Busy MOM looking for friends who want to lose 20-30 lbs by summer



  • camsmom0904
    camsmom0904 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to join too! I'm a stay at home mom with a 4 year old and a 6 month old, and would love to have some friends on here for support and to give support. I am looking to lose 30 pounds (baby weight). The evenings after the kids are asleep is the only free time I have, when the couch looks so comfy and the DVR is calling my name lol
  • riegrac
    riegrac Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to join this group. I am a stay at home mom of 5 and want to loose about 30 pounds by July. Looking for positive support and mostly motivation ;) mostly to exersise. My only free time is at night after kids go to bed and I would rather watch TV with a snack ;)
  • poojavasa7
    poojavasa7 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a mom a 6 yr old who's still trying to lose her baby fat. Injured my ankle three yrs ago while exercising. It's become a chronic problem now. Being a full time working mom...haven't had a chance to go for surgery to fix the issue, which has been recommended.

    Have started exercising n watching my diet now as I want to have another child this year. Need to definitely loose weight....need support and a buddy to keep myself going.
  • MrsKila
    MrsKila Posts: 320 Member
    Hi. Count me in also. I am a mom of 1 and looking to loose 25-30 lbs.by May. I have been on track for a little over 2 weeks now. We can do this!
  • tmlq
    tmlq Posts: 10 Member
    Same boat here! Would love for all of you to add me so we moms can support one another!
    Who else feels guilty trying to squeeze in 30 min or an hour to work out? So much to do with kids, so little time. Trying to keep thinking that if I put myself first I will be a better mom for them, but at the same time, those dishes aren't washing themselves!
  • csk112784
    csk112784 Posts: 4 Member
    I am a single mother of two (6 and 9 yr old boys) and a full time ER nurse. I have about 50 lbs to lose and can use all the help i can get. I'm down about 40 or so already, fell off the wagon a few months ago but I've gotten myself back up and I'm working on it again!
  • Single mom of 3 girls. I have lost around 70 pounds but need to lose 30 more to reach my 100 pounds goal. Need all the help I can get. Please add.
  • My app is not running correctly and I cannot add people, please add me :))
  • Mom of two. Just had my baby boy on December 13th. I'm trying to get from 154 to at least 130...120 would be better though. Add me!
  • SR554
    SR554 Posts: 27 Member
    I can't add people either :( add me ladies. Mum of 1 x
  • Single mom of 2. Learning loosing weight after the second child is a lot harder than after the first children. At 157 and need to see 125-130....
  • skroops
    skroops Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm a mom of two girls 6 & 4, wanting to lose 20lbs by summer. I just completed a 5-day clean eating challenge and I'm down 4 lbs since Jan 1. Trying to stick with logging to lose the rest of the weight before bathing suit season. Would love friends to for support, motivation, and keep each other accountable. Add me please :smile:
  • I am in the same spot! One little one and haven't taken the time to get back on track for myself. Two vacations in July so if I can get 20 down by summer I will be stoked!!
  • Bluedaisy82
    Bluedaisy82 Posts: 6 Member
    You girls can add me too, I have a 5yo and a 7yo. Ive already lost over 40 and only have about 10 more to go but I keep losing it and gaining it back
  • Hi - It is so nice to see I am not alone! I am a working mom and have two wonderful children (5 & 3). I gained most of my weight from my second pregnancy. Really looking to lose 20+ lbs and could use motivation from others going through the same situation! I do find it hard to find time to myself in general but I am VERY determined to make 2015 my year! Who's in ?!?!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    angiek941 wrote: »
    I'm in! I lost about 80 lbs, but I've backslid a bit. I need to get this back under control and ready for the summer!

    same here - I lost a hundred and that's backslid down to an 80 pound loss. Gotta lose this new fluff!

  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Hi Ladies, This is the kind of group I've been looking for. I am a SAHM of 3 girls (ages 1, 3 and 5).
    I lost 10 lbs using MFP last year. I kept it off for most of the year, but then the holidays brought me back where I started. I've lost 6.5 lbs since the beginning of the year just by tracking calories. Today I started adding in a workout. (30 day shred).
    I would love to lose 35 lbs by mid-May. It won't be easy, but hopefully with some accountability through this app we will all reach our goals!
    Please feel free to add me.
  • Hello everyone, I am a mother to 4 beautiful childres ages 8, 6, 4, and 9 months. I lost a total of 64 lbs. in my first year after joining MFP (from 2011-2012). I kept most of it off until my last pregnancy began in July 2013. Well, it's time for me to get back on track! Hope to lose 15-20 pounds by the summer. I would love more support as I only have 1 active friend since joining in 2011. :)
  • Cantalope
    Cantalope Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning ladies! Single, full time working mom here to one crazy 9 year-old little girl. I need the accountability and motivation! Lets get our Monday started right. Add me!
  • I'm a stay at home mom to almost 3 years old twins and almost 5 year old...all girls lol I just graduated with my second college degree and figured it's time to lose the last 25 pounds I gained with the twins. To say it's going to be easy would be a lie. My husband is an MP and works crazy random hours so about 80% of the time I'm solo plus we're so far away from any family. It's impossible to workout at home and taking the girls to the gym only hinders my workout because I'm constantly having to stop and go into the play room to break up fights or potty breaks for the twins. But alas it must be done before I go crazy about hating how I feel.