2015 walk/bike/jog/run with jeanniewes

As said I have started these challenges for 2 years. I don't always reach my goal. I've met many new people. People who stayed and people who quit. I CHALLENGE ALL MY REGULARS AND ALL THE NEW PEOPLE WHO WANT TOO IMPROVE ON THEIR HEALTH AND BODY.

The challenge is too do more walking/biking/jogging/running than you did LAST MONTH and all last year....

It's taking me awhile too bounce back but I have now been given a Decadron shot and another round of Prednisone. LETS HOPE this does it this time.... I may not leave you in the Dust like our Gruff...lol...but I will be going as fast as I can too catch up ...errrrrrrrrrr like I will ever catch up with Gruff...lol now jesiann I just may be able too do THAT... :p

HOPE TOO SEE EACH OF YOU THERE......I WILL <3 IT! and THANK YOU for being part of my world here at the forum...



  • I am looking for other exersizes to do while on the treadmill. I live in the country and it is dangerous to be walking on our narrow road so I do my workouts in home. wondering maybe weights, or aerobic moves to stack the workout. Any suggestions?
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hey hey, Jeannie!! Yeah girl, let's do this!!! You didn't mention a goal this time so I'm going to stay with 100 miles walked for the month. Averages a little over 3 per day which is doable outside of my progressive lifting routine. So now the big question is.... Will Gruff be joining us?? Oh I hope so! I do love ribbing that guy!! :# Come out, come out, wherever you are, Gruff!

    Edited to say that you actually did mention a goal. My bad...
  • sbkritz5 wrote: »
    I am looking for other exersizes to do while on the treadmill. I live in the country and it is dangerous to be walking on our narrow road so I do my workouts in home. wondering maybe weights, or aerobic moves to stack the workout. Any suggestions?

    Check Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on Youtube. I can't go out as much as I want because of the weather so I cycle at home and go to swim once at least once a week. I have started the 30 DYS shred and plan to do it 2 -3 times a week.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Newbie here, but I would like to join! My goal is 100 miles this month! I workout at home and am a full time vet tech, so I'll be counting my steps I do at work as well as every day steps.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member

    sbkritz5....I have ankle weights although I do find it difficult too walk long in them. IF you are able too use weights while on the treadmill then GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    MY GOAL (like jesiann and Amberness89) WILL BE 100 MILES.

    I would like too get 100 miles in walking and any exercise Bike miles I do will just be extra. In the past 2 years I have reached my goals and gone over most of the time. I think there are 2 or 3 months I did not make it... :(

    Sooooooooooo how many goal miles for GRUFF? Should we make his 5,000? ....LOL....
  • tonetta51
    tonetta51 Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to be included. 100 miles sounds like so much but I think I can do it. Does it have to be walking/running to count. I do a 90 minute line dance class twice a week and it's nonstop.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Sweet!!! Jeannie, we got company! :)
    Welcome all!!
    All of my miles are walked. My trusty fitbit gives me my daily total.

    3.87 miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    :) im here, just been having a relaxed start to the year. 6 Miles yesterday and the bike had a strip and rebuild. Back to my commute of 15 Miles today and if its dry i have my running kit out ready for tonight. Managed 642 miles last Jan but did have a few days away with the ex so 600 is a fair target ;) its 180 "bonus" miles

    Welcome to the new faces and good luck to all. If you are out and its dark just make sure you can be seen

  • tonetta51
    tonetta51 Posts: 22 Member
    Calculating my walking in steps since I have an old pedometer and that's all it records. did 5300 today but also did Wii Just Dance 20, min, Wii Fit 25 min, and yoga 35 min.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey, way to go guys! And Gruff!!!! You're back! Jeannie and I missed you. <3
    I did pretty good today. Finally got back to my weight training program after sitting out a week. Felt good too!

    4.45 miles

    8.32 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Had a bit of a downer put on my week with family issues, but still ticking along 4.4, 23.2 and 15.5 totaling 43.1 so far. Managed to gain 1lb over xmas even with a 4000+ cal deficit but will get calipers out and see where it is. Guessing my legs as went to run earlier and pants slide down :s Having an easy weekend and 2 rooms to paint next week so not many miles other than the commute. Hopefully back to stupid distances for 18th and a 200 on the 25th should help.

    Glad to see your nudging your way along even with the weather as it is jesiann. Dont worry you and Jeannie are going to have to put up with me for a while :)

    Welcome tonetta steps, line dancing etc it all adds up and will only bring you closer to your goal just keep it going.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    I sit here and read. You guys really do make me smile. jesiann <3 we have become a 'group' and we're all here at this thread. Happy too see gruff is not leaving us and we have a newbie.... If I am not here every day I will still keep up and post my progress.

    WELCOME tonetta. ANYWAY you can get your miles and exercise it great. YOU GO GIRL!

    Sorry for my absence. I still got in miles. My husband took me too visit my mom since I am not lifting, tugging, pushing, pulling, driving etc. I am feeling better but know it is the Prednisone. I am told I NEED TOO REST for this shoulder too heal... Yesterday we did take down all the Christmas deco's. I just packed stuff. Husband did the lifting, putting away. It was a long slow day as I could not work very fast. Today I have made Healthy Homemade veg soup and done some dishes and a short walk. The rest of the day YES I REST.

    January 1st ...............2.25 walking miles....
    January 2nd...............3.75 walking miles....
    January 3rd................1.5 walking miles....

    TOTAL thus far January 3rd...............................7.5 walking miles.....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey hey hey!! Happy January 3rd, guys!! Jeannie, it sounds like your stamina is getting better bit by bit. We're pullin for ya here in our little ragtag group. <3 And Gruff, you had me chuckling out loud about your pants situation. You are just too much. On a more serious note, I'm truly sorry to hear that your family has hit a rough patch. You and your loved ones are in my thoughts and I pray things smooth out in the near future. I guess the only good thing about trials is that we can grow through them. Get on that 2-wheeled ninja machine and crank out some crazy miles! You know you just make the rest of us look like little ole grannys, don't you? HA! You wish, dude. ;)
    Welcome, Tonetta! Yes Ma'am, you can certainly do 100 miles in January. I dare ya!
    Ok so the weather here was just shy of atrocious today. It rained cats and dogs aaaaaalllll day. Me and my guys took in The Hunger Games movie and then had dinner at O'Charley's. I had the most delectable dish, Bayou Shrimp Pasta. Thank you, whoever you are who created this luscious cream sauce. I don't even want to know how many calories I consumed.... I won't think about that tho.

    2.27 miles (gonna have to make up some distance tomorrow, I guess)

    10.59 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Had all the intentions of a lazy day then head up to the hospital. Stayed up till 3 prepped for a massive breakfast and had a few vodkas. Then woke up at 6 had the idea to go pick my tandem up from my ex's. So out the house i go to get the tram over to hers and ended up running into town got a coffee and continued on till i found myself there. 8 miles which is the longest run in 2 years for me. Got the tandem home after 7.5 miles of riding and have 20 later to go up to the hospital. Massive 6 egg omlette now with sausages and mushrooms etc.

    Have a good day :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    edited January 2015
    I do believe that TRIALS make us stronger although at the moment it may not seem like it. HANG IN THERE GRUFF...It will get better in time.....

    Thanks jessiann. actually that longer walk was 2 different walks. A slow one and a faster one. I don't have any pain right now so I sure hope when the Prednisone is completed I can say I MADE IT! That is the plan anyway as they say the next step would also be a CT scan for me...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I AM READY TOO JUST BE HEALED! EDIT: I wanted too come back and say that we want too see the Hungar games. Not even got too go too a movie since first week of Dec. Glad you had a nice day ...

    Rain stopped. Temp 54 degrees so the girls and I got in a 3 mile walk. It was not my fast walk because I am at their mercy since I am not suppose too be doing any tugging. They led the way I followed! lol..what is wrong with that???????????

    TOTAL January 4th..................10.5 walking miles...
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow??

    Gruff, you should invest in a chicken coup. I thought I ate a lot of eggs. A 6-egg omelet!! That's impressive. But, you had me at mushrooms. I do love me some mushrooms.

    Looking good, Jeannie! Looking good!

    2.42 miles

    13.01 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    Just wanted too check in briefly. Will get some shopping (groc) walking in as husband is off and will need too do all the loading and carrying in. I sure hate not being able too do my normal chores! ughhhhh

    When I read what Gruff said about the 6-egg omelet I was thinking 'UGHHH CHOLESTEROL BIG TIME' .....lol.... I struggle with High Cholesterol unfortunately...

  • kasiaj
    kasiaj Posts: 63 Member
    I want to join. I'll set my goal at 75 miles since I'm a newbie and I'm not sure if this is a correct goal for me (we'll see). I'm a mommy to a 3 month old and a toddler who works full time so it's hard to judge what I can do. I hope this goal is not too big for me. I guess we'll see soon enough!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Kasiaj, we're delighted to have you join us! And there are no losers (unless you mean lbs) here on our thread. Do the best you can (don't ever think you can beat Gruff. He's the BOSS. Seriously) and rejoice that you did any at all. :)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    4.46 miles

    17.47 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    YES WELCOME kasiaj..... I did not reach my goal last month. just do the best you can..

    Monday Jan 5th....................2.0 Miles
    Tuesday Jan 6th....................3.25 Miles

    TOTAL thus far.........................15.75 miles.....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Nasty flu-like symptoms. It's that time of the year... :\

    1.47 miles

    18.94 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    so sorry jesiann. I've already been there..ughhhhhhhhhh

    TODAY was Mall walking/shopping. Too cold for anything else.

    3.0 Miles slower pace mall walking....

    TOTAL Jan 7th.................18.75 Miles.....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Thank you, Jeannie. A bit better today. Back to work anyway...
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday:

    1.36 miles

    20.30 Total miles
    20HJIGSAW Posts: 7 Member
    I have a question. I walk on average over 10000 steps daily which is about 5 miles. I have been doing some research and they say that a very active person walks about 10000 steps a day. MFP profile I have it as very active which takes in walking/steps into account but what about the steps or miles above 10000 do I log those calories? Thanks in advance.
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Been out for another little run and agreed to do a half marathon after work on the 31st :( see how it goes. Only small rides to work but made sure to keep the speed up around 18-20.

    So 107.1 Ridden and 10 Run so 1/6 of the way to target.

    Welcome to kasiaj and jigsaw. If you feel like you have had an "over active" day then maybe add some extra if not then leave them off. If you target calories are wrong the scales and way you feel is the quickest to tell you.

    Jesiann and jeannie if your feeling the sniffles wrap up, fill a drinks bottle with lemsip and keep at it :) the bottle will keep your hands warm and help with the symptoms
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Wet and cold over my way, guys. Gruff, thanks for the health tips. ;) Though I'm not sure what a lemsip is... Maybe lemon water? Either way, I'm back on my feet. Feeling much better.

    Post for yesterday:

    2.42 miles

    22.72 Total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome JIGSAW! I use too go by FF calories/exercise/etc. In all honesty I will say that it is not always correct. It really depends on your weight/stride etc as far as walking goes. I KNOW THIS because I always trusted my Treadmil readings. I purchased a Pedometer. I wear it on my wrist. I found that it was more accurate and gave me less calories worked off than the Treadmil did. I was told that Pedometers are more accurate. I would not worry so much about it though IF you dont have a pedometer. My motto is AS LONG AS YOUR MOVING AND DOING YOUR BEST YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can LOG calories if you want too. I do that in MY Diary section of FF but you can do whatever you want. We have no RULES HERE other than TOO MOVE!!!!!!!!!

    Yesterday we went back too the Mall (even though it is far away but we had errands too do as well) so I could get in another walk. It has been bitterly cold here. Suppose too be that way next four days. Looks like I will have too either walk on the treadmil or use the Exercise Bike....

    Yesterday Jan 8th..............2 miles only..

    TOTAL Jan 9th.................20.75 walking miles...
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,818 Member
    ok I'm back. End of day...

    Jan 9th.................small walk.......... 1.0 Mile.....just too cold :'(
    .............................exercise Bike......6.0 Miles.................... :)

    TOTAL JAN 9TH.........................21.75 walking miles...
    ....................................................6.0 Exercise Bike miles...
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jesi's back too!!! And feeling soooooo much better, thank you very much. ;)
    Even hit the weights a bit which felt truly sublime.
    Forgot to post last night so here it is:

    4.97 miles

    27.69 total miles

    Welcome to the weekend, guys!!