New to website but lots of practice with diet issues.

Hi, I will be starting my annual new years diet in a couple days. this web site was recommended by my doctors office. I need to re-lose the weight I gained back during my husbands illness. The weight has to come off as I am borderline diabetic now. Its frustrating to keep doing it over and over, but one day I hope I can keep it off. I am hopeful that this fitness pal program will be helpful and motivating for me. Nice to meet everyone as we go through this together.


  • Jackie80taylor
    Jackie80taylor Posts: 76 Member
    hello and welcome to the site :-) I am starting again too, add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated :-)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    Welcome. I've been on this site for about 10 months (longest I've ever stuck with a diet). I like it. For the 1st time, I think I'm on the right track
  • MaidenVermont
    MaidenVermont Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the welcome here. I have mainly done WW in the past but cant afford it at the moment, so thought I would try something new this time around. I can stick to a diet as long as I dont have stress to side track me.
  • renfen
    renfen Posts: 14 Member
    Accountability is key and that's one thing you get when you log what you eat! I'm going to send you an add!.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Welcome! I second what renfen says - accountability is everything. I personally find that my food choices are a LOT healthier when I know I have to log them as soon as I'm done eating, because I don't want to see a big number on the calorie count...

    Log everything - consistently and honestly. It can change your life.
  • MaidenVermont
    MaidenVermont Posts: 16 Member
    I totally agree, when I lost weight before I kept very careful food journals but during stress I tend to forget about putting me in the equation and gain weight back. I do keep trying and I have had success in the past, so hope to do it "again".
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I stress eat too. I think what is helpful is having the tools to figure out how much to eat to lose weight and how much I can eat to simply maintain my current weight.

    I have 2 kids under 4 and work full time...sometimes I know that I'm not getting to the gym (usually because some kid is sick) or I'm super crazy busy. I'll let myself eat maintenance for a couple of days. This way, I don't gain and when things are less ridiculous I get back on track at eating at a calorie deficit.

    Losing this way isn't fast but I'm down 35lbs in 10 months and I'm not gaining. I still have 45lbs to go, so feel free to add me.
  • jrbowker
    As another 'diet' expert, I suggest you not think of dieting. Make lifelong changes in your eating and physical habits.

    You know you can be successful, because you have been before. Stress eating is counter-productive (you know this). Be mindful and try to make some changes that you can maintain for life. Try substitution of one unhealthy choice for a better choice. Choose a piece of fruit instead of a cookie most of the time. You also know, there are no 'bad foods' just unhealthy choices. If you commit to make better choices, perhaps make a list of changes for goals, rather than screeching to a halt, the choices will be easier.

    You know you can do this.
  • MaidenVermont
    MaidenVermont Posts: 16 Member
    I am looking forward to getting back on the eating healthy mode....I dont feel well now and its been a long time since I have. My stress was a terminally ill husband for 2 yrs and he recently died, so its been ongoing for awhile and its just hard to get back to thinking about myself again. I am trying to get myself motivated and I know I can do it.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    So glad to hear that physicians are recommending this site. You can add me if you want.:)I have lost 35 pounds since starting to log on this site. Was borderline diabetic just like you.
  • vlinders25
    vlinders25 Posts: 19 Member
    This site was also recommended to me by my doctor. This is my second day and I am really enjoying reading everyone's perspective on weight loss and how they do it. I know you and I will have lots of support to reach our goals!
  • MaidenVermont
    MaidenVermont Posts: 16 Member
    So today I seriously started my weight loss journey. I have this thing about starting on a monday. So far so good but hate the thought that its going to take me a long time before I start to see any results. Stinks that I have gone this route so many times before. Yes accountability works for me too. When I did WW I kept a daily food journal faithfully. So much has been going on in my life and now I am grieving the loss of my husband too but I know I can do this with all your support.