The best advice you received.



  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    "It took time to put all the weight on, it will take time to take it all off". I have seen this on here once or twice. I constantly have to remember that I didn't put the weight on overnight, I can't expect to lose it overnight either.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    'don't pee into the wind' helped me considerably and save much embarrassment

    But in keeping with the thread 'Loving yourself is not vain, it is necessary'

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited January 2015
    GoRillaGo wrote: »
    You don't need motivation to get started, you just need to get started and the motivation follows. Just go.

    Yup. Along these lines, "emotion follows action". However you feel, it will change after you do the thing you need to do.

    For working out specifically: do a minimum of half an hour of activity every day. Non-optional. It could be walking or stretching, doesn't matter. Those might not burn cals but they put you in touch with your body for that time, makes the whole enterprise important.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't remember ever getting any advice other than that which I gave myself. And the last advice was, "that's enough." Which helped me stop yo yo dieting.

  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    GoRillaGo wrote: »
    You don't need motivation to get started, you just need to get started and the motivation follows. Just go.

    Yup. Along these lines, "emotion follows action". However you feel, it will change after you do the thing you need to do.

    For working out specifically: do a minimum of half an hour of activity every day. Non-optional. It could be walking or stretching, doesn't matter. Those might not burn cals but they put you in touch with your body for that time, makes the whole enterprise important.

    true. even if its not 30 mins of awesome workout, it's something. And It helps develop the habit.
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    "No matter what the issue, start by coming up with a plan."

    Sounds strange and a bit simplistic, but this was the best advice ever. I always come back to these words in work, relationships, parenting, health and fitness, and staying calm in a crisis. It keeps the focus on the path. The plan is in no way set in stone and almost always changes, but it gets me started in what I need to do.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Honestly the BEST weight loss related advice I have ever received is not really "advice" exactly, but a longtime online friend of mine lost over 100 lb on this site a few years ago, and she was one of the people I didn't picture doing that -- because she always seemed happy enough with her overweight figure (much like I was) and very unashamed and practical about I was extremely intrigued due to that! I knew there had to be something to it. When she said that she'd done it using MFP I decided I should try it too. Honestly if it had been almost anyone else I "knew" I would not have listened to them about it at all! Up to that point everyone I'd known who lost a large amount of weight either started out much smaller than I was and worked out 7 days a week, or basically hated themselves "fat" and felt like they had to lose the weight or live a miserable life. That wasn't me. So anyway, for me this worked.

    As for love life advice...the best I've received was from my dad, when I was about 22 and in a VERY volatile relationship with an ex-boyfriend. We fought all of the time and I would cry daily, but I thought I was madly in was pretty wild & borderline abusive and my dad was NEVER the type to lecture me or try to interfere, but he just said, "Love is NOT supposed to be that hard" and it really stuck with me. Actually I think it stuck with me a bit too much, and a few years later I wound up marrying a guy I was not in love with just because it was so easy to be with him & we never fought. But I still think (now happily remarried to someone I very deeply love) that my dad's advice was very good, and very true!!

  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    Ataraxia81 wrote: »
    "It took time to put all the weight on, it will take time to take it all off". I have seen this on here once or twice. I constantly have to remember that I didn't put the weight on overnight, I can't expect to lose it overnight either.

    Furthermore, I'd say the deal is actually a pretty good deal. it took only two years to lose all the weight and gain 20lbs of muscle. pretty good, given I trashed my body for probably 20 years or more
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    Best weight loss advice.... BUY A FOOD SCALE! Best investment!

    agreed. especially for calorie-dense foods like cheese and butter, where 10 grams here or there makes a difference.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Weightloss wise, a saying that has ALWAYS stuck with me is "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."
  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    Weightloss wise, a saying that has ALWAYS stuck with me is "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

    I'm totally adding this to my memory bank!!
  • kijum
    kijum Posts: 14 Member
    "It's not what happens to you that makes you who you are, but how you choose to react." -- my dad.

    That's the best advice I've ever received. :) you may not think it's relevant here, but it can be.
  • kijum
    kijum Posts: 14 Member
    kijum wrote: »
    "It's not what happens to you that makes you who you are, but how you choose to react." -- my dad.

    That's the best advice I've ever received. :) you may not think it's relevant here, but it can be.

  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    kijum wrote: »
    "It's not what happens to you that makes you who you are, but how you choose to react." -- my dad.

    That's the best advice I've ever received. :) you may not think it's relevant here, but it can be.

    I think it can be too.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    90% of success is just showing up.
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    From the book "What to say when you talk to yourself", there are self-affirmations that I still use to this day that really have made a huge difference for me. The brain doesn't know the difference between the messages you give it and "reality".
    I repeat the following to myself frequently:
    I feel great; I look great and the future is wide open.
    I take care of my mind my body and my health.
    I welcome the challenge that each day brings.
    I make my life work for me.
    From my nutritionist seek to pair protein and fiber.

  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    For health, eat a vegetable at every meal. Even breakfast.

    General advice: if you are hesitant to try something, ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen? If you can live with the answer then go for it. I have found that 99% of the time I go for it. I don't want life to pass me by. And the worst thing I imagine never happens.
  • Jilllybeanns
    Jilllybeanns Posts: 29 Member
    Weightloss wise, a saying that has ALWAYS stuck with me is "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

    I like this A LOT!

  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    4Addy wrote: »
    Weightloss wise, a saying that has ALWAYS stuck with me is "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard."

    I like this A LOT!

    Me too. At least losing weight has a happy ending.
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    From the book "What to say when you talk to yourself", there are self-affirmations that I still use to this day that really have made a huge difference for me. The brain doesn't know the difference between the messages you give it and "reality".
    I repeat the following to myself frequently:
    I feel great; I look great and the future is wide open.
    I take care of my mind my body and my health.
    I welcome the challenge that each day brings.
    I make my life work for me.
    From my nutritionist seek to pair protein and fiber.

    I'll give this a go. I've been doing a similar thing where I stand in a power position, after seeing it in a TED conference video. It works.