December 2014 walk/bike/jog 100 mile challenge



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    LOL Jesiaan you made me LAUGH OUT LOUD for REAL at your comment about gruff leaving us in the dust....THAT IS OK it is TRUE that any exercise we get is better than none!
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    I wont leave you guys in the dust, drag you the distance kicking and screaming is more like me. Only managed 80 in the end its still abit on the cold side for a full day out
  • sddar
    sddar Posts: 6 Member
    Still trying to slowly build back up
    Treadmill today - 2 miles on 5% incline
    - elliptical - 1 mile

    8.5 total
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Good job, sddar. Keep it up!
    Gruff, today you definitely would have dragged me, but I don't think I would have kicked and screamed. Maybe just asked for a nice padded sled... This darn illness has kept me down another day. Huff... I will get better tomorrow. I will get better tomorrow. I will get better...

    1.19 miles
    89.18 total miles

    Back to work tomorrow!! Y'all have a great Monday.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    SO SORRY you're not feeling well jesiann! I know how you feel! Dont know IF any of you have read back but I use too do at least 100 miles a month. I have even done 128 miles. Getting the flu and then injuring my shoulder has really set me back BUT MY SPIRIT IS NOT BROKEN and Gruff you will NOT have too drag me once I am ME again.... :) UNLESS you expect me too keep up with your would be rough on a 62 year old woman! lol

    Sunday 1.25 Miles best I could do. Today pouring rain, not the best day with my neck and shoulder. It became a day of rest other than my Husband helping me vacumn and do a load of laundry. That was bad enough...ughhhhhhhhhh

    ...............................................................16.9 EXERCISE BIKE MILES...

  • sddar
    sddar Posts: 6 Member
    No miles today. Took a Dance2Fit class (think Zumba with more strength training) for an hour. My first class in 3 years. I'm pooped.

    Still at 8.5
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie, you are too sweet. o:)
    Back to work today. Focused on ignoring the darn illness... There's an oxymoron for ya. ;)
    Be super happy to start lifting again but taking it slow. I did get some miles tho!! Yay me! Lol

    5.49 miles
    94.67 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Your close now jes

    Got 34 in for today and 85 planned for tomorrow. should be about 800 or so for the month.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    I know, right?? Cutting it a bit close... Gonna do better in January!
    And seriously, Gruff... 800 MILES!! It's official. You're my hero. :p

    4.13 miles

    98.8 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    MY HERO TOO! Actually ALL OF YOU are my hero's this month as everyone has done better than me. I dont mind. It makes me SMILE too have support here....

    I did not get anything else in. THESE are my ending totals...

    TOTAL THUS FAR DECEMBER 31st...........48.50 WALKING MILES.....
    ...............................................................16.9 EXERCISE BIKE MILES...

    I pray we ALL have a better January and a very SUCCESSFUL HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2015
    its nearly 8% of the year spent pedaling and some how during that i gained 40lbs but got rid of 20 this month. Hopefully be ready for start of season in feb. Anyone can do it if its what you want to do, youll find the strenght.

    Distance 9,504.2 mi
    Time 648h 4m (moving time)
    Elev Gain 317,749 ft
    Rides 415
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie, in spite of having a rough month, you gave it your best. I say 'Good job!' And Gruff, well you know you just blow my mind. I think we all agree that you've done phenomenal! Sddar, looking forward to logging some miles with you in the new year.

    I did make goal but I could've done better. New year, here we come! (Uh, Jeannie, don't forget to start the thread...) what have you done without me all this time?!? <3

    3.07 miles
    102.5 total miles

    Cheers, guys!!! See ya next year!! B)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,697 Member
    What would I have done without you jesiann? I would have walked alone, talked too myself AND it was sooooooooooooooooooo NICE too see people join us here. I did browse the fitness area. There is actually a thread for the same thing I've done here. However there are a LOT of people. Now IF that is your cup of tea then I will say go for it. I rather like having fewer too many. I guess because it can be more personal and we can 'speak' too one another sort of like a group...soooooooooooo I'm OFF TOO MAKE A NEW 2015 THREAD...COME AND JOIN ME? <3