


  • Jypo
    Jypo Posts: 16 Member
    reemslaw wrote: »

    Sounds good, only adding cardio when you plateau. I find it boring!

    That's the plan :smiley:
  • reemslaw
    reemslaw Posts: 33 Member
    No squats no, unfortunately no conventional deadlifts either. I think I said in a different thread, I only have access to my work gym, which has basically a good range of dumbbells, cable machine, lat pulldown, leg press and the rest are pretty much cardio based. No barbells. I used to enjoy deadlifting as well.

    Rep range is 6-8 apart from Lat Raise and Incline fly, which are 8-12, purely because my form suffers if i go heavier in the lower rep range.

    Springfield, thanks so much for the advice, I think I cut too quickly before and the same thing happened where i ended up the same shape (think upside down pear) I was to begin with only smaller!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    reemslaw wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I'm but in my opinion for you to get more accurate advice you should post a current picture.

    You said you do P/P/L but can we see a detailed breakdown.

    Thanks, cant post a pic because I'm at work, but I can do a quick breakdown of the P/P/L

    Push: Bench, Incline Fly, Shoulder Press, Lat raise, Tricep Extension, Rope Pulldown and I finsh with as many press ups i can do.

    Pull: 1 arm Bent-Over Row, Lat Pulldown, Cable Row, Shrug SS with Face Pulls, Incline Dumbbell Curls & finish with some Lying Cable Curls.

    Legs: Leg Press SS with Leg Extension, Calf Raise, Walking Dumbbell Lunges, Hamstring Curl SS with SL Deadlift.

    All are done with 1 min break inbetween sets, 2 mins inbetween movements, and I do 3 sets of each with a drop set at the end of each movement.

    What is your rep range, number of sets?

    No squats? No conventional deadlifts?

    That is what I was thinking... I also see more isolation then probably necessary. Why not do a 4 day/week routine, push/pull, and have deadlifts on pull day, and squats on push day?

    Or, I would suggest checking out Wendler 5/3/1 and use that structure for squats/bench/OHP/Deadlift, and with the accessory lifts work on weak/small areas at a higher rep range (8-12)

    OP, not sure where you got your program but if you are married to it I would change a few things up. Don't super-set the leg press, do squats instead, forget the incline flys, do more pressing instead; check out Pendlay or BB rows instead of seated rows; add deadlifts over the walking lunges; and feel free to do less direct bicep and tricep, small muscle groups that get worked with the other lifts anyway.

    edit to add: I see your equipment list from the work gym, maybe do more sets for the bigger lifts then, in a 4-6 rep range and stick with the higher reps on other lifts. I would still say don't superset with leg press if that is your big leg lift, and you may want to have a longer rest between sets of heavy weight lifts, 1-3 minutes, until you are pretty much fully recovered.
  • reemslaw
    reemslaw Posts: 33 Member
    Yeah it does suck. Until I move to an area I can get to a proper gym I'm trying to make the best of it. To be honest I put the program together myself so that I hit everything, and ran it past my work PT. I struggled to find a program given the equipment I have access to. I'm certainly not married to it if you guys can give me a better one!

    Yeah, so for example, with the lat raises, I was doing rep range 6-8 as with everything else, and I could hit 3 sets of 8 using 8kg DB's with good form, so I up the weight. The dumbells I have next are 10kg, and with that I cant get to 6 without my form getting sloppy on the first set. My PT said to to up the rep range using 8kg's to 8-12 reps. Is that not right?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    reemslaw wrote: »
    Yeah it does suck. Until I move to an area I can get to a proper gym I'm trying to make the best of it. To be honest I put the program together myself so that I hit everything, and ran it past my work PT. I struggled to find a program given the equipment I have access to. I'm certainly not married to it if you guys can give me a better one!

    Yeah, so for example, with the lat raises, I was doing rep range 6-8 as with everything else, and I could hit 3 sets of 8 using 8kg DB's with good form, so I up the weight. The dumbells I have next are 10kg, and with that I cant get to 6 without my form getting sloppy on the first set. My PT said to to up the rep range using 8kg's to 8-12 reps. Is that not right?

    For large jumps in weight, I've seen it more start at 6 reps (or whatever your target range is), then do 7, 8, 10, increase weight and drop back to 6 reps or something similar. Increase in reps each time until you can do the higher weight at low reps.

    And you might find this helpful too:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,402 MFP Moderator
    auddii wrote: »
    reemslaw wrote: »
    Yeah it does suck. Until I move to an area I can get to a proper gym I'm trying to make the best of it. To be honest I put the program together myself so that I hit everything, and ran it past my work PT. I struggled to find a program given the equipment I have access to. I'm certainly not married to it if you guys can give me a better one!

    Yeah, so for example, with the lat raises, I was doing rep range 6-8 as with everything else, and I could hit 3 sets of 8 using 8kg DB's with good form, so I up the weight. The dumbells I have next are 10kg, and with that I cant get to 6 without my form getting sloppy on the first set. My PT said to to up the rep range using 8kg's to 8-12 reps. Is that not right?

    For large jumps in weight, I've seen it more start at 6 reps (or whatever your target range is), then do 7, 8, 10, increase weight and drop back to 6 reps or something similar. Increase in reps each time until you can do the higher weight at low reps.

    And you might find this helpful too:

    Great thread. I was going to point out that it is entirely possible to do things with just dumbbells to include squats and deadlifts.
  • reemslaw
    reemslaw Posts: 33 Member
    I do all the variations of deads, OHP, bench and rows I can with DB's already so that's good. Would you say a goblet squat is better than walking lunges? I feel like I've been hit by a train after going 16 steps with a 17.5kg in each hand.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    reemslaw wrote: »
    Yeah it does suck. Until I move to an area I can get to a proper gym I'm trying to make the best of it. To be honest I put the program together myself so that I hit everything, and ran it past my work PT. I struggled to find a program given the equipment I have access to. I'm certainly not married to it if you guys can give me a better one!

    Yeah, so for example, with the lat raises, I was doing rep range 6-8 as with everything else, and I could hit 3 sets of 8 using 8kg DB's with good form, so I up the weight. The dumbells I have next are 10kg, and with that I cant get to 6 without my form getting sloppy on the first set. My PT said to to up the rep range using 8kg's to 8-12 reps. Is that not right?

    With exercises like lateral raises and flys (def not needed, not sure why you need these if you are not "body building" unless it corrects a weakness in your chain of movement for the "main" lifts) but I would suggest lighter with more reps. aim for 8-12, when you get to 12 up the weight, rinse and repeat.
  • reemslaw
    reemslaw Posts: 33 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    reemslaw wrote: »
    Yeah it does suck. Until I move to an area I can get to a proper gym I'm trying to make the best of it. To be honest I put the program together myself so that I hit everything, and ran it past my work PT. I struggled to find a program given the equipment I have access to. I'm certainly not married to it if you guys can give me a better one!

    Yeah, so for example, with the lat raises, I was doing rep range 6-8 as with everything else, and I could hit 3 sets of 8 using 8kg DB's with good form, so I up the weight. The dumbells I have next are 10kg, and with that I cant get to 6 without my form getting sloppy on the first set. My PT said to to up the rep range using 8kg's to 8-12 reps. Is that not right?

    With exercises like lateral raises and flys (def not needed, not sure why you need these if you are not "body building" unless it corrects a weakness in your chain of movement for the "main" lifts) but I would suggest lighter with more reps. aim for 8-12, when you get to 12 up the weight, rinse and repeat.

    What lifts would you suggest to take their place?

    If i did say an incline press after a flat bench, instead of the flyes like I do atm, I feel like it would weaken my shoulder press, because my triceps would be exhausted.