Are there foods you wish you could eat or liked but can't/don't?



  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    Gotta add two more for my list. Can't do seafood. The texture of almost all fish (except the canned tuna) grosses me out and crab made me HORRIBLY sick. Also, not a fan of avocados either. Guacaole tastes like dirt to me. I don't know why!
  • jamesleesmith
    jamesleesmith Posts: 60 Member
    Tomatoes. I can't do it. I don't know why. Especially cooked pieces of tomato....oh no. The texture is just awful to me. I don't know why. I have to make my spagetti sauces with tomato sauce (no chunks) and tomato paste. Can't have chunks of tomato.

    100% agree with you. I don't do chunky tomato
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    FISH--omg, if i enjoyed Fish it would be life-changing!!!!
    Peas and Mushrooms are enjoyed by so many ppl but i can't tolerate either one.
    May i also add Mayonnaise to the list of foods that taste awful to me?
    On the other hand, not that you asked, but i do love Cilantro, hot spicy, foods, Brussels Sprouts and Beets....many ppl have not acquired a taste for those 4.
    Great Topic OP!!!!
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Coffee. I don't need the caffeine, but the stuff smells so good that I always wished I could like it.

    Me too! I'm 47 and it's my new year's resolution to learn to like coffee this year!

    Any suggestions?

    What I do is get the french vanilla dunkin donuts coffee (make it at home of course) and I get the single serve international delights creamer (french vanilla of the coldstone creamery vanilla are my favorites) and use like 2 of them and a couple packets of splenda and viola! Really delicious coffee!
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    I wish i liked coffee, seems like everyone just has to have it to get thru the day etc.. but ugh.. its just so gross.
  • jdbrrw
    jdbrrw Posts: 16 Member
    I wish I liked cooked broccoli and cauliflower. I can eat them raw, but I've never liked them cooked in any way I've tried...
  • jamesleesmith
    jamesleesmith Posts: 60 Member
    I also don't like the texture of raw veggie's and seafood. No salads or fish. No wonder I'm on here trying to lose weight. :)
  • PSS33884
    PSS33884 Posts: 72 Member
    SHELLFISH!! Have alwasy been allergic to iodine but could still eat shellfish as long as I didn't over do it. 2 years ago, ate 1 shrimp and started itching. Has only gotten worse. I miss my crab legs, crab cakes, lobster, clam & shrimp.
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    I wish I liked celery. I can't deal with the stringiness. Other than that, there are a lot of foods I wish I didn't like! LOL
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I wish I could like long pig, because there's no shortage of it anywhere...
  • adge1475
    adge1475 Posts: 77 Member
    Honestly, I hate chicken. I eat it pretty much every day, but I've never enjoyed it.
  • hotpinknailz
    hotpinknailz Posts: 1 Member
    I can't eat bananas by themselves. I can eat them mixed with other things, like in cereal. I love it in cereal. But I can't do it alone. Nope.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I can't eat bananas by themselves. I can eat them mixed with other things, like in cereal. I love it in cereal. But I can't do it alone. Nope.

    yeah I'm with you on that, and I "love bananas"...just had banana hazelnut French toast for lunch. I like them in/on almost anything but a banana by itself is just not a good taste, to me. I only ever manage 1/3 of a plain banana before I've gotta stop.