I didn't see where you gave any definitive proof that it isn't unhealthy. The point I was trying to make is that there's no proof to confirm either theory.

    Bingo. We have a winner.
  • thefatveganchef
    thefatveganchef Posts: 89 Member
    I gave up soda / diet soda about 3 months ago. I started drinking carbonated flavored water like La Croix. It gives a lot of the same satisfaction as soda with no calories or chemicals.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    Yea, cause correcting misinformation is such a terrible She can make whatever decision she wants and that's completely fine for me, but why not give her all the information possible so she can make an informed decision. I guess you ladies would just rather live in the dark.

    I'm sorry, I didn't see where you gave any definitive proof that it isn't unhealthy. The point I was trying to make is that there's no proof to confirm either theory.

    There's definitive proof that aspartame isn't unhealthy just based on what it is. It's a combination of two amino acids found in most sources of proteins, and found in much much higher amounts than what you see in diet soda. Also, if something is inconclusive, saying you should avoid it makes no sense. It's nearly impossible to prove that something doesn't cause cancer based on the very nature of cancer itself, so saying that we should avoid anything unless we KNOW it doesn't cause cancer is severely flawed logic.