3 Day Challenge

Hello all!

I can do ANYTHING for three days. The first day I'm excited to start whatever it is. The second day, I may not really want to but I'm already a third of the way to the finish line and that is pretty motivating. The last day I'm excited to be able to say I did it and be proud of myself. So I give myself a 3 day challenge on a regular basis. Then I take a day or two off, and do it again.

It could be as simple as drinking all of the water I'm supposed to, going to bed early enough to get the sleep I need, or even just logging onto MFP. It could be harder, like pre-planning my meals for the next 3 days, or pre-logging them, or hitting the gym, or just getting the number of steps for that day.

So....anybody want to join me for a 3 Day Challenge? Today is Tuesday, so we could start it tomorrow or sometime this week. Let me know!


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    Breaking up challenges and goals into smaller chunks is a great idea. I'm sure it works for some people. I'd add that it's important to build upon those 3-day challenges. Maybe write them down and log them so that when you DO accomplish your 3-day challenge of say, drinking more water, getting enough sleep, etc. you continue to do that and just add other goals on top of it.

    Hope others will add some opinions as well.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    It's not looking like there are many interested at this point lol. I've done this with my facebook friends and we all had a lot of success with it, so I was hoping to repeat that here. Crossing my fingers!!
  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member
    What do you have in mind for the first challenge?
  • AshLaBug1
    AshLaBug1 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd love to join your 3-day challenge! :D if you'd have me, I am a newbie ;)
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @AshLaBug...That's awesome!

    @Chandler330...I was thinking to make the first one relatively easy and working our way towards more difficult ones. There are a lot of newbies right now and they might need to ease into things. So maybe it could be something like 30 minutes of exercise each day for the next 3 days. Exercise of your choice. Maybe something simple like 8 glasses of water each day. Plus I'm totally open to ideas so if you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it!
  • RomaMomtoO
    RomaMomtoO Posts: 3 Member
    Sure I'd be interested as a newbie and join your 3 day challenge...I started a challenge at work since it is so cold here to walk the inner stairwells and so I have gotten 2 other AA's to do it with me. We started yesterday...I like your challenge of walking for 30 mins. it is simple enough and achievable and the 8 glasses of water too. Let me know when you want to start ;).
  • Fighting2g3tFit
    I'm a newbie I'd love to join in. Water for 3 days is my goal.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @RomaMomtoO...That's wonderful! I'm thinking it should be limited to about ten of us at a time. That way we get to know each other and no one feels "lost" in a large crowd. It would be easier to be held accountable too. I think if we give it another day or so, we might get a few more participants.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @Fighting2g3tFit...we'd love to have you! Going to start on Friday or when we get 10 people, whichever happens first :)
  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member
    @Virkati‌ That sounds like a great way to start . Count me in :smile:

  • juhivaya
    Virkati wrote: »
    Hello all!

    I can do ANYTHING for three days. The first day I'm excited to start whatever it is. The second day, I may not really want to but I'm already a third of the way to the finish line and that is pretty motivating. The last day I'm excited to be able to say I did it and be proud of myself. So I give myself a 3 day challenge on a regular basis. Then I take a day or two off, and do it again.

    It could be as simple as drinking all of the water I'm supposed to, going to bed early enough to get the sleep I need, or even just logging onto MFP. It could be harder, like pre-planning my meals for the next 3 days, or pre-logging them, or hitting the gym, or just getting the number of steps for that day.

    So....anybody want to join me for a 3 Day Challenge? Today is Tuesday, so we could start it tomorrow or sometime this week. Let me know!

  • juhivaya
    Hey I would like to give it a shot
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member

    Ok so far, including myself, we have 6 people. Yay!!!
    You can choose your own personal 3 day challenge goal or we could do a group goal, or we could do a group goal and a personal goal. The last one is kinda what I'm leaning towards. That's the one that would push me harder.

    Let me know what you think!
  • juhivaya
    I like the last one too , what's the challenge gona be? I'm n intermediate level gym person , so would love to push myself
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Haven't gotten that far yet lol. I'm thinking about listing a few options and then pulling one out of a hat. That way I don't get to keep choosing stuff I KNOW I can do easily.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    We need four more people and we can start tomorrow!
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    We need four more people and we can start tomorrow!

    Invite your friends!
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Looks like we're going to start small. I'm starting to think that's a pretty good idea!
  • juhivaya
    I agree !
  • angesti_s
    Can i join?