Couch to 5k Running Plan

Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone tried the couch to 5k? I started it today, but I can't see myself jogging for thirty minutes in 9 weeks... I was huffing and puffing today after just 10 minutes of very brisk walking. If you've done it, please share your sucess!!


  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Has anyone tried the couch to 5k? I started it today, but I can't see myself jogging for thirty minutes in 9 weeks... I was huffing and puffing today after just 10 minutes of very brisk walking. If you've done it, please share your sucess!!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,458 Member
    It works!!!!!

    18 years ago, my hubby bought us both running shoes. I hated every step and swore I would never be a runner. 2 years ago this October, I started to follow the Couch to 5K program. The following Feb. I ran my first 5K and this May, I ran a 20K.

    I'm not FAST (I'm happy with 10 minute miles), but I so enjoy running.

    Good for you for starting. Keep with it! Don't give up! If you need to do a week over, do it.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    It works!!!!!

    18 years ago, my hubby bought us both running shoes. I hated every step and swore I would never be a runner. 2 years ago this October, I started to follow the Couch to 5K program. The following Feb. I ran my first 5K and this May, I ran a 20K.

    I'm not FAST (I'm happy with 10 minute miles), but I so enjoy running.

    Good for you for starting. Keep with it! Don't give up! If you need to do a week over, do it.

    Congratulations!!! :drinker: I swore I would never be a runner (but I secretly want to be!). I'm sure I will be repeating weeks... :ohwell: Ah, that gives me hope.
  • Lib1927
    Lib1927 Posts: 44 Member
    I want to be a runner too, I started last week, but I have only run once, and it was only a little run, but its more than I usually do, so I was pretty happy!
  • figueres3
    figueres3 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in the process of doing it... I have seen my stamina improce hugely! But I'm having a hard time keeping up with the plan... it's taking me longer than 8 weeks for sure... Being a mom to a young one is making it even harder...
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Couch to 5k is amazing. I have three cousins that did it last year and they all loved it. I got started but I am a little heavier than they are so it's taking me a wee bit more time. Not to worry.

    Here's a little nugget of gold that I discovered a few months ago (really made a HUGE difference in my success). The url is to a site where you'll find nine downloadable podcasts for each of the nine weeks in the program.

    As an encouragement, I started the couch to 5k in August and because of one thing of another have not been able to be as consistent as I would like. That having been said, I am now running 4.3 kilometers in 35 minutes. When I started the program, I had 82lbs of extra body weight and I am now down to 67.

    I love running.
  • I have done this program and I love it. I had to redo a couple weeks and at week 7 started listening to my body instead of following the "time" they give you and it's been great. You can totally do this! The podcasts are great b/c he tells you when to run and walk so you don't have to time it yourself, but I found the music to be techno, which I didn't care for, so I just timed it on my own.

    I did my first 5k in October, 2 in Nov. and just signed up for a half marathon in May. I'm not fast (not even close to 10 minute mile fast...which is super fast, btw!!) but it's all about just getting out there and doing it!

    So, go for it! :flowerforyou: You won't be sorry!

    One thing I did do b/c I didn't know if I'd see changes in my body was take a butt picture (I had undies on and a shirt) about every 2 weeks or so. The change is so dramatic and if I wasn't going to get in trouble, I'd post it. You will be AMAZED at how your butt, thighs and knees shrink while doing this. I still can't believe it and that's why I keep on running!!!!! ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh you guys are fantastic! :flowerforyou:

    That pretty much seals it for me, counch to 5k = good. Thanks for the tip about the podcasts! I use my iPhone when running (ha, running.. I mean walking quickly) so I can watch them then. Huzzah!

    And Chauffeur - Congrats, that is an amazing difference. I want my booty to look that good :laugh:
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    Can someone tell me what this is and how do you do it????? Want to try.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh sure, silly me - I meant to post the link!

    All right there, good luck!! :drinker:
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    Thank you so much I will start on this today.
  • Oh sure, silly me - I meant to post the link!

    All right there, good luck!! :drinker:

    Thanks for the info!

    I really want to do this, too. I am planning on doing a 5k in July and definitely can't run much further than from the couch to the fridge right now! :blushing: The plan will hopefully get me moving in the right direction.

  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    And seriously, the podcast really helps for at least the first few weeks. I use a treadmill right now so I just watch the timer on that, but when you are out running organically (aka without a treadmill), the timed podcasts are nice.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.

    I went totally went to check out your butt and I see no butt pictures on your profile. :frown: I was really excited about seeing the change. I need help cause I gots too much junk in da trunk.

    I think I will have to start a C25K myself. I ran today and it felt AMAZING. I've secretly always wanted to be a runner, but asthma and then fat prevented it. :wink: NO MORE EXCUSES!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Here's a little nugget of gold that I discovered a few months ago (really made a HUGE difference in my success). The url is to a site where you'll find nine downloadable podcasts for each of the nine weeks in the program.

    Dumb question -- are podcasts made for iPods only??? I have an mp3 player but not an iPod.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Okay those who have done this.....
    What do you do if you can't do 60 to 90 sec ratios of walking and running? Being able to walk/run on a 1:1 ratio is a huge goal for me.
    From the Plan:
    Week One: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 sec of jogging and 90 sec of walking for a total of 20 min.

    Am I starting at Week Zero : Building up to walking 90s and 60s jogging?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Okay those who have done this.....
    What do you do if you can't do 60 to 90 sec ratios of walking and running? Being able to walk/run on a 1:1 ratio is a huge goal for me.
    From the Plan:
    Week One: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 sec of jogging and 90 sec of walking for a total of 20 min.

    Am I starting at Week Zero : Building up to walking 90s and 60s jogging?

    Lauryn, I am in the exact same boat, don't be discouraged. This week I am just focusing on walking at a very very brisk pace for 25 minutes. I plan on building up to the jogging! If you can't walk briskly for 25 minutes, alternate brisk walking with regular walking. Just start somewhere! :bigsmile:
  • ****Ok, so I posted 3 pics butt pics in my profile pics. The first one is one week after starting the c25k, the second one is 2 weeks after the first picture. The third pic was taken about 4 weeks ago.

    I went totally went to check out your butt and I see no butt pictures on your profile. :frown: I was really excited about seeing the change. I need help cause I gots too much junk in da trunk.

    I think I will have to start a C25K myself. I ran today and it felt AMAZING. I've secretly always wanted to be a runner, but asthma and then fat prevented it. :wink: NO MORE EXCUSES!!

    I took them down but I put them back up if you want to check out the change!!
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    OK, doesn't sound like anyone needs any more convincing, but I'm another Couch to 5k fan! I ran a couple of 5ks (but never any farther) before I had kids. I started Couch to 5k at the beginning of September, when I was more out of shape than I've ever been (with a 3-year-old and a 15-month-old, it's hard to exercise!). I do walk a lot, but I wanted to start running again. I did sort of a condensed version, and ran my first 5-mile race November 1st. I loved the program because it broke me in slowly--running for 60 seconds (it's actually probably more accurate to call it jogging--I am NOT fast) was way more manageable than trying to run any distance right at first. Now I'm considering a half marathon in the spring.
    Good luck! Stick with it, and don't worry if you have bad days or have to repeat weeks--any running is better than none, and you WILL get there!!!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    The whole idea behind the couch to 5k method is to train in cycles. If the 90-60 ratio is too high, try bringing it down to 1.5min-30sec or 2min-30sec. And no one expects you to actually 'run' when you are starting out.

    you get out of it what you put in, so if you are giving it as much as you've got, the results will be there. But just start, even if it's at 0-week.

    We could start of "Cool Runnings" support group. That could be fun. :)
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