Not telling friends and family



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I am one of those people who absolutely did NOT tell a single soul what I was doing when I first started losing weight. My ex husband knew I was getting more exercise, of course, since I went from just hanging around the house to walking several miles almost every night!

    By the time I joined MFP, I'd lost 45 lb very slowly. I told only TWO people (the guy I was dating who is now my husband, and 1 friend) I was joining the site to try and count calories. I was basically just giving calorie counting its fair shot. Not embarking on a life changing journey yadda yadda. I didn't expect it to work actually.

    Then I started losing so much weight that people asked me about it daily. And I told a dozen or so people what was going on. And then they were like "OHHHH congrats I bet you feel grrreat" and after losing over 100 lb total from my heaviest, I posted a single before/after on facebook and got too much attention from it which made me feel all kinds of I took down the photo and ONLY talk about it here on MFP. Endlessly. But only here.

    The end.

    I know everyone's different but for real I DO NOT understand how some people can post pics every week on facebook of themselves in a sports bra and share it with everyone from their high school crush to their Aunt Bertha and their coworkers...or weigh-in weekly right in front of coworkers for a workplace weight loss contest. no no no no...I could not. Even now that I'm at a weight I don't mind everyone knowing...doing that stuff would make me want to DIE. LOL
  • MidgekinRN
    MidgekinRN Posts: 18 Member
    I love reading all these post! More and more I'm feeling confident in my decision. I actually have told some people I work with only because I am a School Nurse and am in charge of hosting our version of The Biggest Loser, however I don't mind telling them. When I took this job (that I absolutely love) It took me several states away from my family so I only see them every few months and since I'm single there is no one at home I have to answer to. I finally feel free to make the decisions that are best for me and become healthier. I'm so thankful to have this site, its the perfect amount of motivation for me. I can log on and read stories and ask advice but I can also very easily tune all that out if it gets to be too much!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    MidgekinRN wrote: »
    I can log on and read stories and ask advice but I can also very easily tune all that out if it gets to be too much!

  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    When I started, the first six months I told people I was "eliminating gluten" from my diet since it was trendy and that would get them to leave me alone lmao. People started noticing after about 30 lbs. I still didn't see it. At my 45 lb mark I posted a before/after facepic (my profile pic) on FB and outed myself. I lost two friends over it (weren't really great friends anyways, meh) but reconnected with a lot of old friends who were secret fitness people too, so I found a whole new level of support I didn't expect. Still have about 70lbs more to lose. Can't wait to post my 100lb pics. And I mean 100lbs Bench press, not 100lbs lost. BOOM!
  • Daenae18
    Daenae18 Posts: 29 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Because I would always be trying the next big diet/workout and failed at all of them, my family never took me seriously when I would say I'm doing X diet. So this time, I didn't really say anything. I let my actions and the results speak for themselves.

    This is the same with me. I keep trying, and now its gotten to the point where they practically roll their eyes and make 'mmhmm' noises. This year I'm just going to do it.

  • Kisame29
    Kisame29 Posts: 9,714 Member
    Personally I do not tell most of my family and friends since I do not want comments and advice. Some people are better off with that support and accountability, but I just feel too much pressure and it does not help me.
  • corbinskiii
    corbinskiii Posts: 135 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just finished a year and lost 115 pounds. My fiancé knew and one close friend. I clued my family in after the first 50 pounds (I live in a different city) because they are the most critical of me and I didn't want to hear any crap about how I was destined to fall off the wagon for the millionth time. I failed at this so many times in the past, that I decided I wouldn't talk about it, I'd just be about it. It spared me fad diet advice (until people started noticing on their own) after a year, I made one social media post about it and that was it. It felt good to keep it to myself. Let your results do the talking! I found it to be more peaceful. My mfp family has and continues to give me the motivation to continue! Sorry if this sounds negative, but people treat you differently and (I've found) unkindly once you reach certain levels of success. My bigger friends started to shun me and be rude to me and make hurtful comments about my newly smaller breasts and stuff like that. It's been a bizarre roller coaster. You've got this! Good luck!