Just had a binge, undone all my hard work and feeling deflated.



  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    log every calorie from the chocolate. If you want to do an at home workout since you already went to the gym today, and if you haven't eaten dinner yet. Have a huge salad. I have found that this helps me feel better after a binge and helps me not get in the mindset of oops o well what's one day.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I still can't resist a box of chocolate... I've lost 80 pounds. I just don't keep the stuff I'm likely to binge on in the house. Once in a while, I'll indulge, and I go all out at Holidays and stuff my face, but it hasn't derailed me one bit!
    Yeah I think the important thing for me is going to be to make sure I keep logging and fess up to it! 80lbs, wow that's amazing! Well done :)
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,271 Member
    Ugh. Been there, done that. :( One of my tricks for this kind of mindless (and then downslide) snacking is to catch myself before I start and imagine that I've already done it. Really imagine how awful it felt last time. Get those feelings you have into that moment. Then open your eyes and realize that you DIDN'T make the same mistake again. You DON'T have to log all of those extra calories! Hooray! And try to give yourself the second chance you deserve for getting past the moment.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have done it, just log it and move on.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I know you probably don't want to hear this but you know what even a whole box of chocolates probably didn't undo 3 days of sensible eating. Really.
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    You never fail.....until you stop trying. What matters is that you pick yourself up...EVERY TIME....AND KEEP ON GOING. Log it and move on. Tomorrow is another day...without chocolate. :)
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    I'm same way, nothing I would binge on in the house for a long time. Now when my wife brings it home, I don't even touch it. It takes a long time to get to that point but is worth it when you get there but I won't pretend it is easy
    Also if you have a trigger you have to figure out what it is and try to deal with it. whatever it is I hope you find the support here and from your friends and family. Maybe Next time you feel like eating the box, pick up your child, look into his/her eyes and think about it and what it would mean to your bay to have a healthy mom.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yeah, you haven't undone everything. I vote for blip.
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    Chocolate is my favorite so there was a day I would do totally the same. I also get the snack attack in the evening so I plan for it.

    You just got started! You'll figure it out! It's a learning process. For me, seeing those out-of-control moments, or less than great choices, in numbers in my diary was really helpful. If I can, I try to look up the calories before I eat it. If you're already in front of your computer, keep MFP open, and log it before you eat it. Makes me think twice!
  • lawlifehanna
    lawlifehanna Posts: 90 Member
    Take note of how you're feeling right now physically. A gross feeling in your teeth? A heavy blob of chocolate in your stomach? If there's any negative feeling in your body, take note of it. The next time something like a chocolate box comes to your mind, remember how you felt today. Then go in the kitchen, measure out a serving that fits in your calories and doesn't make you feel bad physically or emotionally, hide the rest somewhere good and inconvenient (outdoor shed, top shelf you can't reach without a chair etc.), and enjoy your portion.

    You did not gain the weight in one day, you will not lose it in one day, and you will not screw this up in one day.
  • aneesto
    aneesto Posts: 7 Member

    stress does it, ebetter ons do it, boredom does it, availability of treats does it, wanting a reward does it, WE ALL DO IT.

    It's what we do next that matters.

    Just keep it in today, and go on. You wrecked nothing. You are practicing a new behavior - coming back from a binge instead of giving up!! SO CONGRATULATIONS!!

    Now, this has plenty of golden advice. Made me feel better actually. Thanks!
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    you do not lose weight by eating one salad, you will not put on a bunch of weight from eating a box of chocolates. remember that.

    weight loss is a long journey with many rises and falls, what you must do is pick yourself up and rise again :)
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else said. Don't beat yourself up over one box of chocolates. You're human, it happens. If it were easy to stay on track all the time EVERYONE would be in perfect shape. Tomorrow's a new day, start fresh.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    stress does it, emotions do it, boredom does it, availability of treats does it, wanting a reward does it, WE ALL DO IT.

    It's what we do next that matters.

    Just keep it in today, and go on. You wrecked nothing. You are practicing a new behavior - coming back from a binge instead of giving up!! SO CONGRATULATIONS!!
    Thank you, this is fantastic advice. Yeah, definitely, normally I'd ignore it, say I'd do better tomorrow but really I'd just give up. This time I've addressed the issue and sought out support. And I feel so much stronger for it! Thank you!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited January 2015
    I probably did that once a month throughout 2014. One bad day a month certainly didn't hurt overall, as my before/after photos show. Shake it off, and move on to the next day.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Ugh. Been there, done that. :( One of my tricks for this kind of mindless (and then downslide) snacking is to catch myself before I start and imagine that I've already done it. Really imagine how awful it felt last time. Get those feelings you have into that moment. Then open your eyes and realize that you DIDN'T make the same mistake again. You DON'T have to log all of those extra calories! Hooray! And try to give yourself the second chance you deserve for getting past the moment.

    This is a great idea, it really does feel awful. And I'd been rp feeling really great and healthy the last few days. I'll definitely try this next time.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    RHachicho wrote: »
    I know you probably don't want to hear this but you know what even a whole box of chocolates probably didn't undo 3 days of sensible eating. Really.
    Yeah, someone pointed out earlier that 3 good days is easily 1500 deficit, so I should be okay as long as I crack back on with it tomorrow. Thank you :)
  • twjay1970
    twjay1970 Posts: 5 Member
    I think the body is more resilient than we give it credit for. I think it can absorb those occasional unhealthy decisions and recover quickly. There is a saying that success is getting up one more time than you fall.

    Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you did something "bad" You can't lose 10 pounds with one healthy meal, and you won't gain 10 pounds with one unhealthy snack.

    Stay strong and get up one more time.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Krikit34 wrote: »
    Chocolate is my favorite so there was a day I would do totally the same. I also get the snack attack in the evening so I plan for it.

    You just got started! You'll figure it out! It's a learning process. For me, seeing those out-of-control moments, or less than great choices, in numbers in my diary was really helpful. If I can, I try to look up the calories before I eat it. If you're already in front of your computer, keep MFP open, and log it before you eat it. Makes me think twice!

    I will do definitely. I think making this post will help, next time I'm about to binge I will remember this and come back and find this post and read all of these fantastic supportive messages back! Hopefully all you wonderful people will help me again and again!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Take note of how you're feeling right now physically. A gross feeling in your teeth? A heavy blob of chocolate in your stomach? If there's any negative feeling in your body, take note of it. The next time something like a chocolate box comes to your mind, remember how you felt today. Then go in the kitchen, measure out a serving that fits in your calories and doesn't make you feel bad physically or emotionally, hide the rest somewhere good and inconvenient (outdoor shed, top shelf you can't reach without a chair etc.), and enjoy your portion.

    You did not gain the weight in one day, you will not lose it in one day, and you will not screw this up in one day.

    :) Thank you, you're dead right, it does feel awful, it wasn't even nice chocolate I didn't even enjoy it and felt horrid afterwards. Next time I'll try to remember that feeling. :)
    Yeah that's true, I need to think more long term. I'm just in some pretty poor habits at the moment and it will take me time to break them. And stress eating/snacking while working is something I've been doing for like...7 years now. So of course I won't break the habit in the day it will take time and training!