
Do I need supplements to be gaining muscle in the best possible way?
Do I need creatine?
Amino acids?
Whey protein?
What supplements do you take? If any

My diet is protein packed


  • grantevans11
    grantevans11 Posts: 114 Member
    If you're already meeting your protein goal, then you don't need to be using protein shakes, although creatine (creapure specifically) I do recommend to gain muscle and strength.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
  • jessicabeacom
    jessicabeacom Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for your input guys :D
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Creatine Monohydrate is the way to go, make sure to get (micronized) as it mixes much nicer! You can get 1000g which is 200 servings for less than $20.

    I take a multi-vit, Omega 3's, and Vitamin D3.

  • iain_macfarlane
    iain_macfarlane Posts: 2 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

  • iain_macfarlane
    iain_macfarlane Posts: 2 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

    BCAA's are not protein
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

    BCAA's are not protein

    Please explain how a branched chain amino acid is not protein, thanks.
  • Edwardshar
    Edwardshar Posts: 271 Member
    You just need roids.
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    I just take protein shakes if I don't meet my goal. Otherwise I take nothing
  • I take serious mass gainer by ON as well as a good creatine monohydrate, BCAAs, and the muscle pharm combat protein for after workouts. Make sure you're diet is carb heavy.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    No need to supplement protein if you're getting enough already. Not sure why you would think otherwise.

    I've never tried Creatine, but it's pretty harmless and clearly some folks say it makes a big difference. My husband takes it.

    I use protein powder, a multi-vitamin (which is basically buying pee, but whatever), and a preworkout, because this girl needs an energy boost while lifting at 4:45 in the morning.

    None of it is required. If you're seeing results without supplements, there's really no reason to add them unless you want to.
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

    BCAA's are not protein

    Please explain how a branched chain amino acid is not protein, thanks.

    Protein is compromised of 9 Amino Acids, 3 of which are Luecine, Iso-Luecine, and Valine a.k.a BCAA. BCAA are just a part of the building blocks to make whole protein chains.

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    jmule24 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

    BCAA's are not protein

    Please explain how a branched chain amino acid is not protein, thanks.

    Protein is compromised of 9 Amino Acids, 3 of which are Luecine, Iso-Luecine, and Valine a.k.a BCAA. BCAA are just a part of the building blocks to make whole protein chains.

    Nice googling. Sorry, branched chain amino acids are proteins that I can find quite enough of in my diet and will remain so until such time as I'm an elite athlete and need to differentiate or suddenly develop a need to waste money. (Neither of which seem likely in the near future)

    Would it be preferable if I recommended a series of expensive supplements she does not need to OP?
  • jmule24
    jmule24 Posts: 1,382 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    jmule24 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I'd only recommend whey, if you don't get enough protein already from your diet and/or enjoy it.

    I've tried creatine and it did absolutely nothing for me - I've heard there is a percentage of people who do not get any benefit from it and I must be one of them - others rave about it, so I'm not sure on that one.

    BCAAs, IMO are a waste of money - again, they are just protein.

    I use whey but I count it as food not a supplement. The supplements I take are, omega3 capsules (I don't eat enough fish), multi-vit, iron, calcium, evening primrose and magnesium.

    The only ones I'd recommend are the fish-oil and multi-vit. The rest are more personal, you need to see where your own diet falls short and what you feel you need.

    BCAA's are not protein

    Please explain how a branched chain amino acid is not protein, thanks.

    Protein is compromised of 9 Amino Acids, 3 of which are Luecine, Iso-Luecine, and Valine a.k.a BCAA. BCAA are just a part of the building blocks to make whole protein chains.

    Nice googling. Sorry, branched chain amino acids are proteins that I can find quite enough of in my diet and will remain so until such time as I'm an elite athlete and need to differentiate or suddenly develop a need to waste money. (Neither of which seem likely in the near future)

    Would it be preferable if I recommended a series of expensive supplements she does not need to OP?

    1. I didn't google, I happen to take in interest in nutrition and supplements.
    2. I simply answered your question
    3. I never advised them to take BCAA's. I have the same feeling as you in regards to supplements.

    FYI - Layne Norton, Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald are a few guys I like to constantly follow. I guess you can consider them my "google."
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yes, me too.

    Seems like you know your stuff - my question was for the guy picking holes in what I was saying.

    I find, for me (and also most beginners) BCAAs are an unnecessary supplement pushed by stores/magazines etc. I was once advised in holland and barrat, while looking for a protein juice, to buy this 'it has BCAAs so you don't need protein' - product had 3g BCAAs. Very irritating as someone going in there, not up on nutrition, would just be buying themselves expensive fruit juice - pet peeve :blush:
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have whey & oats if I need a quick breakfast shake
    whey for after workouts and 2 BCAA pills
    casein before bed.
    3 ON mens multivitamins a day
    3 Musclepharm fish oil pills a day
    5g of Creatine Micronized daily
    and I just started taking Animal Flex for my joints
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    1. Multivitamin
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Glucosamine/Condrotin
    4. Whey Protein
    5. Fiber Supplement
  • take a whey protein if you need the extra protein, great for having immediately post workout. and also take creatine (micronised), you don't need anything else
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    Not to steal this thread from the OP but what's everyone's thoughts about pre-workouts?
  • kevinmacpa
    kevinmacpa Posts: 84 Member
    Creatine works well for me.
    Take whey/dextrose/maltodextrin for preworkout and postworkout shake. I am in the camp that believes fast digesting carb and protein post workout helps recovery.

    Whey/dextrose/maltodextrin are counted as meals for me, not supplements.