50 + pounds to lose.. looking for friends



  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started at just under 200 in March 2014 and I've slowly lost 25lbs and quite a few inches. I'd still like to lose another 25lbs even if it takes as long as the first 25. I don't post a lot but I'm a great cheerleader. :)
  • ImChipper
    ImChipper Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all! I'm looking to lose 50 pounds by August/September, and change my lifestyle so the pounds do not come back. Please add me if you are looking for a friend with the whole lifestyle change mindset and not the 'just need to lose XX for that one time and then back to pizza I go' :P Remember to love yourselves no matter what, and do this for the right reasons!
  • I would love some support too - I want to lose 40-50 pounds. I have used MFP in the past with success. Then my son was born, and I gained it all back! Now he's 20 months old so I can't exactly use him as an excuse anymore! :-)
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone. I am looking to lose about 40 pounds. I was in the military and was fit most of my life. I retired, had a hysterectomy, got lazy and gained too much weight. I really have a low self esteem at the moment. I want to get healthy and fit again. I know my biggest problem is snacking and not doing any exercise. Please add me if you would like to do this journey together.
  • Betsy_Joy
    Betsy_Joy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a 30 year old mom of three. My youngest is 4 and I've still never lost the baby weight. I'm 5'6" and I weigh 172 now, I would like to get down to 145. I'd also appreciate support. Also, I've noticed some mentions of fitbit. What is some user feedback on them?
  • Feel free to add me!
  • jpburcham
    jpburcham Posts: 98 Member
    ME TOO! . . . I'll have it gone by August . . . I'm pretty sure that's a goal that I can achieve.

    Best of luck on this journey together.
  • kristyC33
    kristyC33 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I'm 214 and need to get to 168. I'm looking for motivation and support when te going get tough and I find encouraging others really helpful and rewarding too! Feel free of add me as I don't know how to add people using this app - I'd appreciate some friends on here as I'm new to it and have 0 haha!

    I like everyone's words of encouragement
  • emjayne10
    emjayne10 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 38, mother of two, 5'9 and currently at 217. Looking to get down to 135, so long way to go. Started working out at OrangeTheory 3x per week since Thanksgiving of 2014 and starting eating clean on November 30th. Would love to share the journey, so feel free to add me!
  • cnkihm
    cnkihm Posts: 10 Member
    Lost 6 pounds so far, 34 more to go! Let's stay motivated! :)
  • kristyC33
    kristyC33 Posts: 5 Member
    emjayne10 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm 38, mother of two, 5'9 and currently at 217. Looking to get down to 135, so long way to go. Started working out at OrangeTheory 3x per week since Thanksgiving of 2014 and starting eating clean on November 30th. Would love to share the journey, so feel free to add me!

    Hi emjayne!! Your goal is close to mine as i am also 5'9 in height! Im 214 and hoping to get below 168 which is mt first goal. Hopefully we can motivate each other! :-)
  • kristyC33
    kristyC33 Posts: 5 Member
    I am trying to add people but the app won't let me! So please feel free to add me! X :)
  • erika967
    erika967 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how to add friends from this group and can't--help! :)
  • Wow congrats!
  • What does "add me" mean? I'm a newbee.

  • Lets lose it together. 36 year old mom. 5'4" Weigh in at 220 now would like to get to 165.

    Add me! I have 30 more to go!
  • emjayne10 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm 38, mother of two, 5'9 and currently at 217. Looking to get down to 135, so long way to go. Started working out at OrangeTheory 3x per week since Thanksgiving of 2014 and starting eating clean on November 30th. Would love to share the journey, so feel free to add me!

    I've lost almost 30, about 30 more to go! You can do it!!
  • laurahutch2015
    laurahutch2015 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new also, looking to lose 50-60 pounds. Feel free to add me
  • holley75
    holley75 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi...my name is Holley. I will be turning 40 on the thirteenth I was hoping i would be much farther along. I started at 216 I am now 198 but want to get to 165-155. I was there 2 years ago so I know how to do it. One way is through motivation.. Please add me if you would me to be part of your support group
  • holley75
    holley75 Posts: 44 Member
    cnkihm wrote: »
    Lost 6 pounds so far, 34 more to go! Let's stay motivated! :)

    Great stuff right there