

  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    I just found this link about what to say when people are "pushing" you to eat food and you're on a diet.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm a little late posting my January micro-goals:

    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day
    2) Try a Zumba class at the gym at least twice
    3) Keep my MFP streak alive through Jan 31st
    4) Savor more, guzzle less. o:) This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness

    I got a new scale earlier this week and had a mild shock when I first stepped on and it registered 6 pounds more than the old scale. Since this is my first scale that measures more than weight, I'm going to give myself a chance to adapt to tracking body fat and BMI. BTW: Three days later, it's now registering a weight much closer to my norm. My trainer will be taking measurements on a quarterly basis so I will also continue to track inches lost.

    This New Year is also has me doing a big time clean out of my office, and installing a new all-in-one printer. Stress! :s Well worth the effort, but not the way I was hoping to spend the final weekend of my holiday break.

    Barb: Let me know if you'd like to meet up while you are in the Parker, CO area. I live about 40 minutes away. Right now, it's snowing again, but at least the temperatures are above freezing.

    So happy to see all new members to this community. Hope you'll keep checking back in. If you miss a few days, that's okay. We'll still be here and welcome you and your stories of living the journey to radiant good health.

    Stay strong. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm cured! My temp is back to my normal, which is 97.4. I have not thrown up this morning at all. So I just ate a pudding cup. Will see if it stays down, and then a shower! Hurray! I'm thinking I might have gotten some bad food or something, and not the flu. I don't have coughing or congestion or anything. Update: it didn't stay down. Rats!

    The 321 cakes are in the MFP database. I think it depends on what flavor cake mix you use.

    Meg, I'm so glad to see a nice long post from you. I'd been worried. Glad the baby is getting bigger! So sorry about your knee.

    Tere, how scary! We have dogs in our neighborhood that are always off leash. Ours are always leashed, and sometimes they are in danger because of it.

    I'm still going to try getting a shower. Later ladies.


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Been so emotionally and physically drain.Weather sucks-freezing rain,sleet and snow.Good day to stay in and cook.hugs
  • ogcoffee
    ogcoffee Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I started to log again today. In 2011 I lost 70 lbs, 20 lbs from my goal by doing a IP Progam.. The circumstances of life changed and our income plumited. I tried to save the world by over extending myself. Jan 12, 2014 I wound up in ER with what turned out to be a compression on my spinal cord, became paralyzed from the neck down and only diaphram moving on Jan 13. Had emergency surgery and by God's amazing grace am walking. I have tremedous muscle spasms. I was released from a nursing home May 7 when my husband then came home due to disability as well. I oved into care taking verses taking care of me. I walked on my treadmill 15 minutes today and plan to do again. I will begin my therapy exercises again and want to eat correctly. Seems any bit of carbs I pack it on..... My goal for now is to loose 42 lbs. Trusting God on this! I dont move normally but will persevere ahead. Bless you all...2015 here we come!
  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    Went to the Fairchild Gardens to see the Chihuly exhibit. It was great to be outside in the warm air, seeing all the greenery and the beautiful glass art. In three days I'll be back home and back to work. I'm looking forward to starting again with my trainer and focusing on healthy choices. So, while I did well today and met my goal, last night I was BAD. I need to listen to Rory because I had one too many martinis and they are just empty calories, which lead to poor food choices. >:)

    As I move through this journey with you all, I hope to get to know you and be able to contribute to each of you.

    Pompano Beach, Florida and Placitas, New Mexico
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sunday here and my Rest and Re-feed and Walk dog day.
    Food cals at 1738 which included Jeannette's smoked salmon pita for lunch and chocs tonight. I log all my food in a morning when i know what I will be eating.
    I am SO glad I did my 2 mile walk at 7am and JJ's circuit at 9am, and Stan took Mildred Beagle to beach for walk and swim.
    It got HOT in afternoon. Over 35C ~100F. We lost power from midday to 2 pm so stayed inside to read and then watch TV. I had washed clothed and towels in morning and towels well overdried.
    Fire storms in South Australia and Victoria with temperatures well into 40Cs. SO glad we moved to Tasmania in 2005 away from that
    Cooled at around 8pm with drops of rain and going to be hot again today.
    Going for fasting bloods at 8.30am tomorrow, then home for breakfast and BFFM upper body. May have to do 2 mile walk in evening and LONG walk Tuesday.
    Stan cooking our bacon and eggs and must go to Blog.

    On desserts. Brian told me NO desserts until I lose about 5 Kgs or he tells me OK and halve the fruit and cut down sugar. Trying real hard and choc treat only Saturday and Sunday for now, may have to go

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Just a quick post to mark my place. Thank you for all the kind words on my goals for the year! My January goals are:
    1. Do taxes,
    2. Fix house in TN for sale and list with realtor
    Lose 50 pounds:
    1. Eat 4 veggies a day,
    2. Eat 2 fruits a day,
    3. Exercise 5 times a week for at least 30 min each time.
    4. Lose 5 pounds.

    Rita from CT (and it is snowing right now!)
  • MessiGardener
    MessiGardener Posts: 37 Member
    kjctiger3 wrote: »
    Happy new year all :)

    I've just joined MyFitnessPal today in the hope's that I can finally get my weight and health under control. I'm a 52 yr old single mum of teen twin boys, I work full time and struggle to keep on top of chores at home. I have subsequently become an emotional eater :\ Having once been a super healthy chick before kids, I give loads of good advice on eating and dieting to my friends but don't follow a word of it myself. Rather than looking at the journey I keep focussing on the destination and have failed at the first hurdle.

    In joining MyFitnessPal I can at least be held responsible for my food and exercise. Hopefully some of you lovely ladies can help keep me on the straight and narrow while I travel this journey.

    All the best
    Karen, Perth, Australia

  • MessiGardener
    MessiGardener Posts: 37 Member
    I'm with you, girl. I know a lot about nutrition but don't follow my own advice very often. Let's help each other.

    Mariah, Broken Bow, Oklahoma
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi ogcoffee - welcome! You have had a lot to cope with! :flowerforyou: I hope things continue to improve for you.

    Viv - it is great to see you coming on here regularly. Cry all you want. :flowerforyou:

    Meg - as a veteran of the knee ******* I feel for you. Mine is currently behaving itself, but I always feel it is a temporary reprieve. :ohwell:

    Joyce - how frustrating! ! ! !

    Tere - those dogs sound horrible! Over here we have the RSPCA who can usually do something about that sort of thing. What a nightmare!

    Lesley - DH'S brother annd family live in Adelaide so our thoughts are over in that part of the world. They are safe where they are, but it must be a worry.

    Love to all. It's time for my bed. I am currently sleeping in my study as DH has a rotten cold which has gone to his chest. He is a very unhappy bunny. :cry: Last night I knew I had made the right decision when I went to the toilet in the night and heard the raucous snores coming from our bedroom.

    Heather in damp and chilly Hampshire UK

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There;s trees in Saskatchewan I sure didn't see any. They were very few and far in between. Went through there 3 times on my way to Alaska and then to Vancouver twice.

    thanks for the exercise tape that is great. It looks like it's all there.

    Well made a nice supper good for the diet one. Used left over bacon, sausage chopped green pepper and garlic and onion and made an omelet pretty good having it right now.

    see you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.

    I didn't read a few of the last posts I wanted supper lol.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    Got the paint on today. second coat tomorrow. (Meg, I had an electrical fire in the master bath so it was time to remodel.)

    Viv - Sending love and hugs your way. Cry, it is good for you.

    I am changing up the meds a bit so I hope I don't go to far the wrong way during the change. I have been doing well but the side effect of one of the meds was just too much jittery-ness.

    Off to do the laundry. Take care.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello all -
    It is dreary and rainy today. The weatherman said we had only 4 sunny days in Dec. - haven't seen the sun yet this January. I love rainy weather but this is ridiculous! So glad I am a gym rat and don't rely on outside activities. I would really be stressed - feeling for you in the cold north.

    Family drama seems to be continuing. I am not going to dwell on it. DGS turns 14 tomorrow. Not sure they are having a family gathering or not. This would be the first time in 14 years we're not involved.

    I love the words some of you are choosing for the new year. My focus on "opportunity" has helped me along as I start the new year.

    WELCOME new ladies. This is a good place to be.

    Sylvia - glad you are some better. I don't think you would have a fever if it were food poisoning. Since you have cardiac problems you need to take extra care. You are probably dehydrated. Keep a doctor visit in mind if you aren't better tomorrow.

    Viv and others who have suffered recent losses ((( )))

    Meg - sympathizing with the knee. I had tears and repairs in both knees over a two year time. Then got the worst one replaced in 2010. Best thing ever for me!

    Rita - did you used to live in TN? Where is the house you will be selling

    Prayers to all of you for health and happiness in 2015


  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello all -
    It is dreary and rainy today. The weatherman said we had only 4 sunny days in Dec. - haven't seen the sun yet this January. I love rainy weather but this is ridiculous! So glad I am a gym rat and don't rely on outside activities. I would really be stressed - feeling for you in the cold north.

    Family drama seems to be continuing. I am not going to dwell on it. DGS turns 14 tomorrow. Not sure they are having a family gathering or not. This would be the first time in 14 years we're not involved.

    I love the words some of you are choosing for the new year. My focus on "opportunity" has helped me along as I start the new year.

    WELCOME new ladies. This is a good place to be.

    Sylvia - glad you are some better. I don't think you would have a fever if it were food poisoning. Since you have cardiac problems you need to take extra care. You are probably dehydrated. Keep a doctor visit in mind if you aren't better tomorrow.

    Viv and others who have suffered recent losses ((( )))

    Meg - sympathizing with the knee. I had tears and repairs in both knees over a two year time. Then got the worst one replaced in 2010. Best thing ever for me!

    Rita - did you used to live in TN? Where is the house you will be selling

    Prayers to all of you for health and happiness in 2015


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    easy day:
    Rope pull- 20min 2022ft 87ftpmin lvl7 topset
    Rowing machine- 30min 41aw 4423meters
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    we have an airstream, the car (which i loved) wasn't heavy enough to tow it. we bought a used vehicle to tow it with and just brought it home. i miss my honda element :0(
  • maria2515
    This is my first day on my fitnesspal. I just turned 50 yrs old and having a hard time losing weight. I am looking forward to some encouraging words. :smile:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Evening,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Meg hope your knee is feeling better.

    Dorene I saw a Chihuly exhibit at Tower Grove Park in St. Louis a few years ago. They still have some of his onions and a large blue glass work in their foyer. At the Art Institute in Minneapolis they have a large yellow one that looks like the sun in their foyer. His glass sculptures are amazing. Another no calorie joy.

    2015 word: strength I am going to stay with this word for 2015 because I know I will need it.

    2015 quote "Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite."

    rose.gifMNMargaret MNMargaret

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Welcome, Maria! (And everyone else who is new. I can remember Maria's name since I'm posting directly under her.)

    I learned something that the rest of you probably know already, but I just discovered so am excited about it. MFP allows you to import Ingredients from any recipe on the Internet and calculates the nutritional info for you. Then it is there forever in your data base. I make these incredible muffins from the rediscovering June Cleaver site. It just popped those babies right into my diary. Yay!

    I've been super motivated to de clutter. I took a trunk load to the thrift store, another bag to a friend, newspapers to the recycler, and have a huge bag of Tupperware to return to my mother. I hit the Hobby Lobby basket sale and now have a beautifully organized pantry shelf.

    I love a new year. It's like a fresh slate.