Being Self Conscious whilst Exercising

Do any of you guys feel self conscious at all when exercising? I feel awful if anyone sees me do it, as if i was doing something wrong! I don't even feel comfortable with my own wife or kids seeing me so i wait till everyones in bed and then do it.

Any thoughts?


  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I feel self-conscious when doing something new or when I need a new sports bra or something (if you know what I mean ;) ). I've found generally the best thing is just to keep working through that uncomfortable feeling until it doesn't bother you anymore. I am often self-conscious in my life and let it hinder my goals too often, so now I try my hardest not to stand in my own way.
  • sophadelic
    sophadelic Posts: 2 Member
    I dont want anyone to just sit there and watch me do it that is awkward. I have found at the gym nobody is paying attention to anyone else at least not in my observation. only the people that have arrived there together. You should try doing some stuff with your kids around they might join in and then it becomes a fun family activity. When i lived home with my mom and nephew for a while he would really like to do a walking dvd with me or we would pull out soup cans until we got him his own little dumbells and he would just rave about how he was getting strong and healthy. I dont love how i look when i work out my face gets beet red and I sweat horribly, but i'm trying to remind myself it is for a greater good. Best of luck.
  • kasiaj
    kasiaj Posts: 63 Member
    It's good for your kids to see you exercise. Like mentioned above, have them join in. At first I didn't want to do workout DVDs with my toddler since I thought she'd get in the way. One day she woke up early from nap so I finished it with her. Now I do my main exercise in the am but I often repeat or do a different DVD at night since she bugs me to exercise with her. On the other hand, I don't like to exercise in front of my husband. Not that he cares or watches me, just a mental thing I guess.
  • Travis_2
    Travis_2 Posts: 1,445 Member
    edited January 2015
    After you break the ice and get used to doing your own thing, you gain self confidence and realize it doesn't matter what others think.
  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    I was always very self conscious until I finally just went and did it. Then when I was running my first 5k I realized that while I did notice the other people I wasn't judging them. There were people heavier than me, slower than me, faster than me and healthier than me - and all of them were just other people running. I was focused only on me, how was I doing, was I meeting my desired pace, and wasn't this a nice running path. I realized - everyone else was probably the same. Sure, there might be one creep who was oggling everyone and thinking I was fat or whatever, but EVERYONE is not looking at you. 99% of people are thinking about themselves, not you. Just like you.

    I had a friend who wanted to start running and she said the same thing I thought when I started - my neighbors are going to see me and think I look like a fool. I told her the above and she started running and now she likes it a lot.
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    I still find myself pulling down my shirt, trying to cover myself more when i am working out. Trying to hide the hanging skin from my "Chicken Wing:" I have to remind myself that i am in the gym donig something about all the excess weight and everyone else is there to work on themselves too, they don't care what i look like and if they is none of their business.
    I have a really supportive group of trainers and group class instructors at my gym that have helped boost my confidence! Surrounding yourself with people who build you up for the hard work you are putting in will help a lot!
  • Kelll12123
    Kelll12123 Posts: 212 Member
    I use the gym regularly, and for a long time, I did nothing but cardio because I was too self-conscious to use any lifting equipment. It's still really intimidating going into the weight lifting section to do squats and abs and whatever else I do, but you kind of just have to get over it. It feels weird at first, but it becomes more natural eventually.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    at the gym i dont care (unless im doing yoga, and thats mainly because theres not a direction i can bend without pointing my *kitten* at someone.) but at home i have to confine hubs to another room while i zumba or whatever. he likes to go in and watch and be silly. hes not making fun of me, but it still makes me self conscious to an uncomfortable degree. mostly because i do care what he thinks.
  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    Not really. I think most people are too worried about themselves and what others think of them to be worried about what anyone else is doing.

    If I ever do notice anyone who is obviously new to the gym or who is a bigger person, my thoughts are usually along the lines of "good for you".

    I also think runners just blend into the surroundings, it's so common to see someone running that nobody really notices them.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    edited January 2015
    No, I do not feel awkward or self-conscious when I exercise. Put your mind and thoughts on other things or listen to some music until the feeling passes.
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    I don't like it when my husband peeks in on me while if I'm doing a video because he imitates me. It stops, though, once I tell him to get his butt in there and do it with me because he knows he can't!
  • DarbiB
    DarbiB Posts: 88 Member
    Maybe I'm a pollyanna person, but at the gym I only notice people being awesome. Like there's an 82 year old woman who's in there all the time getting her fit on and being friendly and sweet. Other than that, you have to be pretty extraordinary to get me to notice you negatively. You know? There's music and TVs and we're just trying to sweat and make ourselves better. Push past the awkward feelings! You wont regret it.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i feel if you are worrying about what others are thinking about you while you are working out, you aren't working out hard enough.
  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    I'm the same as the OP. One of the biggest things I have to overcome is my fear of people seeing me working out. I am actually ok with going to the gym now (after years of not being ok), but can only go by myself and hate going with people I know. It's like I'm better with strangers than people who know me, if I see someone I recognise I will leave immediately. I also wait for everyone to go to bed or leave the house before I exercise at home. It is annoying as it restricts the time I can exercise. I don't actually know why I feel this way as everyone in my house is supportive and wouldn't judge me at all but I still feel horrendously self conscious. I know it's something I need to get over and am trying to work on it.
  • jessiemjporter
    jessiemjporter Posts: 174 Member
    i always feel that way, it puts me off doing strength because i think ill leave a sweat patch or i look like a tool haha..
    But i think 'Hang on!' they must have been like this to get where they are.. and most of the time i just do it anyway..
    Just think in your mind 'OK i look a bit silly, but this is my way of doing things and in 3 months time, you will look at me with inspiration and admiration'~~
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    I feel self conscious because I don't know how to work all the machines and I feel like an idiot for asking someone like they will judge me and think "fatty mcfatstuff doesn't know how to exercise...haha!" I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like I don't "look" like I "belong" in a gym and in that I feel like people think "what is that fatty doing in here, she know she need to be in Mcdonalds stuffing her chunky fat face"...It's discouraging but I press on and I learned to gym basically, if someone is doing something that I want to try, I just follow them around and get a strategic position so I can watch them do it in the mirror then, after they leave, I try and do whatever it is that they were doing. Sometimes it works out and sometimes I end up having to break down and ask for help. Most people are nicer than I imagine so I think that all the negativity is self imposed. I am trying to work past it.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    iankuk wrote: »
    Do any of you guys feel self conscious at all when exercising? I feel awful if anyone sees me do it, as if i was doing something wrong! I don't even feel comfortable with my own wife or kids seeing me so i wait till everyones in bed and then do it.

    Any thoughts?

    Why would you feel self concious?

    See someone about this anxiety. It releases cortisol, cortisol is linked to death.
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    im only doing treadmill work at the moment as I don't feel ready to hit the streets until I slim down some.
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
    im still super intimidated. everyday. but .. I just do it and once I start sweating, I completely forget about everyone else. SO.. when in doubt - SWEAT IT OUT!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Naw, I don't care who sees. I look no different from any other person in there sweating on the machines.