do you find you cant eat some foods in moderation?



  • acceann
    Any form of cake or sugar cookies. I will go nuts if I can't have them. And I never have "only one."
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    Baked goodies. This time of year it's a struggle.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    Pizza goldfish and Nutella.
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    You are exactly right. I have found that buying small quantities helps. I can't have a big bag of chips in the house, but I can have a bunch of small bags. I think there is something ingrained in us that tells us to finish our food and so when you have one big bag you feel like you need to finish it. And the same thing happens when you have a small bag, but since the bag is smaller you end up consuming fewer calories and eating less. I think that's the reason why some people recommend using a smaller plate for meals when dieting.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    You are definitely not alone. :)

    I think everyone has their own kryptonite and in addition to not stocking temptations in the house (don't buy it) or pre-portioning, etc. you may want to try and figure out what you like about snack X and find a healthier alternative.

    For example, Fried Rice is THE one thing that I am TOTALLY unable to moderate so I went cold turkey 2 yrs ago, substituted it with quinoa and never looked back. After the initial shock, my body just stopped craving it so now I don't even miss it. Nowadats, if given the choice of fried rice or veggies, I opt for the veggies because I don't feel the extra calories in the fried rice is worth the splurge.

    Some people can TOTALLY moderate with conscious practice while others are just not 'wired' to. The important thing is to be conscious of these temptations and actively take precautions.

    Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    brenn24179 wrote: »
    I cant have large bags of chips in the house (small ones are fine)
    I cant have a whole cake in the house (a piece from the grocery store is fine)
    I hope one day I can just eat in moderation but this Christmas was a real wakeup call.
    For some reason it is too much temptation for me to handle, don't know why, I guess I am just what you call greedy. Are ya like this or is it just me? WIth certain foods I definitely set myself up for failure if I try moderation.

    I can't eat broccoli or lettuce in moderation. I don't buy either because I'll go overboard.



    Actually, one of the greatest tools I've learned is how to eat everything in moderation. In other words, if it's in my house, I can moderate how much I eat.

    I have Irish chocolates in the freezer and Sees candies in the cabinet, also chips, nuts, cookies. Everything in my house I eat gets portioned, weighed, and logged--no exceptions.

    Two years ago I could not have done this, but I can now.
  • ericah971
    ericah971 Posts: 55 Member
  • nicnz
    nicnz Posts: 159 Member
    It's not the worst thing one could eat, but I find it hard to keep my peanut butter consumption down - a jar of unsalted pb will last at most a week - put it in coffee, teas, with fruit and yoghurt.... Etc
  • missyjoy6988
    missyjoy6988 Posts: 29 Member
    I cannot keep any kind of potato chip, corn chip, Funyun, salty cracker, etc.-- none of it in my house. I always tell myself I will eat a serving with a turkey sandwich, but I usually eating the whole bag. Salty snacky foods are my weakness. I can have cookies, chocolate and sweets in the house whenever--I never crave those kinds of goodies.
  • missyjoy6988
    missyjoy6988 Posts: 29 Member
    Oh, and I tried buying the small individual bags of chips but that still doesn't work for me. I simply eat 4 or 5 small bags! I know, no will power to resist, right? I just don't buy the stuff because I know I will eat it.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Pasta. I go big or go home with pasta. There is no moderation. I have tried.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    Ice Cream. A few months ago I ate three full pints in a sitting.

    Go big or go home?
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    Coke, I have been known to drink 3 litres in a day. It still has a ridiculous hold on me and when I give it up I invariably am exhausted, cranky, touchy, and have a horrible headache for days. But even when I do give it up all it takes it one glass and I slide right back down that rabbit hole... ugh
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    edited January 2015
    If you can have small bags of chips or one piece of cake… then you can moderate! It's when you have that small bag of chips and then have to go buy (and eat) 5 more. Or when that one piece of cake leads you to buying (and eating) an entire one.

    But in regards to the question asked in your title… No. I am able moderate really well. I'm a control freak… so my problem comes when someone (including me) tries to tell me that I can't have something… my response is usually something along the lines of "f*** you" followed by eating everything in sight (even if I don't really want it) just out of spite.

    edited for typo
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    My self-control has gotten a lot better over these past few months. I can keep most foods around that I used to have to avoid without too much temptation to over-indulge. However, there are still some foods I generally just do not keep around because they're too easy to over-eat on (chips, cookies, frozen pizza bites, most frozen foods in general). If I do eat these things, I tend to buy like one small container of it and that's it. I'd have to go out and buy more if I wanted more and I'm usually too lazy to do that so it works out.