Broke and over weight...



  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    kasiaj wrote: »
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this (I don't feel like reading all the responses), but you can rent exercise dvds from your local library for free.

    Whats a Library?

    Broke and overweight don't belong together. I dont care what you eat if you count your calories you can lose weight. How you choose to eat or not eat is up to you.


    Lots of poor people are fat (in the US). I was 180lbs (at 5'4) and lived on/under the poverty line. I had a lot of misinformation floating around my head then about food, and knew nothing about calories/portion size at all.

    A little education on the subject matter was really good for me.

    I am definitely not rich and live paycheck to paycheck. Like i said poor and overweight don't go together. If your here asking the question its cause you want to do something about it. Money does not need to affect your eating.
    Your comment is making an EXCUSE for why you need to be overweight.

    First off... I'm really not sure why you're getting flagged... but anywho.

    I honestly go both ways on this one. I do agree that when you live on/below the poverty line you do get pretty misinformed at times. Perfect example, before my best friend lived with me and my papa she had no idea what hummus, quinoa and other things were or that they even existed. (my dad specializes in making a wide range of dishes and recipes from around the world)
    But I do agree with you sir. My thought process is doing a bit of venturing and some research is a world of wonder. When I originally started I bought lean quisine and things of such left and right, but I always felt hungry and deprived later. Then I did research and hey lookie there! I'm not really eating /real/ food. No wonder I'm feeling hungry. Now I'm always looking for better food eats. :)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    If I repeat anything that has already been said, then I apologize:

    I am on a tight budget, have been for a few years now (I was a grad student, now I do contract stuff, but it's precarious work) - when things are really tight, I basically eat vegan since meat is more expensive. Dried beans are cheap where I live, as are frozen veggies, especially in winter when fresh are more expensive. Those are staples as well as whatever fruits are on sale. It's not so exciting, but it works.

    For exercise - check out youtube for workout videos. And craigslist or kijiji are good places to find used workout equipment. Losing weight on a budget can definitely be done!
  • lcm15saskia
    I know it is hard, I've been there. You really don't have to just focus on fresh vegetables. You can try frozen veggies and fruits. They are just as good, kept all the vitamins and is a lot cheaper. As for the workout...try dvd's or (I don't know if they are on tv where you live) workout shows on tv. You will make it! good luck!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I am doing better now but, for a while, was on food stamps so I had $161 per month for food. Most of the time, grocery store ads come out on Thursday so I would sit down at my computer every Thursday and plan out my week by going to the store websites and reading the ads and coupons. I would first check out the sales on meat and plan my main meals depending on what was on sale. Generally I would do 4 days with meat and three with something like beans for dinner. I am lucky in that I live in a medium sized town on the edge of a large metropolitan area so I have several different grocery stores that are an easy drive for me. Most staples I would get at Aldi because they are cheaper. Their meat and produce is hit or miss so I may or may not buy any of that there. If I don't, then I stop at whichever grocery has the best prices for what I am looking for.

    Generally, you save money by eating at home. Things like bottled water are not necessities. If you buy it, get yourself a filter pitcher like Pur or Brita and drink filtered tap water if your tap water is bad tasting (mine is horrible but the Pur makes it just as good as bottled). Buy bulk items rather than single serving. Oatmeal takes just 2 minutes in the microwave and one large tub of old-fashioned oats costs me $2 for about 3 weeks of satisfying breakfasts.

    It takes effort and planning, but you can definitely do this.

    I agree with everything you've said. I also have a water pitcher, I even try to fill up another pitcher with water just because we go through it so quickly. We even add fresh lime juice (squeezed, not the fake nasty stuff) and stevia to it so we basically have a sugarless limeade always happening. lol
    Unfortunately we don't own a microwave... I know, dark ages.

    unless you have a dietary reason for using stevia i wouldn't bother with it. there's nothing wrong with using plain ole sugar it's the amount of sugar that gets us all in trouble. a little bit is not going to make a difference in your weight loss. save your money. also if you haven't already received these as suggestions stock up on beans, eggs, pasta, frozen or fresh veggies (which you're already doing), tuna in a can, make your own hummus (find a recipe without tahini which can be expensive), brown rice, potatoes (minus all the toppings as mentioned), whole chicken cut it up yourself, oatmeal (not instant), make your own pasta sauce, make your own granola bars, heck make you own peanut butter. lots of ways to cut grocery bills. oh and i know it's been mentioned but coupons, coupons and more coupons. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You can buy dry rice and beans in bulk for fairly cheap. I don't think you save much money by baking your own bread, but it tastes better

    Agree with buying foods in bulk. You just get what you need and you're done, or you can get more if they're on special.

    Also, I bake it every week and it's only about a dollar a loaf, my power bread is probably $1.50 a loaf. For the hearty bread I like, that's a huge savings.

    I am not a super tight budget for food, but I love cutting corners when I can, and eating something homemade and tasty!

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    jmauerhan wrote: »
    gia07 wrote: »
    Everyone says eating less will cost less. That is so not true.
    For example, I use stevia sugar now. I don't buy regular sugar anymore. Stevia is 3 - 4 times more than the price of regular sugar.

    You just contradicted yourself. If you had kept buying regular sugar but LESS of it, it would be cheaper. You could have kept buying the same meat, but LESS of it. That is where buying LESS food is CHEAPER. Buying different food might not be. You can buy 2000 calories of lean meat, or you could buy 2000 calories of ramen. Which is cheaper?

    Buying food at the grocery store is almost always cheaper than take out, fast food, etc.

    If you're on a budget, don't buy the "healthiest" food you can think of. Buy what you will eat, but slightly LESS of it.

    I always ALWAYS lose weight at the end of a paycheck period. The first two or three days after payday we splurge on a takeout dinner and I buy lunch out. By the day before payday (ha, that's today) when I'm absolutely FORCED to use what's in the pantry and freezer, it's easy to have a 1500 calorie day.

    I just have to say that you missed what I was saying! I choose to not eat sugar.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    In addition, if the OP is having a hard time with the budget why can't I too be having the same issue.

    MFP members are quick to tell you off and why a person can't be having the same issues.
    So much trolling going on and I hate this about MFP.
  • xkitxkatxkaix
    xkitxkatxkaix Posts: 368 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I am doing better now but, for a while, was on food stamps so I had $161 per month for food. Most of the time, grocery store ads come out on Thursday so I would sit down at my computer every Thursday and plan out my week by going to the store websites and reading the ads and coupons. I would first check out the sales on meat and plan my main meals depending on what was on sale. Generally I would do 4 days with meat and three with something like beans for dinner. I am lucky in that I live in a medium sized town on the edge of a large metropolitan area so I have several different grocery stores that are an easy drive for me. Most staples I would get at Aldi because they are cheaper. Their meat and produce is hit or miss so I may or may not buy any of that there. If I don't, then I stop at whichever grocery has the best prices for what I am looking for.

    Generally, you save money by eating at home. Things like bottled water are not necessities. If you buy it, get yourself a filter pitcher like Pur or Brita and drink filtered tap water if your tap water is bad tasting (mine is horrible but the Pur makes it just as good as bottled). Buy bulk items rather than single serving. Oatmeal takes just 2 minutes in the microwave and one large tub of old-fashioned oats costs me $2 for about 3 weeks of satisfying breakfasts.

    It takes effort and planning, but you can definitely do this.

    I agree with everything you've said. I also have a water pitcher, I even try to fill up another pitcher with water just because we go through it so quickly. We even add fresh lime juice (squeezed, not the fake nasty stuff) and stevia to it so we basically have a sugarless limeade always happening. lol
    Unfortunately we don't own a microwave... I know, dark ages.

    unless you have a dietary reason for using stevia i wouldn't bother with it. there's nothing wrong with using plain ole sugar it's the amount of sugar that gets us all in trouble. a little bit is not going to make a difference in your weight loss. save your money. also if you haven't already received these as suggestions stock up on beans, eggs, pasta, frozen or fresh veggies (which you're already doing), tuna in a can, make your own hummus (find a recipe without tahini which can be expensive), brown rice, potatoes (minus all the toppings as mentioned), whole chicken cut it up yourself, oatmeal (not instant), make your own pasta sauce, make your own granola bars, heck make you own peanut butter. lots of ways to cut grocery bills. oh and i know it's been mentioned but coupons, coupons and more coupons. :)

    Reason being for my using stevia more than sugar..... I drink coffee like I'm trying to drink the entire ocean in one gulp. Creamy sweet delights of my morning... and afternoon.... sometimes in the evening too....
    That and also I'm at a higher risk for getting diabetes since my papa is diabetic and it runs heavy on both sides of the family.
    So to help I grabbed stevia. It helps so much with lowering the sugar intake.
  • KGRebelRanch
    KGRebelRanch Posts: 109 Member
    I know that I can't be the only one here with this problem, or maybe I am and I hoping to have a pity party. Is there anyone else here who lives paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet? I've tried more then a few times to buy only the healthiest of options at the grocery store (within reason of my budget of course) fresh veggies, avoided processed/canned anything really, etc., but I swear each time I nearly break my bank in doing so. On top of that I had to give up my gym membership which is sad considering that it's only $10 a month but with my rent going up it's just no longer in my budget anymore (sad I know).a What I'm in search for is someone who is in the same boat I am but somehow makes it work! I want to be able to pick peoples brains on this one. What meals do you plan for during your week? How do you fit in exercise into a busy schedule?
    I would really love some feedback. Thanks for your time!

    We live on basically minimum wage. I grow a garden and we have livestock-I just put 6 chickens in my freezer yesterday and after doing the math I learned that we get chicken for $0.07/lb. Eggs are $0.32/dozen. Veggies are pretty much free since I only use heirloom and gather the seeds.

    Do you have an area you can get pots for plants? Squash, cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, broccoli, chard, kale, celery, pineapple, strawberries, etc all grow very eaily in small pots, and one cherry tomato plant gives me enough I can put up ketchup, salsa, spaghetti sauce, soup, and still have enough to eat off the plant.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Frozen foods (as long as they aren't freezer MEALS, but food that has actually been frozen) have much more nutrition than canned and, so I'm told, even more nutrients than fresh veggies in the produce section.

    Cheap food options:
    Frozen veggies / fruit
    Frozen tilapia
    Brown Rice
    Lentils (x1000000000000)

    Cheap Exercise:
    Spartacus Workout (
    Youtube aerobics and other workouts
    Body weight push-ups, squats, dips, tricep push-ups, etc.
    Running up and down public stairs

    You can do this, you just need to get creative.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    oatmeal with cinnamon for breakfast. try to shop at markets - not supermarkets - the prices are way cheaper for fresh produce (fruit + veg). make your own soup - this is a great lunch and you can make enough for a fair few days. keep sliced bread in the freezer, it lasts longer that way as you can defrost it, bit by bit, as and when it's needed. consider 'meal planning' - a tray bake of some sort, or stew, which you can eat for a few days - this cuts down on wastage. don't avoid canned food, or frozen, there's nothing wrong with it. :) and remember to enjoy cooking and enjoy your food - whatever you're eating, appreciate it. xx
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    kasiaj wrote: »
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this (I don't feel like reading all the responses), but you can rent exercise dvds from your local library for free.

    Whats a Library?

    Broke and overweight don't belong together. I dont care what you eat if you count your calories you can lose weight. How you choose to eat or not eat is up to you.


    Lots of poor people are fat (in the US). I was 180lbs (at 5'4) and lived on/under the poverty line. I had a lot of misinformation floating around my head then about food, and knew nothing about calories/portion size at all.

    A little education on the subject matter was really good for me.

    I am definitely not rich and live paycheck to paycheck. Like i said poor and overweight don't go together. If your here asking the question its cause you want to do something about it. Money does not need to affect your eating.
    Your comment is making an EXCUSE for why you need to be overweight.
    I am still of modest means, and I lost the weight I had to lose. So yes, anyone can lose it.

    However, before I lost the weight I didnt understand about calories, how many I should be eating, all that. So that held me back.

    Also I assumed healthy eating=lots of calorie sparse vegetables. Trying to fill up 1700 calories with only produce is expensive! Luckily i found out I could eat cheaper foods, like rice, and still lose weight.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    I was actually planning to blog about this later today because I'm in the same boat. I'm primarily focusing on lowering my portions and staying within my calorie range. Since it's winter, I make a lot of soups and stews to stretch the dollar. Just be conscious of the amount of fat your adding into your soup. So far, I'm keeping my gym membership although weather is preventing me from going right now so I try to walk an extra block or two just to get some added exercise. People here have posted some great tips.
  • lgoldfarb
    lgoldfarb Posts: 76 Member
    I've done this It is $15.00 for a giant basket of fruits and veggies.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Frozen foods (as long as they aren't freezer MEALS, but food that has actually been frozen) have much more nutrition than canned and, so I'm told, even more nutrients than fresh veggies in the produce section.

    Cheap food options:
    Frozen veggies / fruit
    Frozen tilapia
    Brown Rice
    Lentils (x1000000000000)

    Cheap Exercise:
    Spartacus Workout (
    Youtube aerobics and other workouts
    Body weight push-ups, squats, dips, tricep push-ups, etc.
    Running up and down public stairs

    You can do this, you just need to get creative.

    that would be a no...sorry.

    That would be a per veggie/fruit basis. Some are more nutritious when frozen.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    kasiaj wrote: »
    Not sure if anyone mentioned this (I don't feel like reading all the responses), but you can rent exercise dvds from your local library for free.

    Thank you! Most people forget about that wonderful resource in your town that costs you nothing (above your normal taxes) to use and has tons of helpful things. You should be able to get some good budget recipe books too!

    I didn't know that! I should try it. I also want to get a book on tape for running on the treadmill. Music isn't doing it for me (probably because I sing along and get out of breath but if I can't sing along its boring haha).
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    Frozen foods (as long as they aren't freezer MEALS, but food that has actually been frozen) have much more nutrition than canned and, so I'm told, even more nutrients than fresh veggies in the produce section.

    Cheap food options:
    Frozen veggies / fruit
    Frozen tilapia
    Brown Rice
    Lentils (x1000000000000)

    Cheap Exercise:
    Spartacus Workout (
    Youtube aerobics and other workouts
    Body weight push-ups, squats, dips, tricep push-ups, etc.
    Running up and down public stairs

    You can do this, you just need to get creative.

    that would be a no...sorry.

    That would be a per veggie/fruit basis. Some are more nutritious when frozen. Please explain as I would really like to know. I know better but I want to hear what you have to say.

    Frozen is more nutritious because the fresh produce you buy in the stores are picked green so they won't spoil during shipping. The produce that is frozen, however, is picked ripe and frozen within a few hours.
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    Buy frozen veggies instead of fresh. They can be found for about $1 bag. I also use the cartwheel app at Target and buy Target brand groceries for an extra 5% off, with my Target card for an added 5% off.
    Do you have a deep freezer? Buy meat in bulk and when it's on sale, then separate it into more sensible portions, double-wrap in freezer bags, and toss it in the deep freeze until you need it. This is harder to do if you just have a small freezer. :/

  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Frozen foods (as long as they aren't freezer MEALS, but food that has actually been frozen) have much more nutrition than canned and, so I'm told, even more nutrients than fresh veggies in the produce section.

    Cheap food options:
    Frozen veggies / fruit
    Frozen tilapia
    Brown Rice
    Lentils (x1000000000000)

    Cheap Exercise:
    Spartacus Workout (
    Youtube aerobics and other workouts
    Body weight push-ups, squats, dips, tricep push-ups, etc.
    Running up and down public stairs

    You can do this, you just need to get creative.

    that would be a no...sorry.

    It's not that they are more nutritious due to being frozen, it's that frozen veggies spend an hour or two between being separated from the vine and being flash frozen, hence less time to lose nutrition.

    Anyway, not claiming it's true; it's just something I was told.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    MomofOne, could you back your very adamant claims with something other than "I know better"?