How can I stay motivated with little family support?

Keeblerelfkin Posts: 24 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
I am down 155 and still have 184 pounds to go but I have little support from my family. All they see is that I am still Fat.. which isn't a huge help.. especially when I am trying so hard to get back on track losing the rest of this weight.. They always make sure there is unhealthy things in the house to tempt me and they know how I feel about this. I feel like they do it on purpose sometimes. I am curious if there is anyone else out there with this issue and if so how are you dealing with it? Also I would like to add a few more friends so anyone interested feel free to friend me.. Thanks


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there, firstly welcome to the MFP community!
    Not having your family behind you must be tough, but you can also use it to motivate you.. keep giving it your all, making the awesome progress that you are doing and you will definitely hit your goal!

    MFP has an amazing range of people that are on the same path as you, whilst you are here you are never alone or without support!!

    Happy new year and all the best, make 2015 your year!!

  • valeriehettelhansen
    Prove them wrong girl. You are so much more. You are strong and we can do this together. :-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Consistency and discipline will be your mantra. Motivation only goes so far, but you do need it to fight through the tough times. Staying consistent will help to overcome setbacks and obstacles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    Fabulous effort. BTW - Who are "they" (who keep bringing nasties into the house).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    WTG on 155 pounds, thats amazing! Just keep doing what you've been doing and use THAT as your motivation. You've got this!
  • Keeblerelfkin
    Keeblerelfkin Posts: 24 Member
    The THEY are my husband and kids who I thought would be more helpful but this has not been quite the case. Hopefully 2015 will be better.
  • johnseitz
    no offense...but your family really sucks! good lord!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Congratulations on your success. A lot of us have a lack of family support. In most cases, such as mine, we get the opposite criticism that we are getting "too skinny" or are weird or whatever. A lot of us get our support from MFP friends simply because families can be so unhelpful.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    You should be teaching us!! What a great accomplishment. Just consider this day a blip on the radar since you obviously know how to lose weight. Very proud of you, btw. Its okay to have a weak moment, and get miffed, but don't stay there. You clearly want this more than you want snacks. Historically speaking after all!
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    you have lost my entire body weight. that is incredible! Just think about what you accomplished. You lost a person in body weight. You must feel a lot better than when you started, just imagine how you will feel when you drop another 'me' in body weight. Family can be difficult. Put your foot down tell them you need their support. Maybe get your kids involved somehow. I have a 5 year old who now gets on the treadmill while I am on the cross trainer. Not only is it good for me but she is starting to live a healthy lifestyle while just hanging out with daddy. get your kids involved even if it is a daily walk around the block together. fitness can be a family thing especially when you challenge your kids. feel free to add me as a friend.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    Im sorry to hear your family is sabotaging you!! That is a real bummer....AS for the husband -try taking to for the kids they are 3-14 years old and what a perfect time to team them healthy eating and not allow them to bring junk into the house! I realize it can be hard, but you seem motivated and you are in control....being a role model for the kids maybe motivation enough for you? Best wishes!
  • liveagain
    liveagain Posts: 97 Member
    Girl, I know exactly how you feel. 2014 was supposed to be my year, but having a lack of support and a lot of discouraging comments and questions made things difficult. I still tried, but had no success. I'm actually a few pounds heavier than where I started.
  • liveagain
    liveagain Posts: 97 Member
    ...I found a gym with a women's only area. It's perfect for me. That feeling I get when I'm pushing myself to do one more set or 5 more minutes of cardio and actually do it is euphoric. Anytime I face a moment of temptation or negativity, I head to the gym or at least think of that feeling. It makes me smile, always, and I pull through that moment successfully. Find your outlet and in the meantime, add me here (anyone can) and we will succeed together! <3
  • naydean03
    Sorry to hear that you don't get support at home. I believe in you, you have come so far already! Believe in yourself and you will get there! My family isn't too supportive either, my husband buys all kinds of junk food all the time. He thinks I have to starve myself to lose weight. He tells me "what I need to do" just because he can lose 10 lbs in a week. He doesn't understand everyone is different and men and women lose weight differently. I know I'm gunna stay focus and do this for me, I want to feel healthy again. You can do it too! Just remember why you are doing it and think how amazingly awesome you will be once you lose the rest of your weight. =) good luck! !!
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    You need to have a talk with hubby. You deserve HIS support.

    You also might want to consider not needing support from your children. I always hated it when my mother was dieting. She was invariably cranky and stopping serving anything that tasted very good. (I was a child. I sympathize with her pov now, mind)

    But it's not your children's job to support your goals. It's YOUR job to be Da Mama and it's the other way around. God knows it's thankless, but there ya are.
  • Keygaohda
    Keygaohda Posts: 4 Member
    I sent a message earlier but I am not sure if it reached you. My message of support basically said that I am inspired by you as you have lost 155lbs with out support and here I am starting again today to try and lose 80lbs! You have come so far all on your own! You are amazing! Continued success to you! Happy New Year!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I am down 155 and still have 184 pounds to go but I have little support from my family. All they see is that I am still Fat.. which isn't a huge help.. especially when I am trying so hard to get back on track losing the rest of this weight.. They always make sure there is unhealthy things in the house to tempt me and they know how I feel about this. I feel like they do it on purpose sometimes. I am curious if there is anyone else out there with this issue and if so how are you dealing with it? Also I would like to add a few more friends so anyone interested feel free to friend me.. Thanks

    You've done really well!
    Does any other member of your family have an issue with weight? I think it can be hard for people to understand if they haven't been there. Are they really being unsupportive of you losing weight or are they just wanting to have stuff they like to eat?
    Have you talked about your goals with them and your plan? Do they know that it takes time to lose weight in a healthy way? Can you compromise with smaller packages of less healthy food or keep it put away. It would make your life easier if they didn't have foods you have trouble with in the house ever but you can't make everyone change just because you have to.

    My dh and dd don't need to lose weight. They want to eat things like candy, chips or ice cream. We always have those things in the house. They aren't forcing me to put them in my body. They don't complain if I eat smaller portions, have a salad instead of fries, drink water or eat 2 cookies instead of 10. They don't make negative remarks about me logging all my food before eating it. They don't make negative remarks about me exercising.
  • Leyshinka
    Leyshinka Posts: 54 Member
    I am in a similar situation but mine is compounded by the fact that I don't want to overly restrict the lives of those around me by my choice of a different lifestyle. Therefore as much as I have asked them to be supportive, I don't think I have stressed it seriously how much it means to me.

    This makes it harder for me to lose weight but I have decided that for me to lose it and keep it off I have to be strong. Either I will completely resist the things that take me off track or I will learn to enjoy them in moderation. As some have said its the self discipline and self control that leads to long term success. I have so far (6 months) managed to resist the soft drinks in the house. I only drink water. 2015 I am taking on the battle of too much chocolate deserts and crisps
  • Keeblerelfkin
    Keeblerelfkin Posts: 24 Member
    THANK YOU to all who have responded to this post with your kindness and encouragement. I don't expect my hubby and kids to understand since none of them have this issue, but I don't want them to ever have to experience this either. I am doing it on my own, I joined a gym and hopefully things will find a way to work itself out. I realized a long time ago that I did not get fat overnight and I won't get skinny overnight either. I am writing in a journal daily and keeping track of my food and so far so good.
  • zombie_meg
    zombie_meg Posts: 149 Member
    Try having a talk with your husband about the health benefits of cutting out junk and the need to prevent future issues in your children like diabetes and heart problems. Perhaps you could take some sort of family nutrition and cooking class, even if it's just you and your kids. Go to family fitness classes or suggest some fun activities like throwing the ball around or having fun races. Maybe your husband will have enough of being left out and join in! You've come so far! That's amazing! Keep doing what you're doing!