Puppies! Aren't They the Best?

oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
My pug motivates me, even though she sleeps 20 hours a day and eats peanut butter by the tubful. But she is a perfect model of support. She gets me up and out of the house even when I don't want to. When I feel fat or ugly or some other harsh thing, she still thinks I'm the greatest thing since snausages. She's built a little like a Christmas ham, sturdy and dense, so I can do heavy lifting by just carting her azz around the house. She likes to run around in the park chasing her ball, which reminds me it's important to play and have fun when you move around. I promised to take care of her when I adopted her, and her reliance on me for all her needs reminds me I have purpose beyond my own navel gazing. When I come home, tired from work, she needs her walk, so it prevents me from sacking out and not getting up again for the evening. When I curl up in bed and feel sorry for myself, she kisses me in sympathy, then brings me one of her toys to play with (thanks for the destuffed, chewed, wet penguin that I really need to throw out, sweetie).

Oh puppies (and kitties! and chinchillas. and ferrets. but not goldfish.)! Everyone should be handed one when they join MFP. It's true, I tell you.

Doggie people, tell me about your loves!


  • sexymonicat
    Hey I just put 10 goldfish in my tank. They're awesome . And live longer than dogs
  • sexymonicat
    Im looking for a little light colored chihuahau. Im not a dog person but chihuhuas are so cute and have the best personalities.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    They are the best. Right now we have a 14 year old Cocker Spaniel that even though he's 1/2 blind, 1/2 deaf and has horribly arthritic hips, he acts like a puppy, running around the house all wobbly...because he's older it does get our butts out of the house more (older dog more walks to pee). He doesn't care that I'm having a fat day, he still loves me because I walk, feed and play with him. I wish every relationship was that easy!

    Before meeting my BF, I wasn't a dog person but because of him I'll be one forever. I'm not sure what I'd do if I didn't have a dog.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Hey I just put 10 goldfish in my tank. They're awesome . And live longer than dogs

    I take it back then. By example they encourage people to swim and live in little castles, as all creatures should.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Im looking for a little light colored chihuahau. Im not a dog person but chihuhuas are so cute and have the best personalities.

    They are feisty little devils.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    They are the best. Right now we have a 14 year old Cocker Spaniel that even though he's 1/2 blind, 1/2 deaf and has horribly arthritic hips, he acts like a puppy, running around the house all wobbly...because he's older it does get our butts out of the house more (older dog more walks to pee). He doesn't care that I'm having a fat day, he still loves me because I walk, feed and play with him. I wish every relationship was that easy!

    Before meeting my BF, I wasn't a dog person but because of him I'll be one forever. I'm not sure what I'd do if I didn't have a dog.

    Aw, your dog sounds so sweet! I was always a cat person and thought dogs were painfully obsequious. Then I got my first one, and like you, that was it forever.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Agreed! It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you wake up when you have your doggies jumping all over the place, wagging their tails, just happy to be awake for the day! Dogs don't have bad days, nor do they judge. They are great examples to learn from. Thanks for the post!
  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    My two love to lay in the weight room while I am lifting. Our German Shepherd tends to just watch, lick my face while I am vulnerable and hands are occupied, and of course craw under me while I do push ups so that he can get attention every time I go down ha. Our Malamute/Husky mix isn't so nice. She watches until I do a cardio exercise like jump rope and then tries to jump up and do it with me. She does congratulate me after my workouts with a high five though which is nice(:


  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I have four puppies! Each with their very own unique personality. Scully and Dixie are my young puppies (just turned 1 year). Dixie is a blue heeler/sheltie mix that we just adopted 6 months ago. She likes to stab you with her nose to get your attention and if you have forgotten that you were in the middle of petting her, she punches you in the face to remind you. Scully has been with us since she was 8 weeks. She's a terrier mix with seemingly endless amounts of energy. But she knows when it's bed time and she will curl up on 78% of my pillow and look up at me with those big puppy eyes until I lay down then she licks my forehead before falling asleep.

    My two old dogs are Molly and Ruby. Molly is 14/15 year old cockapoo who thinks she is a royal princess that needs to be fawned over. She's getting a little senile in her old age but sometimes can just run and run nonstop like a puppy. Ruby is my big fat beagle, about 9/10 years old. She knows she has a weight issue but just doesn't care. She always knows when I'm feeling bad and will push the others away from me and just curl up next to me until I'm feeling better.

    My dogs are everything to me. I can't imagine life without them. They make sure I get up on time every morning (even on the weekends :| ) and they are always there for me. They are always excited to welcome me home even if I was just gone for a few minutes. They keep me warm at night and give me a reason to run in circles in my backyard.

    Agreed, everyone needs a puppy or something!
  • DaveTimeKeeper
    DaveTimeKeeper Posts: 103 Member
    I have a service dog for PTSD and fitting. he is a real strength in bad times. the understands sign language, Gaelic, and English, we are working on other language commands also.
    he is 120lb and 1 1/2year old great Dane / bloodhound / boxer
    I'm teaching him agility so its a good workout too.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Agreed! It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you wake up when you have your doggies jumping all over the place, wagging their tails, just happy to be awake for the day! Dogs don't have bad days, nor do they judge. They are great examples to learn from. Thanks for the post!

    It's all so true! It's just hard to be blue with so much love.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    I love dogs, but living in an apartment and working 10 plus hours a day is not ideal for a dog, so my daughter and I adopted a cat. She's pure white, looks like an angel but acts like the devil lol. But seriously, I wouldn't want any other cat. She's a cuddler when she wants to, playful and has some cool cat-a-tude.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited December 2014
    <---My dog loves to hang out with me when I'm working out and lick the sweat off my face
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    My two love to lay in the weight room while I am lifting. Our German Shepherd tends to just watch, lick my face while I am vulnerable and hands are occupied, and of course craw under me while I do push ups so that he can get attention every time I go down ha. Our Malamute/Husky mix isn't so nice. She watches until I do a cardio exercise like jump rope and then tries to jump up and do it with me. She does congratulate me after my workouts with a high five though which is nice(:

    Those pictures!!! *love* Hee, dogs are hilarious when you're working out at home. Mine does the same thing with the kisses.

  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Wouldn't you know that when I was at my thinnest I was running with my dog on a regular basis. I wish I had a dog to workout with now, but since I have 3 cats, I don't think I can squeeze another animal into my house. I do have an obese cat that I am slowly trying to leash train so I can take it for walks....it is not going well. :(
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I have a service dog for PTSD and fitting. he is a real strength in bad times. the understands sign language, Gaelic, and English, we are working on other language commands also.
    he is 120lb and 1 1/2year old great Dane / bloodhound / boxer
    I'm teaching him agility so its a good workout too.

    Wow! That is amazing. So glad you have this companion and resource. Good for you!
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    My dog will be 4 next month and is definitely a big motivator for me. He's lost 9 lbs with me. Haha. Even at 4 he's still my puppy <3 I don't know what I'd do without him.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    I have four puppies! Each with their very own unique personality. Scully and Dixie are my young puppies (just turned 1 year). Dixie is a blue heeler/sheltie mix that we just adopted 6 months ago. She likes to stab you with her nose to get your attention and if you have forgotten that you were in the middle of petting her, she punches you in the face to remind you. Scully has been with us since she was 8 weeks. She's a terrier mix with seemingly endless amounts of energy. But she knows when it's bed time and she will curl up on 78% of my pillow and look up at me with those big puppy eyes until I lay down then she licks my forehead before falling asleep.

    My two old dogs are Molly and Ruby. Molly is 14/15 year old cockapoo who thinks she is a royal princess that needs to be fawned over. She's getting a little senile in her old age but sometimes can just run and run nonstop like a puppy. Ruby is my big fat beagle, about 9/10 years old. She knows she has a weight issue but just doesn't care. She always knows when I'm feeling bad and will push the others away from me and just curl up next to me until I'm feeling better.

    My dogs are everything to me. I can't imagine life without them. They make sure I get up on time every morning (even on the weekends :| ) and they are always there for me. They are always excited to welcome me home even if I was just gone for a few minutes. They keep me warm at night and give me a reason to run in circles in my backyard.

    Agreed, everyone needs a puppy or something!

    So many doggies, how wonderful! Hee, Ruby. You do you, honey!

    Have you ever seen this video from Kids in the Hall about terriers? https://youtube.com/watch?v=j5bIW882OR8

  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have a service dog for PTSD and fitting. he is a real strength in bad times. the understands sign language, Gaelic, and English, we are working on other language commands also.
    he is 120lb and 1 1/2year old great Dane / bloodhound / boxer
    I'm teaching him agility so its a good workout too.

    That is wonderful. And those are three of the BEST breeds. So gentle. I once knew a boxer who was a stern watch dog but when it came to kids, he was an angel.

    Your dog is so smart. And that's a great idea, doing agility training for him and for some exercise. Pugs aren't....the smartest little devils (I know other pug owners will boot me for saying that...). But they can move surprisingly well!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I love dogs, but living in an apartment and working 10 plus hours a day is not ideal for a dog, so my daughter and I adopted a cat. She's pure white, looks like an angel but acts like the devil lol. But seriously, I wouldn't want any other cat. She's a cuddler when she wants to, playful and has some cool cat-a-tude.

    I grew up with cats and love them dearly. I had a cuddly cat, super human attached. A little different than my other cat, who loved to claw bellies after seductively baring hers ("go on, pet me").