Starting again, fell off the wagon.



  • I'm pretty sure if I want to keep the weight off (if I can ever lose it all) I'll have to count calories for the rest of my life. I eat senseless if I don't pay attention.

  • It seem like we all are on the same page. Taking baby steps will definitely get us closer to our goals!!
  • Really Lean Shakes. Ill try that.

    And you are so right it is a lifestyle change. But its worth it :)
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    I hear ya! I lost 30, too, by logging every single day and earning every calorie I ate through exercise. Lack of consistent tracking and injuries sabotaging my workouts led to me gaining 20+ back. Bleck! I'm starting the new year off with the conviction to log every day!
  • veggiebuckeye
    veggiebuckeye Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome back!
  • A few years ago I lost 90 pounds - at least 50 from using this app. I kept it off for three years, but started with the bad habits again. 20 lbs have creeped back - so here I am again logging calories and exercise. It is really what worked.
  • Caranda2014
    Caranda2014 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my 2nd time around, logged in on 1/5/15 and showed last log in as 1/2/14 showed only 3 lbs lost:( back at it again, doing it with my hubby, so I know it's going to be easier this time around with each other's support and MFP community:)!
  • SunnyRease
    SunnyRease Posts: 2 Member
    Sound like there were a lot of us who got comfortable over the holidays. I had lost 20 when I focused on look good for vacation in November but it didn't take long to gain it back when I didn't track.
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    starting over as well ,bad food is the sweets for me get tired it is sweets stressed sweett
    s everything is based on mood and sweets
  • JKF26
    JKF26 Posts: 1 Member
    Back on it too. Almost exact same story including figures as you. Good luck!
  • @sierradawn82 Good for you getting back into it, this app pays off in both the short term and long term. I enter the new year being 35 pounds lighter than I was in September so I have done really well but I feel motivation waning - I did have a good friend to "compete" with but she has since moved on - I find that is the secret, knowing someone is there to compete with and make sure you maintain your progress.
  • lessofme43
    lessofme43 Posts: 139 Member
    I lost 37 just 3 lbs short of my goal weight when I ruptured a disc in my lower back in March 2015. Constant pain and the meds where only partially to blame for my lack of focus and I gave up logging my foods. I did find an exercise I COULD do - aquacise 3x/week - but it also increased my appetite. Anyway I'm 4 weeks post-op from back surgery and now feel ready to get back to monitoring my food intake...27 lbs to goal. All the best to everyone in the same boat here :smile:
  • scottnavy
    scottnavy Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't gain it all back, but within 5 pounds was too close for me. Starting an evening exercise routine and going back to calorie counting along with a new fitbit. Hopefully it will work for me again.
  • I'm back on it too! I have my wedding in 4 weeks!!! x
  • wiseblueberry
    wiseblueberry Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting back too. It was too hard to track while traveling and eating with other people for Christmas and New Years. I forgot to weigh myself this morning to see what kind of damage I did during the last couple weeks, but I'm logging my food again as of today.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    no shame in that, happens to all of us, you are back at it and that's what matters, friend me for support if you like
  • Thanks for the inspiration! Good to know I'm not the only one that fell behind. I did so well a year go, eating right and at the gym four times week (lost the 20lbs I wanted). I ended up spraining my ankle mid-April and that's when I slowly stopped going to the gym...eating habits got worse. I found myself binge eating carbs upon carbs. The past 7/8 months have been a new low, throwing away all that I worked so hard for. It is very hard to turn away my food addictions, which I think we can all agree. I've been doing much better on my food choices recently, still need to start my gym regimen. Love the motivation and need the motivation.
  • sierradawn82
    sierradawn82 Posts: 11 Member
    You guys are all awesome!! Thank you for replying and sharing!! Good to know I am not alone!! Wish there was away to like and or comment on your comments but just know I read all of them you guys are just want I need to keep it off this time!! :) *cheers*
  • sierradawn82
    sierradawn82 Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations!! You can do this!! :)
    I'm back on it too! I have my wedding in 4 weeks!!! x

  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    Second time around too :)