


  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Yea it is possible. You need to be eating VERY healthy though. That way your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs so you dont get sick. Sleep is huge! Make sure you are not cheating your workouts with not getting enough sleep.
    i get at least 8 hours of sleep a night...would get a little more if my dog didn't wake me up every morning at 8am lol but i've been starting to eat alot healthier lately and i've started drinking water....i use to never drink any and it was literally killing me.

    You need to have half your body weight in ounces per day of water. Find a water bottle you can carry around with you and figure out how many you need to drink of those to equal what you need. water is a huge key to flush out the lactic acid and the fat you are burning.
    right now i've got 16.9 ounce bottles of nestle pure life water. today i've filled it up at least 4 times

    Watch the documentary TAPPED on netflix you will never drink bottled water or buy it again... Not just what is in it but what its doing to our planet! eww!
    i actually thought about watching that a while ago but i watched restrepo instead but ill have to watch it...once the playstaion network is actually working again =\ stupid hackers
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Im quitting smoking..right now..i've never felt this sick before and i dont like it :(
  • IrishEyes68
    IrishEyes68 Posts: 31 Member
    Quit, get rid of that crutch. Coming from a former smoker.. it doesn't help you lose weight and doesn't allow your lungs to work to their full capacity when you are exercising. The only thing it is good at is killing you.
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    Quit, get rid of that crutch. Coming from a former smoker.. it doesn't help you lose weight and doesn't allow your lungs to work to their full capacity when you are exercising. The only thing it is good at is killing you.
    yeah i prefer to not die any time soon lol