Low carb



  • Carolyn917
    Carolyn917 Posts: 17 Member
    I am giving this app. one more try. I am 48 years old, I weigh 215#'s & I'm 5' 2.5" tall. I am 75 -80#'s overweight and I desperately need to lose weight for health reasons. I am trying to stick to a low carb, healthy choice, whole food life style plan. My goals are to lose 10#'s by Valentine's Day and 75#'s by January 1st, 2016. I hate to exercise but I plan on using Yoga, Pilates and dance to exercise. I need friends to keep me accountable and motivated. For some reason I can't add friends, keep getting error message so PLEASE ADD ME!!
  • MelonFlower
    MelonFlower Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not a doctor (yet) but I love nutrition, so this is what I've come to learn. This is a generalization, and I'm sure there are exceptions:

    If you're active and work out, extremely low carb is not going to be good for your bod. Your muscle tissue needs glucose, and carbohydrates are the most adept at providing it. If you work out crazy hard, and don't have enough carbohydrate, plan B for your body is to break down proteins, but this will place stress on your kidneys (not to mention prevent the use of protein as a muscle-building nutrient). Fats are endurance nutrients; they don't start burning until about 20min into a hard workout.

    If you're completely sedentary, your muscles require less glucose and you can get away with low carb.

    PCOS sufferers (like me) typically also suffer from insulin resistance, which requires more and more insulin to be dumped into the blood stream to signal the cells to uptake glucose. For this reason, PCOS individuals should gravitate toward low carb diets to maintain relatively low levels of glucose at all times. PCOSers should avoid high glycemic foods: white starches, refined sugars, etc. As an added incentive, prevention of sugar spikes will help curb hyperandrogenism, which will subsequently improve fertility - yay babies!. According to the Endocrine Society, there is an undeniable "association between a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism and hyperandrogenism" as it relates to PCOS. Blah blah blah .... PCOS ladies -- keep the carbs low and healthily sourced!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    tigersword wrote: »
    If you don't know what low carb is, why do you want to do it? Do you have a specific medical condition requiring it? Otherwise, just eat the foods you enjoy, and track calories to maintain a calorie deficit. It's really a very simple concept, that the weight loss industry attempts to make as complicated as possible in order to maintain their billion dollar sales.

    I agree with the bolded. I see so many people give up, because they dove into low carb head first and didn't know about and didn't expect some of the things that happen in the beginning and end up thinking that it doesn't work for them. Please, OP, don't be one of them. At least do a little homework on what to expect in the next couple of weeks before you start.

    I recommend joining the Low Carber Daily group. It's got a ton of resources for beginners (and more getting added, as the mod team works on building the getting started guide) and a ton of helpful people.

    tigersword - you don't have to support the weight loss industry when doing low carb, and using low carb as a means to sustainably achieve a caloric deficit is simple, too. Just buy food -- proteins (meat, fakemeat/tofu if that's your thing), fats (cream, cheeses, coconut/avocado/olive oil, etc), and non-starchy vegetables. No "products" necessary.
    I wasn't specifically talking about low carb. My diet industry comment is a general statement. Just look at all the "named" diets out there. Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, Warrior Diet, Primal, Wheat Belly, and on and on and on, and then all the "nutrition" books, like "Eat This, Not That," "Eat to Live," "Good Calories, Bad Calories," etc. They all rely on making the concept of weight loss complicated, so they can sell you the "secret" to success. And that's not even getting into the supplements, gyms, "health food stores," and the list goes on.

    If everybody just ate a little less, moved a little more, and tailored their food choices based on personal preference instead of arbitrary rules, the weight loss industry would probably disappear.
  • SassaRosey
    SassaRosey Posts: 3 Member
    lilRicki wrote: »
    Calorie deficit + low carb here. You can add me because I am always on the look out for new low carb/low cal recipes to spice things up.

    Have you tried that veggie peeler thing yet? it makes zuccini into noodles? I got one at christmas, I'm going to try it tonight with shrimp and steamed cauliflower. I really hope it works. I also use broccoli slaw (steamed) as a noodle subsitute.

    Thanks, I never thought to use broccoli slaw as a noodle subsitute. I can buy it already as a slaw in the grocery store.

  • MelonFlower
    MelonFlower Posts: 37 Member
    FixieFreak wrote: »
    I do the exact opposite, I eat a diet consisting of rice, pasta, beans, fruits, and vegetables, avoiding added sugars, and fats as much as possible. On any given day my diet is 80-85% carbs, and <10% fat and <10% protein. I have followed this diet for quite a while in one form or another, I have lost a total of about 200lbs, and 35lbs recently. It is very easy to follow, and weight lose has been pretty easy. It has worked for me when I have been in a high activity job, as well as the last 3 month when I have been mostly sitting as a result of a broken foot. By blood markers are all excellent, as well as blood pressure.

    This is very interesting to me. I'm curious, by "healthy blood markers," does this include your A1C levels? Triglycerides, HDL, LDL? It sounds like your diet doesn't have refined sugars, but I'm still curious about your blood glucose levels. Also, do you get ravenously hungry or do you consistently feel relatively satiated?

    I don't know many people who do high carb diets so this is intriguing :smile:
