Post here if you want more friends!



  • Angiefit4life
    Angiefit4life Posts: 210 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • I am looking for friends :-) Feel free to add me
  • swellmomma
    swellmomma Posts: 37 Member
    I would love more friends on here. Just starting out on my journey to lose 100 lbs and could use all the supportive friends I can get to keep me going. :)
  • healthymoi2015
    healthymoi2015 Posts: 17 Member
    blown away by how supportive people are. very cool. always up for new friends who understand the ups and downs of eating/exercising - and the importance of picking yourself back up. cheers!
  • siddverma96
    siddverma96 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me... Always looking for support from people with similar goals!!!
  • Looking for supportive friends on here that can help hold me accountable! =]
  • Hello, add away! 55 lbs to lose to reach my 1st weight-loss goal! =)
  • mwoznia1
    mwoznia1 Posts: 3 Member
    I need more friends! Please add me, too!
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi tomorrow Im starting AGAIN please feel free to add me as a friend.The more the merrier.I like people who have diaries open because that is my evening reading material !!! It gives me ideas and helps alot .I also work on recipes and break downs so I know how many calories are in them,maybe I can give ideas also.
  • Just joined today, I would love to be friends!
  • swanie12
    swanie12 Posts: 28 Member
    Thats great! Not sure what ee do next, but we are, I m kinda new here so I dont really kmow the ropes yet. I m also typing on a tablet which is muçh different than typing on a pc, so please excuse all the boo boos. I am 53 and would like to loss about 40. I plan to do it ina year and I realize that falling off the wagon now and then is part of the journy to ghe goal as long as you get back on your weight loss wagon and dont give up completely. I find laughing at things helps you not loose your mind and keeps things more fun. Just let me know if there is anything special I cwn do or say to help you on your weight loss journy. Karen
  • Adele731
    Adele731 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't have any friends added on this thing...would love some
  • Hi Adele731 add me..I would love the motivation
  • ehmadore
    ehmadore Posts: 72 Member
    Add me :)
  • Hi everyone im just starting out on this journey and need help getting started any advice out there? My is barbara
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    I've been at this a while, but finally getting into the groove and ready to make it stick! Add me if you like!
  • temptingtiff
    temptingtiff Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my name is Tiffany please add me... I'm scheduled for RNY weight loss surgery on January 19th and have lost 22 pounds so far with MFP since November. I love to post on here...
  • Feel free anyone B)
  • Feel free to add me as well, 24 year old female with 100 plus pounds to lose, but regardless of your goals add me if you'd like.