any runners out there?

Hi everyone! My name is Val, I am a new runner, training for my very first race (8k) in march. I'm not necessarily trying to lose a bunch of weight, though it is fun watching the scale go down! I am new to this page and am looking for some friends in a similar situation, but I am a great cheerleader to anyone who needs some moral support! I look forward to meeting new awesome people! Please feel free to add me


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,220 MFP Moderator
    There are all sorts of runners on MFP. :) You can go to the groups section and find lots of different running groups, and there is a running challenge each month in the fitness section:

    I'm working on training for a half marathon in March, so we have race training in common. :)

    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • plbazer
    plbazer Posts: 28 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    There are all sorts of runners on MFP. :) You can go to the groups section and find lots of different running groups, and there is a running challenge each month in the fitness section:

    I'm working on training for a half marathon in March, so we have race training in common. :)

    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:

    I'm also working on training for a half marathon in March! Then onto full marathon training for June :neutral_face:
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome! Thanks guys! Good luck to you!
  • noodle412
    noodle412 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started a challenge for myself to run at least one mile per day for 100 days... A nice way to keep motivated training for a half in May ;)
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    My phone isnt letting me add people, but let's me accept requests
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I am a runner. I lost my love of running when my weight went out of control. I basically had to start all over again but I have found my love it once again! I tell you to me there is nothing better than running with great music and lost in my own thoughts.

    I have run many 1/2 marathons. My first full in Jan 25th...EEKKK!!!!!! I have one last long run before my taper. I am at the point now where I am just saying daily "lets get this thing started already!"
  • iamaprincessx
    iamaprincessx Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a runner, new to this site
  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    New runner myself (less than a year.) Getting back into it in the past month. Love to have some new friends in the same boat!
  • Agent_K13
    Agent_K13 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm not new to running... but had a moment of down time that's lead to hardly any motivation. Just hit the gym after a few months of not doing so and could barely do 2 miles.. would love to get back to my 27 min 5k self and strive to do better!!
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Its great to meet you all! What do you feel was your main motivation to start running?
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    I'm a runner (still feels funny to describe myself that way!). I ran my first mile ever in February and have done some 5K races, a couple 10K trail races, and a sprint triathlon. I'm not officially training for anything right now, but I did register for my first half marathon in May.

    My motivation to start running was mostly to lose weight, but after completing C25K I continued running because I ended up loving it. I get grouchy if I don't do at least a couple runs (outside...hate the treadmill) every week.
  • JennyG73
    JennyG73 Posts: 31 Member
    I always hated running growing up despite being a soccer player. Now I love to run especially on Saturdays for my long runs with my group. There are days that the runs hurt and just don't feel good, whether it's my stride or my breath, but the feeling when I finish is amazing. I love the feeling of accomplishment!
    Is you March 8K the Shamrock 8K in Va.Beach??
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Ephie- I have heard many c25k success stories, I think that's fantastic! I get grouchy too!
    - Jenny, sometimes the hard runs are the most rewarding! Yes, its the shamrock, (as long as you're not a stalker ;-). )
  • hgwill78
    hgwill78 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a newish runner too with just a few more pounds to lose. I started to help the weight loss and because it was something I was never able to do before (even as a kid). I love it now, it keeps me sane and I'm super grumpy if I miss a run. I'm training for my first half in March as well.
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    I've seen many friends take up running over the past decade, I've always been supportive and proud of them but I just didn't understand how something as "simple" as running could be so empowering!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Lots of runners on here. I've been running for almost 3 years - still very slow but did 3 hm last year (run/walking them) and now have 2 marathons this year.
  • unrulysherlock
    unrulysherlock Posts: 19 Member
    Good for you!!!
  • haircuttergirl
    haircuttergirl Posts: 33 Member
    This post is so exciting to me! I am also training for my first half marathon in March :):)
    I've run off and on for years, but never really stuck with it until March when I started again. I ran over a dozen 5k's in 2014 and started my New Year with a 5k and 4mile breast cancer run, back to back. I still have a long way to go in terms of speed and agility, but looking back to the first 5k I did in March 2014, and seeing that it took me about 48 mins to complete- and then seeing where I am now... Well, I am proud of myself.
    Y'all feel free to add me or let me know if I can add you. Would love some more runner friends with similar goals.
    Anyone else not consider themselves a "real" runner? My husband busts my chops about this and asks if I'll finally consider myself a real runner when I complete my half. But I am hard on myself and feel like I can't accept that term for myself for some reason. Everyone else that runs is a runner to me. But I don't feel worthy to claim that title yet.
  • psychonurse00
    psychonurse00 Posts: 12 Member
    I am also a runner. I ran my first half marathon 5 years ago then I had an injury in my knee. After that I began to gain 50 pounds. Since then I have lost 114 pounds and I am back running again. I am also doing a half marathon on March 1st.
    I would love to have other running friends so please ask me to be a friend so that we can cheer each other on!!
  • psychonurse00
    psychonurse00 Posts: 12 Member
    I've seen many friends take up running over the past decade, I've always been supportive and proud of them but I just didn't understand how something as "simple" as running could be so empowering!

    It is so addicting isn't it? Especially the races!! My kids even enjoy doing them. Which I love Cuz it's helpful to have support plus I want them to live a healthy life!