New Year's Resolutions!!!



  • K8Y88
    K8Y88 Posts: 48
    Same as always, loose weight finally learn to drive and be a better more positive person :)

    I will suceed doing all 3 in the next 365 days!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Learn when to use lose and loose. :p
  • annemie1124
    Mine are all related I guess ;)

    #1 - Loose about 30lbs
    #2 - Hit the gym at least twice a week
    #3 - Quit drinking after work (beer = calories)
    #4 - Quit smoking (I smoke when I drink)
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I don't believe in New Years resolutions but I do believe it is important to write down your goals often. The list will change over time.

    -- Grow my new business at least 50%.

    -- Read the bible all the way through again

    -- Volunteer more, meaningfully so...not just show up with a crowd for a few hours.

    -- Get to 15% body-fat

    -- Ride the KATY trail as often as possible - this year making some rides one-way destination rides.

    -- Revisit this list often and make changes as needed to stay interested, challenged, and succeed.
  • sophieR1693
    sophieR1693 Posts: 5 Member
    Lose this final 9KG/20LBS by June!
    Finish college and finally get my degree!
    Give more time to my Blog!

    Happy 2015 Everyone :smiley:
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    I don't normally do resolutions, but this year I am.

    1. To lose 6kg by the middle of February.
    2. To lose 20kg by the end of the year.
    3. To read at least one book a month. This isn't a lot, but it's just to get me back into reading more than magazines and online articles.
    4. To do and complete one craft project per month.

    I have more grand plans, but I think these four are enough to start. I have taken steps to reach these goals too.
    The first is by tracking everything I eat on MFP for a month. I've fallen out of the habit and it's such a simple and effective way to help control how much and what I eat, I need to be fanatical about it for 31 days to get back in the groove.
    For the last two, I've gone and deleted some of my favourite time-wasting games. I could kill an evening playing silly games, and as enjoyable as it was, I'd rather have something to show for my efforts like a craft project!