Starting Focus T25 on 12/29....

Are you doing anything like this? I finished 30-day-shred in 31 days last I'm going to DO this! Would LOVE to see you in my feeds to give and get encouragement on those days ya just "don't wanna". These last 33 pounds will make or break me......I'm going for broke if need be. Send me a friend request if you would like to join me :)


  • lynn_hickey
    lynn_hickey Posts: 80 Member
    I'm starting it on jan 1st!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    I've got fever and can't move at all, so I will be starting it one of these days.
  • lynn_hickey
    lynn_hickey Posts: 80 Member
    SunnyDinCA wrote: »
    Are you doing anything like this? I finished 30-day-shred in 31 days last I'm going to DO this! Would LOVE to see you in my feeds to give and get encouragement on those days ya just "don't wanna". These last 33 pounds will make or break me......I'm going for broke if need be. Send me a friend request if you would like to join me :)

    I'm having a hard time adding you. can you send me a friend request?
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning......I gatcha Lynn. Thank you both for joining me! Day one is in the works :)
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    ok....well that wasn't so bad......PSYCHED! day1 in the bag~
  • willRUN4Beer
    willRUN4Beer Posts: 26 Member
    Hey...I started t25 alpha on the 29th as well. That cardio, wow, I didn't realize it was that tough! I'd be happy to join in as well!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I'll be starting again this week, too! I've previously completed the program through Gamma, but let myself get shamefully out of shape the second half of this year. T25 is FABULOUS thoughy, and I look forward to having my butt kicked again (because just when you feel like you're holding your own, it's time to switch to the next phase, and you start all over again :smiley: )
  • Jessboarder
    Jessboarder Posts: 1 Member

    I started yesterday too, had a bit of a delayed start after I bought the programme just over a month ago, and then came off a horse hurting my back - now back in health and ready to go!

    I'm planning to do the first week and then have a week break (unfortunately unavoidable as I'm away on holiday) and then either start again or carry on with the second week when I get back.

    Good luck to you all :)
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    Day 2 Speed 1.0 ... more cardio but enjoyed the stretching in between immensely...helps ALOT in catching your breath. I'm pretty amazed that my body is actually doing this! Sheesh nearly a year ago it was a damn achievement to walk up the stairs without wanting to die! lol....thank you for the company ladies...lets do this!!! I want that t-shirt!!!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    I really want to try T25 after I finish my round of Insanity. It would be great to have a 25 minute workout option for those times I'm short on time...maybe do a hybrid T25/Insanity Routine.

    Has anyone tried a hybrid routine with the Beachbody products?
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    this is my first BB product Im trying.....however I'm going to incorporate more....going to get and do PiYo Brazil Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs on alternate days....25 minutes isn't quite enough.
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    I am Finishing up week 4 of T25 Beta this week and have had great results with it. Keep going and you will do great. Alpha really builds base for Beta. Beta is more fast paced. I have lost 10 lbs, 12.5 inches and 3.75% decrease in Body fat. It pays to stick with it.
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    WOW that is so awesome and so encouraging! I will not quit! Quitting is not an option at this time.......Its 50 days and 25 minutes plus whatever else I throw in the mix....I got this :)
  • willRUN4Beer
    willRUN4Beer Posts: 26 Member
    On the 29th I did my 1st T25 (the cardio) kicked my 43yo butt and I couldn't believe how much sweat was all over me. Then, I got called to work a brutal 12 hr night shift and didn't do anything yesterday :-( Today though, I will do day two and maybe add something else in just to catch up from yesterday. I have a few goals; To feel good in a bikini for our trip to MX Feb 14th and to keep it up as I've registered for my 1st full marathon in May (and keep going with being a fit & healthy person). Last spring I was in the best shape of my life after doing a fitness team challenge and I want that "feel good" fit feeling back. To a FIT 2015 everyone!
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    FIT Cheers to you! Today is day 3 "Total Body Circuit"....going to "push play" as soon as the Motrin kicks in. Yup 43 yo butt bones be cracka lackin!
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    Day 4 was AB Intervals. Body is feeling better....guess they planned it on purpose for "double-Friday" .... still excited. Joined their facebook page....the pictures are priceless!
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    Add me I just started this week and would love to have others on my feed doing the same. Trying to add from my iPad but it's acting wonky.
  • Well this thing crashes everytime I try to add a friend... So please add me. I'm located in long beach, Ca 37y/o single female 5'5" tall and 140Ish pounds. I'd like to lose about 15 pounds by spring...say March 21st? I like my shape but would like to be more toned/fit. I plan to start Brazil butt lift on Monday. I think my biggest challenge will be eating right... As I love food. But I also have pre existing health conditions which kind of keep me from pushing myself when I exercise :( any support is appreciated
  • SunnyDinCA
    SunnyDinCA Posts: 16 Member
    First double - Friday .... this is no friggen joke! I did it! rinse and repeat for 9 more weeks...then will do gamma....good luck~
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    Today is my first double Friday!!! All I want to do is nap but I will do it! I am doing the modified version for about 90% of the workouts because I am very out of shape. Wish me luck today!!! Excited for staturday