Getting married 2/28/15. Goal: 15lbs

I'm getting married in 7 weeks and need to lose a little. A few years ago I lost 40 lbs and have since gained 26.6 lbs back (have lost 4 since the beginning of he year) so I would really, in total like to lose another 22.6 lbs but I don't think that's realistic before the wedding. Wedding goal 15 lbs in a little over 7 weeks. Eek!


  • adelem86
    adelem86 Posts: 16 Member
    Fabulous goal to lose the weight for. you can do the full 22.6lbs easy I reckon. I did a six week hard core detox and lost over a stonne. Happy to support you if you need it. Just add me :0)
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome, congrats on your upcoming wedding. I am down 125 pounds in the last year. Your goals are totally doable. Without some crazy fad diet, pills, wraps, or surgery. I just sent you a message and friend request.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited January 2015
    Won't that mess with the tailoring of your dress? You don't really have enough time to lose it before getting it altered, since they'd need a month (at least). :( You would have to lose all of it in 3 weeks.
  • Thanks guys! I have my first fitting on 1/19 then I'll have a couple more after that. My dress shop can do a 1 week turnaround. Plus the dress I ordered was a bit snug ( I was in between 2 sizes)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    gabicush wrote: »
    Thanks guys! I have my first fitting on 1/19 then I'll have a couple more after that. My dress shop can do a 1 week turnaround. Plus the dress I ordered was a bit snug ( I was in between 2 sizes)

    Oh that's good news! 15 might still be high, but you can always try :)
  • trianglevision
    trianglevision Posts: 28 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 15lbs for my wedding! I'm shooting for a pound a week so I will be right behind you!
  • gabicush
    gabicush Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    I'm also trying to lose 15lbs for my wedding!

    At least you have a little more time! I slacked too much! :#
  • I did sign up to do a half marathon 2 weeks after the wedding so (hopefully) the training will help me drop a few