Hip Flexors



  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I tried this routine yesterday and it really hit my tight hips and hamstrings: http://www.doyogawithme.com/content/deep-release-hips-hamstrings-and-lower-back
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I am off to the gym in a little bit and will be getting some stretching in. Right now I'm couch surfing with my dog.
    also- just to make sure this gets said.
    - make sure you warm up before you do your stretching LOL_ it's just not going to get you anywhere trying to do your stretching cold.

    for my squats (where I need the most work)
    I do 5 min jump rope
    bar warm up (8-10 reps)
    + a quarter- 6-8 reps
    whole stretch/hip opening routine
    + 45's
    + more stretching if needed
    + then into working weights

    +1. Also, stretching and improving flexibility is pretty much the opposite of lifting. "Going hard" or pushing yourself while stretching will only cause you to be less flexible. Stretching should never be painful. Go just to the point of tightness, unwind, breathe, and and really try to relax! Relax your entire body, regardless of what you are stretching. This is why those blocks are better like jrocka mentioned. It's a little hard to relax your entire body and sink into a stretch if you are holding yourself up.

    Once you feel the initial muscle release and it's no longer uncomfortable, go ahead and sink a bit deeper.

    YES- breathing.

    Definitely need to breath- lots- keep breathing- like- heavy open you lips and exhale like you mean it.

    Stretching isn't cute- no matter what all the meme's say- LOL_ I breathe like-- as if you were panicked-and someone is coaching you to breathe into a paper bag- heavy in and out- deliberate creeper breathes.

    Yep the breathing thing is really quite good. Breath in and ease off the strech a little bit breath out and relax deeper into it. I may be wrong but I believe it 'tricks' the central nervous system into relaxing a bit and allowing you to go deeper into the stretch. You'll be surprised how much difference it can make.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    gmallan wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    DjinnMarie wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I am off to the gym in a little bit and will be getting some stretching in. Right now I'm couch surfing with my dog.
    also- just to make sure this gets said.
    - make sure you warm up before you do your stretching LOL_ it's just not going to get you anywhere trying to do your stretching cold.

    for my squats (where I need the most work)
    I do 5 min jump rope
    bar warm up (8-10 reps)
    + a quarter- 6-8 reps
    whole stretch/hip opening routine
    + 45's
    + more stretching if needed
    + then into working weights

    +1. Also, stretching and improving flexibility is pretty much the opposite of lifting. "Going hard" or pushing yourself while stretching will only cause you to be less flexible. Stretching should never be painful. Go just to the point of tightness, unwind, breathe, and and really try to relax! Relax your entire body, regardless of what you are stretching. This is why those blocks are better like jrocka mentioned. It's a little hard to relax your entire body and sink into a stretch if you are holding yourself up.

    Once you feel the initial muscle release and it's no longer uncomfortable, go ahead and sink a bit deeper.

    YES- breathing.

    Definitely need to breath- lots- keep breathing- like- heavy open you lips and exhale like you mean it.

    Stretching isn't cute- no matter what all the meme's say- LOL_ I breathe like-- as if you were panicked-and someone is coaching you to breathe into a paper bag- heavy in and out- deliberate creeper breathes.

    Yep the breathing thing is really quite good. Breath in and ease off the strech a little bit breath out and relax deeper into it. I may be wrong but I believe it 'tricks' the central nervous system into relaxing a bit and allowing you to go deeper into the stretch. You'll be surprised how much difference it can make.

    breathing allows you to actually get a stretch for reals.

    And yes- you have a bang on point- Breath- stretch exhale- inhale- take it a little deeper- exhale and come back- lather rinse repeat.

    Definitely don't just go balls deep and hold it- you're body will essentially panic and protect itself by NOT letting go.
    I'm blown away by how sore my legs are today. Next time. Proper warm up. I'm sure it gets better.

    it DEFINITELY get's better- but you have to (unfortunately- as with all things) be diligent.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Why do I not see low runners stretch in here?

    for reals- that's a GREAT hip stretch.

    I do it in the rack- and I take kind of this high/low thing- and I put my arms on the bar- step back in to the high/low and come up out of my hips while squaring the hips and pull back- it's a great way to warm up for my squats.
    I can try to video for you if you want- it's sounds weird- but it's not LOL.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Video it, I'll go buy some popcorn.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Video it, I'll go buy some popcorn.
    will have to be in the morning if I can wake up... supposed to be squat day- and the gym will be nice and quiet.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    tomorrow is squat day for me too. that should be collectively fun.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I think it might be helpful to maybe go to a beginners yoga class once a week. I've found that it helps me with overall tightness and soreness.

    But for a specific pose, I like the triangle yoga pose. I don't know if it's meant to help with hip flexors, but I've found that it helps mine.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I find that many people who say they have tight hip flexors also have very weak hip flexors. Just because a muscle is tight doesn't mean it's strong. In addition to gentle stretching I'd also incorporate some basic supine leg lifts (toe up, toe out, toe in)...that's what I tell the high school athletes I work with.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Video it, I'll go buy some popcorn.
    will have to be in the morning if I can wake up... supposed to be squat day- and the gym will be nice and quiet.
    In 4 video.

    It's always squat day for me. I squat 3x per week.

    You're potentially crazier than me. I'm only at 2x right now.
  • shadow4478
    shadow4478 Posts: 37 Member
    I think frequency of stretching is the issue.
    What I do on a regular basis is something like the butterfly stretch.
    Except in bed while watching TV or when I wake up.
    I do it constantly and ever since no more tightness.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    There aren't too many good stretches for hip flexors really. The only thing that really gets them is lunch position stretches from what I've been able to figure out.

    What are lunch position stretches? @Wheelhouse15
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Grnhouse wrote: »
    There aren't too many good stretches for hip flexors really. The only thing that really gets them is lunch position stretches from what I've been able to figure out.

    What are lunch position stretches? @Wheelhouse15

    Just what they sound like, you get into the lunch position then push your hips forward. Just Google "lunge stretch" and you'll see a few examples.