First Time Mommy



  • MsTuT1
    MsTuT1 Posts: 18 Member
    I had a baby October 1st. I gained close to 50 pounds. I've got 15 pounds to lose. I've had a weight loss stall during christmas till now. But I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. This is my second baby. It seems to be taking a little longer for the weight to shed. But in all honesty, I'm not doing as much exercise as I did last time. It has been harder to get exercise in now that I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. But I will eventually figure it out. Getting fit after a baby is entirely possible. I was the slimmest I've ever been (since puberty) between pregnancies. Work hard and you will meet your goals!

    Hi Hazelbug1987 , I definitely understand you when you say its hard to find the time with babies now. I'm at work from 8-5pm and then as soon as I get home i'm on mommy duty. My little guy isn't sleeping throughout the entire night just yet either so I know I wont be that person to get up early to get a workout in. I found walking each day is the easiest thing I find time for. I also started doing squats while holding him:). He's my own personal weights lol. But it works. All the small steps will add up over time and this baby weight will be long gone.

    You done an amazing job so far. You'll be dropping that last 15 pounds in no time. Keep up the good work.