Over 150 Pounds to Lose? Join Us and Get It Done!

JuliannaUnderhill Posts: 68
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
I am going to lose 170 pounds to reach my goal of 140. It's going to take me over two years.

I can't do it alone. Luckily my husband is losing weight with me, but the more the merrier! If you are changing your life and planning on losing 150 pounds or more, let's do it by encouraging and helping each other.

No fad diets, no cleanses, no super-restricted diets. This is for people who are going to intelligently and carefully change their eating and activity habits over time to become healthy. If you're in it for the long haul, join us!


  • AngelZealot
    AngelZealot Posts: 49 Member
    I want to join!! I need to lose 50 pounds- can I still be a part of your journey?
  • maggikal117
    I want to join :) my goal is 170 lbs I have a long journey ahead and would be nice to not walk out alone. .. :)
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone I am trying to lose abt 150 pounds and so far I have been tracking my calories for the last couple of days but im getting use to it
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    It's up to you, I wouldn't exclude anyone who wants to team up and help! Welcome! So what are your strategies for losing weight? Right now I am focusing on getting my head right about food. I want to start moving more but I don't want to change too many habits at once, so I am "sedentary" for now.
  • maggikal117
    I'm trying to take it day by day... every time I start a "diet" I end up quitting within the first month or two because it's just TOO MUCH! and I go crazy... So instead I thought about it and I came up with my 21 day plans as I like to call them :) so first 21 days I cut all sodas and sweets and I'm replacing it with real food and salads and what ever I want as long as its not candy and soda haha second 21 days term I plan on starting to really exercise and starting a routine... they say it takes 21 days to break and or make a habit so thats my plan... last year I quit smoking and went to an ecig and 21 days before the new years i threw my ecig away so ive been working up to doing this the right way... hopefully i do >.< how are you all doing this?
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    I am actually working on self esteem in the mind about how I feel because I feel it is what triggers me to be careless of how I eat even though I know its not right but I do it anyway. I want to be able to be fit and have never been small but the motivation that has me doing this was when last weekend a doctor told me I was to big to do an mri on his machine and that I had to go to another office due to the weight limit was 280 and he had me stand on a scale that tipped at 340. I was very embarrassed and felt really sad inside. I want to be healthy in the mind and so far I am taking it day by day and using the calorie tracker and I am ok with it right now.
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    I have started to wake up every morning since last week at 5 am and walk about 45 min brisk walk I live uphill so I walk down first and then climb the hill back up and then I do stretches for about 10 min and squats that is all.
  • Hamoalta
    Hamoalta Posts: 16 Member
    As far as the eating I am cutting down all the junk and sticking to my calories daily thru the tracker and I have all my meals just staying with the calorie count and exercise we will see.
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm trying to lose 140+ over the next how ever long it takes...so I'm in! Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Still have another 10-20 pounds to go -- but I can honestly say calorie-counting using an app has been wonderful...I do NOT consider myself on a diet per se...I have actually changed my eating habits...I have no intention of stopping MFP after these pounds are gone. My final weight will depend upon visual & clothes size more than scale. That is why I have a range noted.

    I will continue to monitor maintenance / more toning / strength exercises etc. Guess what I am saying is - I already have my goals set for the next year.

  • mmariag
    mmariag Posts: 47 Member
    edited January 2015
    Id love to join. Everyone is welcome to add. I have over 100 to lose. Like someone above me mentioned, every time I start with unrealistic goals and trying to do too much at a time I end up losing myself in the journey. I'm focusing this month on changing my eating habits and getting more accustomed to the change in diet only. :smile:
  • heathermarie_evans
    I'm doing a month by month resolution as well as a year resolution..for January I just want to start tracking my food and walking then in February i'm planning to really start changing my diet by cutting down on meat and increase veggies as well as lower my average mile speed by a minute
  • corirenner1
    I have about 150 pounds to lose. So far I have changed my diet drastically in the last month... no more fast food or soda. Not very much meat at all, but plenty of fruits and veggies! I have also started a program through my gym with Health one meal replacements- they are amazing! Most importantly, if I'm really craving chocolate or pizza or other guilt free foods- I allow myself. Just small portions. I think that is going to help me stay on track!
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    I want to join!! I need to lose 50 pounds- can I still be a part of your journey?
    I want to join!! I need to lose 50 pounds- can I still be a part of your journey?

    Welcome! Share your plans and goals!
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    I want to join :) my goal is 170 lbs I have a long journey ahead and would be nice to not walk out alone. .. :)

    You sure don't have to be alone! Welcome!
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Hamoalta wrote: »
    Hello everyone I am trying to lose abt 150 pounds and so far I have been tracking my calories for the last couple of days but im getting use to it

    That's the best way, start out slow and simple. The act of logging your food has immediate positive impacts. Even on days you miss your goals, logging can help you.
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    I'd like to join. I'm setting interim milestones, 50 pound goals at a time. I'm a sloth so my first change is to aim for 7500 steps per day. I'm tracking food, not cutting anything yet, eating as I normally would, just logging it.

    Today was the first day I hit 7500 steps!
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    I'm trying to take it day by day... every time I start a "diet" I end up quitting within the first month or two because it's just TOO MUCH! and I go crazy... So instead I thought about it and I came up with my 21 day plans as I like to call them :) so first 21 days I cut all sodas and sweets and I'm replacing it with real food and salads and what ever I want as long as its not candy and soda haha second 21 days term I plan on starting to really exercise and starting a routine... they say it takes 21 days to break and or make a habit so thats my plan... last year I quit smoking and went to an ecig and 21 days before the new years i threw my ecig away so ive been working up to doing this the right way... hopefully i do >.< how are you all doing this?

    Wow! Congratulations on kicking the nicotine. It's a lot to give up, i know! Don't worry if you can't give up the sweets and soda all in one go. If it doesn't happen, just eliminate soda, or allow yourself one per day. I was totally addicted to diet 7up, i drank six to eight per day! I now let myself have one per day, but i rarely actually have it.

  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Hamoalta wrote: »
    I am actually working on self esteem in the mind about how I feel because I feel it is what triggers me to be careless of how I eat even though I know its not right but I do it anyway. I want to be able to be fit and have never been small but the motivation that has me doing this was when last weekend a doctor told me I was to big to do an mri on his machine and that I had to go to another office due to the weight limit was 280 and he had me stand on a scale that tipped at 340. I was very embarrassed and felt really sad inside. I want to be healthy in the mind and so far I am taking it day by day and using the calorie tracker and I am ok with it right now.

    You are so not alone. That's kind of why i wanted to start this group, for people who have experiences like this. I had to forgo a certain treatment at my chiropractor's because the machine's limit was 250, and i was nowhere near that. I would be happy to wake up tomorrow and weight 250!
    We will get there, hon. Keep logging and keep connecting.

  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Hamoalta, sounds like you are starting out strong. I can't imagine getting up that early to work out, but I am going to have to make some sort of plan soon to fit fitness in. How do you motivate yourself to do morning workouts?