What made you decied to lose weight?



  • rachelchase40
    rachelchase40 Posts: 58 Member
    • I had outgrown all of my jeans and would not allow myself to buy new ones so I wore sweats and yoga pants (read: anything with some give/ stretch) for 2 years (I wasn't a big fan of jeans anyway so it wasn't a huge deal for me but now that I can fit into them I love them)
    • I had to go shopping for new shorts for vacation this summer because I had outgrown my others about 2 years prior and was horrified and in a little bit of denial at the size that fit. (I wore mostly dresses the summer of 2013 but I was starting to outgrow some of them)
    • The reason that really did it was I was only 7 lbs away from 200 lbs (a number I swore to myself I would never get to)
    I found MFP that night and have been on it ever since :)
  • twrobbel
    twrobbel Posts: 132 Member
    My bellydance costume- so, yeah, pure vanity. I keep getting paired up with these super tiny 18-19 yr old girls (which made me look even larger-I'm 45yrs old). Seeing the photographic evidence has kept me focused on not giving up. The good news is, I am getting happier and happier with each photo- I am looking better and not hiding in the back or even avoiding photos. The latest bellydance photos push me to realize that I can do this-even with setbacks, I can get there with dedication and time. I'm still a work in progress, but I am excited for the upcoming season and I am looking forward to watching my progress in every photo. Who knows, maybe this will be the year I won't be to self concious of my body to do a solo.
  • bigsisv
    bigsisv Posts: 27 Member
    My mom is 75 yrs. old and gets up everyday to work out. She does Zumba, Free weights and the Elliptical. I am 49 and can't keep up with her. I am also the heaviest I have been even when I was pregnant 22 yrs ago. I played all kinds of sports in school so there is no excuse except I got really lazy.. I also want to go to Hawaii next year for my 50th b-day and refuse to look like a moo moo on the beach. I tried Weight watchers and it did work but I gained all the weight back plus some. I decided I am going to try MFP, log my foods and work out at least 5 days a week. I used my MFP before and it works as well, plus it's free.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Several things:

    - Unhappy with my appearance (reflection/photos)
    - general discomfort
    - difficulty performing normal everyday activities
    - difficulty keeping up with friends/family
    - fear of diabetes/heart disease
    - ill-fitting clothing

    I'm sure there are more.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    For me it was a horrible photo, and the fact that I didn't want to buy bigger clothes anymore. And I got engaged and I want to look PERFECT for the wedding pictures.

    Interestingly, after I lost 30 lbs, I took a new photo from the same angle in the same dress from the horrible photo. While I definitely look a lot thinner now, the dress STILL looks like crap on me and makes me look heavier than I am. The dress is now at goodwill.

    That made me laugh! Sounds like something that would happen to me. I also was spurred to action in part by a photo. I wonder how many weight-loss attempts have been spurred by Facebook photos? A lot, I bet.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    dclark566 wrote: »
    A horrifying picture of myself.

    ^^ this

    I actually didn't know it was me in the photo. it was from my friend's baby shower and I couldn't figure out who it was. then I realized it was me. WoW :s

  • kellywa1179
    kellywa1179 Posts: 24 Member
    My husband and I have always been very active with hiking, backpacking, kayaking and anything outdoors. It was a very hard year last year, and I stress ate myself to 202 pounds. Even just small hikes would cause me sweat like a river, and I could not catch my breath, and I could hear my heart pound in my ears and it genuinely scared me. I also could not lift myself out of my kayak anymore. I do not want to give up the things I love because of my weight.
  • doublew55
    doublew55 Posts: 2 Member
    What was your moment, your wake up call, the straw that broke the camels back, that deciding factor that made you want lose weight?
    I'm tired of the way I look and not having the energy for morning walks and bycicle riding that I had 10 years ago. I'm just disgusted with how I let myself go. I quit smoking for my health 10 years ago and gained 65 pounds. It's time to get serious about losing it now.
  • lfrazier2482
    lfrazier2482 Posts: 82 Member
    A few things. I was going on a BBQ tour vacation in North and South Carolina. I hadn't been on a plane in a long time. I got the middle seat on a five hour plane ride. I could hardly get the belt on. I was out of breath and sweating by the time I did. Also the disappointed looks on the faces of the people that had to sit with me. I spent the whole flight trying to keep me in my own seating space. I was embarrassed and not looking forward to the flight home.
    I needed to go buy new jeans. I tried a few pairs on and realized that I could no longer fit into any at the store. I would need to look for big and tall places. Until I found new jeans I had to wear painfully tight ones at work.
    After the last incident I decided I needed to weigh myself to see where I was at. My very fit Sister said I could use her scale. Her scale maxed out at 300 lbs. I couldn't get a reading.
    That was the last straw. I bought a digital scale that weighed up to 400 lbs. I weighed in at 329. I couldn't BS myself anymore. I am down to 253 now. I haven't felt this good in years. I have a way to go but I never want to feel like I did before again.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Seeing my wedding pictures. That was me at my heaviest, and it shows! I'm actually still a little embarrassed by them, but nothing I can about it except to use it for motivation to get down to where I want to be. I do plan on taking pictures in the dress when I get to my target weight and see what it looks like though. XD
  • doublew55
    doublew55 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm tired of the way I look and not having the energy for morning walks and bycicle riding that I had 10 years ago. I'm just disgusted with how I let myself go. I quit smoking for my health 10 years ago and gained 65 pounds. It's time to get serious about losing it now.
  • Shereewhitney88
    Shereewhitney88 Posts: 87 Member
    I was tired of feeling bad about myself. I was tired of trying on clothes that fit 6 months ago and now I can't even get into them. I was tired of feeling lazy and sluggish. I was tired of not being able to find clothes in my size. And of course pictures. It was a lot of different things for me.
  • cryst9sm
    When I started trying to cover my gut with long scarfs and my purse in photos. I have become almost unrecognizable to myself and I hate it.
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    I was just being supportive of my SO and thought she'd feel better if I "suffered" along with her so I got the app she was using -- then I was surprised how easy it was (esp. for a larger than avg. guy) to lose weight and liked the result -- she kind of gave up (not much to lose anyways) and I've just kept on going