Looking for some support- I literally have none.



  • jencompton3821
    jencompton3821 Posts: 28 Member
    I added you as a friend! Good luck to you - you can do this - it really is up to you - all the support in the world won't be as big a motivation to you, as you, yourself, can be!! and when your husband sees the difference in you he'll wake up!!
    - I started walking and eventually running - and when I came out one day in a new dress my husband was like - "Whoa, where do you think you're going in that??" and I said, "anywhere I want!! and if you want to be by my side you better come on!!"
    - And he did!! And he started running with me!! We're about to run our first full marathon together Jan 25th!!! But first it has to start with you - and I know you can do it!!
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    Makes me sad to see women with no support, Where are all the real men? Time for them to step up.

    tell them to keep waiting til we're fit.

    If you wait for the "right" time it will never happen.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    It doesn't matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch.

    Ultimate Challenge
  • dimomiro
    dimomiro Posts: 2 Member
    neffme wrote: »
    Support here! Honestly I just reread some of the success stories and it got me going like nobody's business. Maybe the people around you have their heads in the sand but there are more of us out there who are proud of what you're doing.

  • dimomiro
    dimomiro Posts: 2 Member
    I've added you, you got my support
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I added you as a friend! Good luck to you - you can do this - it really is up to you - all the support in the world won't be as big a motivation to you, as you, yourself, can be!! and when your husband sees the difference in you he'll wake up!!
    - I started walking and eventually running - and when I came out one day in a new dress my husband was like - "Whoa, where do you think you're going in that??" and I said, "anywhere I want!! and if you want to be by my side you better come on!!"
    - And he did!! And he started running with me!! We're about to run our first full marathon together Jan 25th!!! But first it has to start with you - and I know you can do it!!

    Love this!
  • doitnow1218
    doitnow1218 Posts: 295 Member
    YOU have the power, with or without support at home. Believe in yourself and know that YOU can do it. It is all up to you! Feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to support you on this journey :)
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Feel free to add me. I want my wife to get back to her skinny weight too. So I know were your husband is coming from.
  • doitnow1218
    doitnow1218 Posts: 295 Member
    I added you as a friend! Good luck to you - you can do this - it really is up to you - all the support in the world won't be as big a motivation to you, as you, yourself, can be!! and when your husband sees the difference in you he'll wake up!!
    - I started walking and eventually running - and when I came out one day in a new dress my husband was like - "Whoa, where do you think you're going in that??" and I said, "anywhere I want!! and if you want to be by my side you better come on!!"
    - And he did!! And he started running with me!! We're about to run our first full marathon together Jan 25th!!! But first it has to start with you - and I know you can do it!!

  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've lost my pregnancy weight and am working on the quitting smoking weight. (I quite 7 years ago. lol) Feel free to add me. I've got 45lbs to go but I've lost 35lbs in the last 10 months. I feel you on the no time. I work a desk job and have 2 sons under 4.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    hi there, im a single chick in nyc with no family.

    i have no support!

    good thing it turned out to have zero impact on my progress and apparently.. we all are in this alone!

    Well said.

    Support or not, you can lose the weight. In the end, you're only doing it for yourself anyway.

    OP, do you have a plan?
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    My live-in boyfriend says he will support me, but he opposes most new dishes or any alterations to what we used to eat (creamy pastas) with every excuse in the book. His idea of working out is running a 5K as fast as he possibly can and that's it. He tries to be supportive in the sense of "oh, you logging food? nice", but then there's the other side of "there's veggies in this? it just can't taste good...". I added you, anybody else in similar situations is welcome to add as well.
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    Anyone can add me. I am on every day and will support your journey, especially if you support mine. :)
  • jeannine71
    jeannine71 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm with you...no support. Been there with the guy situation. Right now I have zero motivation and no one to work out with or talk to about this stuff...but I would be happy to offer my support...I think it works both ways ;)
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited December 2014
    My live-in boyfriend says he will support me, but he opposes most new dishes or any alterations.. He tries to be supportive in the sense of "oh, you logging food? nice", but then there's the other side of "there's veggies in this?

    It sounds like he supports you making changes to your diet, but you're struggling to change your diet without impacting his. A couple ideas that work at my home--

    (1) For meals with multiple dishes, alter the portions appropriately. E.g., at a recent dinner my girlfriend had 3 servings of bread, 2 of veggies w/ bacon, 1 of chicken, and 0 of salad. I ate 1 serving of bread, 2 servings of chicken, 0 servings of veggies w/ bacon, and 2 servings of salad. Our foods had wildly different nutritional properties even though we were eating the same two dishes and two store-bought sides (bread, salad).

    (2) For single-dish meals, offer mix-ins. E.g., tacos or with a mac n' cheese dinner you could offer bacon and broccoli as mix-ins to be added after the fact. This provides opportunities for making the dish either more or less calorie- and nutrient-dense according to taste.
  • ProjectEm
    ProjectEm Posts: 130 Member
    Feel free to add me, too! Looking to go from about 240 to 215 this year. Small, manageable goals. If I lose more, awesome. If not, that was my goal.
  • Same here sister!! I have no support either!! My husband says eat one meal a day, I would die if I did that. Noone will walk with me so I wont go on my own. I don't like exercise and I don't have time after work with 3 kids. I have a desk job so I get no exercise at work. I have to eat little to nothing to loose and I get cranky when im starving. No one understands the struggle that I socialize with. I will be your friend!!

    You definitely don't have to eat one meal a day. I'm eating on a 1,200 calorie diet to shed these last few stubborn pounds and I'll tell you what I've had to eat just today:

    Bowl of muesli for breakfast.
    A bologna and cheese sandwich for lunch.
    A dinner of potatoes, broccoli, and chicken sprinkled with cheese.
    One and a half servings of cereal for a finale.
    Total calories: 909

    I have almost 300 calories to burn on basically anything! I certainly don't feel like I'm starving. Nor do I exercise more than once a week. I'm losing about a pound a week.
  • vdonalds
    vdonalds Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in! I'm at 200 lbs too. I'm 35 and have three kids. I don't have much support either. I would love more friends for motivation too. It's rough when your friends are a lot smaller. They just don't get it.
  • Feel free to add me I'm looking for friends to make the journey more fun!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Sent you a request, hon! You got this!