Coke the Devil



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sugar is not addictive and artificial sugar doesn't "trick your brain". If you can work regular coke into your cals for the day, do it. If not, and you enjoy diet coke, drink that instead.

    You'd have to pry the diet coke from my cold, dead hands before I would give it up. I lost 30 lbs drinking it, it didn't make me crave sweets or sabotage me in other ways...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Cold-turkey means withdrawal headaches. They'll go away after a few days.

    Tapering removes the headache issue, but it is a lot harder to quit the stuff when it's sitting in the fridge!

    Drink lots of water, get some fresh air if you can and try some Advil.

    Good luck! If you succeed, you'll be so glad you did!!
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I think some things just aren't right without a Coke. I'm having popcorn and watching Bound in a few hours. What should I have with that? Grape juice? Water? Green tea? Nope! Coke it is and I'm still losing weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    healthy eating should limit your processed sugar intake to 25g per day. A single coke has over 40g. Diet pop is almost as bad because it tricks your brain into thinking it is getting sugar. When it realizes it is not getting any then it will crave it and you will probably wind up eating more sugar later. That's why a lot of overweight people who drink diet drinks with artificial sweeteners do not lose weight.

    LOL 25 grams a day of sugar? Says who ...

    so are you saying if I eat 26 grams of sugar I will gain weight..?

  • tinklemar
    tinklemar Posts: 71 Member
    I quit drinking pop about a year ago. After a few months, I decided to have one and it tasted nasty. Way to sugary! I will stick with my coffee/water now!
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I drink about 62oz of ice tea every day with saccharin in it for sweetener. All the cancer claims about saccharin have been debunked and proven false years ago. There have been no known ill effects of it for the majority of people in the world including me and I've been using it for about 50 years now. So drink your diet coke if you want it - it's the withdrawal from the caffeine in the coke that is causing your head to bang - not the sugar or sweeteners.
  • amoffitt93
    I second the advice about tea/coffee. From personal experience, the caffeine is what your body is craving, not the sugar rush. Coffee and tea are low-calorie alternatives, but not if you're also looking to dump the caffeine dependency.
  • threefancy35
    threefancy35 Posts: 21 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    healthy eating should limit your processed sugar intake to 25g per day. A single coke has over 40g. Diet pop is almost as bad because it tricks your brain into thinking it is getting sugar. When it realizes it is not getting any then it will crave it and you will probably wind up eating more sugar later. That's why a lot of overweight people who drink diet drinks with artificial sweeteners do not lose weight.

    Overweight people who don't lose weight are simply eating too much. It has nothing to do with their brain being "tricked".
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I see a "sugar is the devil" post coming in the near future. LOL
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    edited December 2014
    jpaulie wrote: »
    healthy eating should limit your processed sugar intake to 25g per day. A single coke has over 40g. Diet pop is almost as bad because it tricks your brain into thinking it is getting sugar. When it realizes it is not getting any then it will crave it and you will probably wind up eating more sugar later. That's why a lot of overweight people who drink diet drinks with artificial sweeteners do not lose weight.

    Uh...NO on the tricking your brain! I drink tea with artificial sweetener and have lost 60lbs and keeping it off! I only crave sugar when I eat sugar all the time.
  • abigailhe
    abigailhe Posts: 28 Member
    Might I suggest trying a carbonated flavored water drink like "sparkling ice"? I used to drink several diet cokes a day and this was the only thing that helped me stop. Coke isn't bad for everyone... but it isn't great for everyone to consume either. I feel better without the aspartame in my diet! The ice drinks contain sucralose instead of aspartame. They also have some tea and vitamins added. It seems healthier than the alternative. Hope that helps!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    The OP is switching to diet Coke. There is caffeine in diet Coke. It is not caffeine withdrawal.

    I've drank diet soda since before I was fat and will continue to drink it after I'm not fat. It is just something you have to get used to. Maybe try starting by mixing 75%/25% for a week, then 50/50, then 25/75 and finally 100% diet.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited December 2014
    The OP is switching to diet Coke. There is caffeine in diet Coke. It is not caffeine withdrawal.

    The OP dumped both Diet and "fat" Coke.

    From the very first sentence....
    so my new healthy eating has started which means I am now [sic] longer drinking Diet coke or fat coke.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    The OP is switching to diet Coke. There is caffeine in diet Coke. It is not caffeine withdrawal.

    The OP dumped both Diet and "fat" Coke.

    From the very first sentence....
    so my new healthy eating has started which means I am now [sic] longer drinking Diet coke or fat coke.

    Ah, that makes sense... I thought it meant that the OP is now drinking diet coke aka "fat Coke" (if one believes that diet coke is for fat people).

    Well then, why not drink diet Coke? It may be easier to switch to diet, then slowly decrease the amount until you are drinking none rather than just stopping.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Try drinking tea so you can get some caffeine. Unfortunately the fake sugar chemicals are quite habit forming and cause awful withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Good luck.

    Yes, but drink freshly brewed tea, not anything canned or bottles or pre-mixed or else you'll be getting the same sugar and chemicals as you do from Coke.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    The OP is switching to diet Coke. There is caffeine in diet Coke. It is not caffeine withdrawal.

    The OP dumped both Diet and "fat" Coke.

    From the very first sentence....
    so my new healthy eating has started which means I am now [sic] longer drinking Diet coke or fat coke.

    Ah, that makes sense... I thought it meant that the OP is now drinking diet coke aka "fat Coke" (if one believes that diet coke is for fat people).

    Well then, why not drink diet Coke? It may be easier to switch to diet, then slowly decrease the amount until you are drinking none rather than just stopping.
    It isn't really harder to quit one than it is to quit the other. Both have caffeine, which makes it difficult to get off the stuff.

    If it weren't for the caffeine, a LOT of people would quit coffee and pop. They're hooked. It's not the horrendous withdrawal of heroin, but it does have an effect. It's not easy to quit!

    Easier to do it in one swoop, IMO.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal is brutal. Tough it out - maybe have a little caffeinated tea or something while you're weaning off. The headaches will eventually go away - might take a week or so.
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    I recently quit drinking soda and it took about two weeks to not crave it anymore. I didn't quit cold turkey though I started by cutting back to one or two a day then I mixed half diet and half reg then a couple diets a day, now I basically just drink flavored water. The caffeine withdrawal does cause headaches and stuff but after a couple weeks you will be fine and like another poster said it tastes way to sweet now!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    Kalikel wrote: »
    If it weren't for the caffeine, a LOT of people would quit coffee and pop. They're hooked. It's not the horrendous withdrawal of heroin, but it does have an effect. It's not easy to quit!

    Easier to do it in one swoop, IMO.

    If it's really just about the caffeine, switch to coffee or tea. I actually don't think it is--I think some people like having a cold flavored drink available. I quit soda for a while and drank more coffee (and water, of course, although I always drank water too), but ended up having to make iced tea to address that desire for a flavored cold drink on occasion. I switched back to that sparkling ice stuff for convenience (iced tea takes time, since you have to chill it, of course), and then decided it was ridiculous to distinguish between sparkling ice and diet coke, as both are just diet sodas (or pop, as we say here). So I started drinking diet coke again from time to time, and it hasn't hurt me.

    I do drink slightly less coffee when I drink diet coke, which might be a plus for diet coke, I don't know, but I found it quite easy to sub other flavored cold beverages for diet coke and it didn't much matter if they had caffeine or not (since I always had my coffee).

    My guess is that if you like diet okay it's way harder to quit both than to quit just the stuff with calories, since diet can be a perfectly adequate replacement for regular for many of us (I actually can't stand regular since I switched so long ago, it tastes way too syrupy). Now, I'm not saying it isn't worth dropping soda entirely if you want--there's no particular reason to keep drinking it and it's not even that tasty, IMO--but if I were wanting to lose weight I probably wouldn't make quitting diet soda a high priority as IME it doesn't help at all and is just something else to feel like you are doing without when you might be struggling with other dietary changes. But for some people it might be the right move. (I quit both soda and coffee from time to time just to prove I can, but so far see no reason why either in moderation is important to avoid.)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine. Stick it out and give it a couple days. If you need to, take Excedrin for the headache (which also contains caffeine). Make sure you are drinking plenty of water too.