What do you hate most about losing weight?



  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    Nutella, I miss eating it out of the jar :cry:

    :'( I miss this so much.
  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    For me, it's been my mother's sudden competition with me. She's supportive in that she recognizes my losses and encourages me, but turns around and talks about how thin and slim she was when she was my age and how she doesn't know how I got to be where I am and that she's in better shape. :|
  • redhead_che
    redhead_che Posts: 292 Member
    For me, it's been my mother's sudden competition with me. She's supportive in that she recognizes my losses and encourages me, but turns around and talks about how thin and slim she was when she was my age and how she doesn't know how I got to be where I am and that she's in better shape. :|

    Mothers are great aren't they?
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    For me, it's been my mother's sudden competition with me. She's supportive in that she recognizes my losses and encourages me, but turns around and talks about how thin and slim she was when she was my age and how she doesn't know how I got to be where I am and that she's in better shape. :|

    Work on your muscles, then. Show her that you shall win. As much as I hate to say this, be grateful you have competition.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    Nutella, I miss eating it out of the jar :cry:

    I still do this, I just fit it into my calorie allowance :wink:
    For me, the most annoying thing is not losing evenly. I've lost my bingo wings but my belly's gone nowhere! Also, how slow it can be. I've been here since June and I've lost 42lbs but I've only just started looking any different.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    What do I hate about losing weight? Hmmmmm.............Patience, I guess I would have to say the worst part is how long it takes.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby, and I felt like that took ages, then I gained in my third pregnancy and I'm losing again, and I feel really impatient because I know what I should look like, and I have a wardrobe full of clothes I can't wear yet, and I just want to be pre-pregnancy size now!

  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    dfranch wrote: »
    I'm cold all the time. I used to be warm all the time, but not anymore.

    This also! I used to love the winter, not anymore! D':
  • sizesixorbust
    sizesixorbust Posts: 114 Member
    having to actively fight my impulse to eat. all. the. time. eating is comforting for me (even when i eat so much it makes me feel terrible). oddly enough, i enjoy exercising.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't hate anything about getting fitter. The only thing I hate is when my arsebones have less padding and I'm sitting on a metal chair for too long. :)
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I understand a lot of what everyone hates but i guess i am lucky that i am not really bothered by a lot of that. My clothes don't fit but that's ok, i like them anyway lol. My Boobs are shrinking proportionately at the moment but i don't care if i end up as flat as a board, they get in the way. I have a mothers apron thanks to many abdominal surgeries and weight shooting up and down rapidly and i have been denied for surgery, oh well. I have bingo arms now but that won't stop me from wearing tank tops. I earned all my flaws, they didn't just happen. lol

    What does bother me is approaching maintenance. I lost like 30 and i have about 20 to go. There's so many thoughts going through my head about it that it spins. Do i wanna go lower in case it bounces up or do i want to stop early and balance things out? How will i know when? Did i pick the right weight? It goes on and on.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    edited January 2015
    I like my sad boobs. Then again, I'd prefer to not have any at all. lol

    The thing that sucks the most about losing weight, in my opinion, is the loose skin. You can't see it with my clothes on, but I know it's there, and it drives me crazy.

    Also. Clothes. I have a closet full of clothes now. In varying sizes. From xmall to XXL. And I'm afraid to get rid of any of them, because there's a part of me that still hasn't 'caught up' mentally to my physical body. So I never know what size to wear. And don't get me started on the cost to update said closet. Yikes.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    My grandma trying to force food down me because she thinks I have an illness ><'

    Haha :smile:

    I get 'force fed' a lot. I have mixed feelings about it.
  • RicoMittens
    RicoMittens Posts: 11 Member
    What do I hate?
    1. Working really, really hard to lose the weight but only seeing the numbers on the scale change. Not inches.
    2. Suddenly having the scale stop moving and going through what feels like a massive, whole body deflation. I mean seriously, I lost around 45 pounds and was wearing the same clothes, then suddenly 'poof': boobs gone, leg fat gone, hips gone, waist not so much gone, nothing fits well. Nothing. I feel a bit like a teenager where nothing is in the right proportion.
    3. That weird loose skin from one of my now non-existent chins.
    4. Unwarranted bro science: it isn't loose skin, it's just different fat pockets. Really, someone tried to tell me they were a licensed trainer and there is no such thing as loose skin. "if it's loose it's just fat you still need to get rid of". While I realize I still have a ways to go, I am pretty dang sure I know what loose skin looks like.
    5. People who try to help: it really doesn't matter what you eat, its all about calories in/calories out. Really? Well, let me have that carb laden goody with zero protein. When I crash I will happily and belligerently tell you how I feel about your advice. (Which made me decide that's what bezerkers are - people with hypoglycemia that are given sugar, then sent to the battlefield to properly utilize that rage that developed when everything bottomed out).
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mine has most to do with body appearance. I feel like I've ruined my body after years of letting myself be overweight, and it saddens me a bit. I agree with those that said loose skin and sad boobs. :( Plus the fact that the areas where I have stretch marks, which are many, now look like crepe paper.

    I also second the fact about having to buy new clothes all the time. I try to wear them until they're practically hanging off of me, but that gets annoying, lol. I just bought a pair of jeans a little over a month ago, and they are already getting too big, which is good and bad. I can't afford to buy new clothes. On the bright side, at least my shoes size won't change along with my clothing size. Then I would really be in trouble.
  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    People's comments around me. I noticed when you're trying to eat healthy, you make others feel guilty about themselves and they try to make you feel bad. Not everyone, but a good majority lol. They don't understand why I have to measure everything or can't enjoy a little. It's hard enough for me to say no, but to say no to people pressuring me is even harder.

    I lost 9 lbs and have 50 lbs more to go. Just going to keep that in mind.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    My grandma trying to force food down me because she thinks I have an illness ><'

    My grandfather is like this. He also tells me I look like long dead aunts who were chain-smoking, skinny spinsters. Not real charming LOL

    Seltzermint - that's terrible! Sorry!

    oh it's fine LOL. Thanks, though.

    He's almost 92, nearly blind, and doesn't elaborate as I did about the aunts...I just know from family stories that they were like that ;-) Mostly he says he wouldn't know me on the street and I take it as a compliment because I was always over 200 lb since age 16 and now well below.

  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Aww, sorry ladies that are losing their girls! -hugggs-
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    being cold all the time, having bruises all over my legs, and having to put a cushion between my knees at night because they dig into each other
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Buying new clothes. I hate shopping. Everything else is awesome, even the bosom shrinkage (I can buy bras in a size that actually exist in the department stores--but then again, shopping grrrrr).