Did jogging/running really make a difference (toning your bo



  • whipdancer
    whipdancer Posts: 21 Member
    I don't care for running, but it is a good exercise. I have injured my knee and ankles in the past and can't take the pounding any more. I cycle, P90X and dance.

    Regardless, a program like C25k will get you results if you stick with it.
  • lestahling
    lestahling Posts: 36
    Running definately has made a lot of difference, especially for my legs/butt. I haven't lost much weight but it's interesting how it's all shifted and turned to muscle... definately took a while though... I started running last June but I would just kinda jog along... I've definately kicked it up a notch since this February.

    I also lift weights and do lots of pushups and situps for strength and defintion... I definately think running is better for your abs.

    My one advice would be that when you start doing it, it will SUCK and you will hate it. But just power through that first phase, and then you'll be able to tolerate it, then you'll like it, then you'll LOVE it. :)
  • remembertheharddrive
    remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
    Weight training will have a much more dramatic effect on the look of your body. I used to do long distance running but not anymore. Weights and intervals.

    Same here. I'm contemplating if I'm going to ever return to marathon running at this stage. I've achieved far more with my figure through HIIT and heavy weightlifting. But mentally/emotionally I love to run - it's very peaceful and calms me right down.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    This was all motivating, want to go for a run now. :)

    Me too. Of course I've just finished my usual workout and already have 600+ calories to use up before I go to bed in 3 hours or so. I just can't eat any more than that in the time. Maybe tomorrow then. Actually, I think I have the c25K app somewhere..........
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh another thing..... if you do long distance running, that will slim your legs

    intervals will bulk your legs...

    Long distance creats long fibers within the muscles, intervals create closer tighter shorter fibers causing you to not have that long lean look, but more built and toned...

    This only really matters once you are at or near your goal weight, until then you will definately continue to lose inches.
  • motoxmom1
    motoxmom1 Posts: 85
    It made a HUGE difference for me! I went through C25K and just kept it up after. I make a point to participate in at least one organized 5k each month to keep me running! My legs are ripped! I also added road cycling in March as I'm training for a Sprint Triathlon. That has really helped to chissel my lower body even further. I hope in time I will lose what's left of my Kangaroo Pouch!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    glad to hear all this girls...just wish it didnt take months..i like immediate results!!! i have just completed week four of couch 2 5 k and although it is slow i think i have def seen a change in shape. slowly but surely i guess!!

    just wondering...are you all just running or do you have to do toning classes or anything along with it?

    I do the bulk of my running from about Sept - April or so, but I still cross train and do weights. I like to do a lot more bike riding in the summer. In fact, I'm ready to start training for my first sprint triathlon. I am trying to figure out how to work yoga into my routine too.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    recently started running and i must say... it WORKS! i agree with the intervals tho. def an awesome workout. and the water is really important too. make sure u are drinking plenty of water!
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I started C25K in March (I'm on the final week already... time flies!) and yes, I have definately noticed a change in definition. My thighs are much less flabby than when I started, and although they still need work, I feel much more comfortable wearing shorts now. I've even gotten some tone in my arm, the last place I would've thought would tone, mostly from holding them up and swinging as I propel myself forward.
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    do you thinks it matters if you run on a treadmill instead of outside, will you get the same results?

    I think they can give you somewhat different results - the treadmill makes it harder to cheat if you want to go a certain MPH; however it sort of "helps" you a bit because the belt is moving your feet bit. Running outside makes it REALLY hard to cheat on your distance - you have to get home! However, if your goal is a certain MPH, it's more difficult to tell when you're outside.

    As far as toning is concerned, I think the results would be exactly the same - it's the same motion/action.

    It's a LOT more important to just move! Try both, and if one makes it more likely that you will stick with it, do that.

    FWIW, I trainined for a half-marathon mostly on the treadmill, and did fine. I do treadmill right now because the weather sucks (I'm in the Southern US - tornadoes galore the past few weeks), and it's easier for me to get to right after work, but I will start running outside when I add Saturdays to my running schedule.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    ABSOLUTELY. Running is one of the most (if not THE most) efficient ways to exercise with a high calorie burn.

    I have loudly declared on many, many occasions throughout my life that I am *not* a runner and will not do so unless chased. But then about a year ago one of my new friends encouraged me to try it just as a little challenge. He said, "Just try a few minutes.." then "Just try for half a mile" and "You can do a whole mile!" and eventually I did get to the point where I could not only run an entire mile, but an entire 5k, AND I didn't completely hate doing it! Push yourself just hard enough to keep progressing, but not so hard that you injure yourself and/or burn out quickly.

    Since then I have noticed muscle tone in my legs and my weight loss, which had been at a plateau, had definitely picked up again.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Bump! :)
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I have seen great toning results from Zumba. I have bad knees so try not to run too much. Although I do job from time to time in short doses on the treadmill. Mostly I do elliptical, a Pump strength class for additional toning and stationary bike.

    The running has made a difference in my stamina though. I can go for longer periods of time on the elliptical now...up to about 45-50 minutes usually when I used to could only do 15 min.

    Good luck!!!
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Absolute, definate, yes!!! I was at 220 the second week in January. Diet, walkin and exercise got me to drop quickly in the beginning. Everyone told me to expect the weight loss to slow/stop. Well, I started running, and the pounds keep falling off. I run about five miles most mornings, longer onthe weekends, and am down to 170. A healthy BMI, yeah me!

    Would say I have also been doing weights and yoga to help me maintain muscle, and do a coupl spin classes a week as cross training. But convinced it I the running that is fueling the consistent weight loss.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    When I ran off and on for bout a year I could really see a difference in my upper abs. But, things changed and I stopped running and now I've been tryin to get back into it. I run the treadmill @ the gym once in awhile. But it's not a day to day activity for me. I'd like to be able to run everyday, but it'll take awhile to get my mojo back.
  • jenjen20
    jenjen20 Posts: 12 Member
    I run on the treadmill and i can definately see a difference to doing other exercises,i feel my stomach muscles being toned so im going to carry on!!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I haven't noticed much difference in my stomache but my legs definitely look more toned.
  • Virgo09
    Virgo09 Posts: 85 Member
    I just did the Ragnar relay race 3 weeks ago in Southern California. I hope yours turned out well! This was my second time running and it was blast!!
  • suzieatkinson
    I trained for a half marathon and didn't lose any weight. I was disappointed but I think it had to do with me being SOOOO hungry all of the time. I am starting to train for another in a couple of weeks and have decided to exchange those foods with healthy foods to ease my hunger and hopefully I will lose this time.