Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi! Any of you can feel free to add me. At my heaviest I was 209lbs, now 184lbs. Goal to reach between 125-140lbs. I did lose a further 16lbs and was down to 168lbs at one point but I slacked and put that back on. Trying to get serious this year and get the body I want! Good luck reaching your goals and maintaining them! xx
  • sarah_frost86
    I would love to join :) I'm not sure what I am in pounds as in Australia we use kgs so I'm currently 107kgs & want to get to 70kgs
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    I haven't read through the SEVEN pages of responses :) BUT I wanted to say your post made me cry. When I saw your numbers and thought about how I am FINALLY in the category of only needing to lose 50/60 lbs to get to a "normal" weight. I do think I need to lose a bit more than that really, but vanity pounds vs. I MAY DIE FROM THIS pounds are a huge difference.

    Anyway what I really wanted to say when I first read your title before I got all wrapped up in my own feels was that what you want as friends is people who have already lost that amount of weight, not just people who need to do it.

    This site is invaluable for the advice of the people who have been there, done that. In addition to what you get in your feeds, READ the message boards and LISTEN to the advice. Even if you never post, you can gain so much knowledge just from reading.

    That goes out not just to OP but to all the people who are just starting out. You are me one year ago. This past year, I lost 50 lbs and that was with me taking March- September totally off and eating at old habits, and with me not really exerting much effort the rest of the time. It really really really does not need to be as hard as you think it will be to get from obese-overweight-normal BMI. It WILL take some patience. I started at morbidly obese at the beginning of last year so this year I'll get to "normal" BMI, but please if you feel frustrated read read and read some more around here. The boards are full of a lot of crap but also a lot of wisdom.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just started a couple days ago after seeing the highest number on a scale I have ever seen. 39, 5'4", 206 pounds. Goal weight-- the weight that I no longer get winded simply getting out of bed. :\ Whatever that
  • clairabelle01
    clairabelle01 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I started new years day 217lb 5'5 want to be around 147, good luck everyone, we can do it x
  • ens102
    ens102 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there,
    I've been here before but now have 37 pounds to lose to get back from 222 to an "overweight" rather then obese BMI. I'd like to lose more but want to try and maintain at a slightly higher rate, an attempt to break the losing and gaining cycle.
  • motorola10
    motorola10 Posts: 76 Member
    Add me!! 5'7 goal 137-140ish. CW 205.4
  • thefishers07
    My wife and I are just getting started and have between 50-60 pounds each to lose we have a coach that does very huge for us so far so good..on track to lose 18 pounds in 5 weeks
  • cdaughen1
    I'm at 215 and want to get to 160-170. I could use a few friends on this journey. I was 330lbs when my son was born 3 years ago and it's been a struggle. I have rheumatoid arthritis and working out causes pain, but I need to do it. I want to be healthy for my baby boy and to remove all this extra skin from my body. Anyone feel free to add me if they need a friend! I know I could use a few to help me!
  • hlhutch91
    hlhutch91 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm just getting started myself. Tomorrow is 1 week and still trying to figure it all out. Weighed myself and saw 226, ugh. Lost 3 being sick after Christmas so started January @ 223 . Goal is to hit 200 & keep going from there. 50 - 75 is what I really need to lose but one day at a time. I think the support on here is wonderful! I could use another friend.
  • clmozey
    clmozey Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I also started on the first and I am looking to get down to about 150 I started at 220 and I am ready to lose the weight!!! Anyone please feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • thesourceboard
    I'm 260lbs need to lose 100lbs. Just downloaded the app right now I have a long way ahead of me. I have tried to lose weight over and over again but this time am ready to give it another try. I need support of anyone ready to work the way.
  • DivineLotus
    DivineLotus Posts: 93 Member
    I started around 205 and I am down to 194. I would love to get down into the 120's as a long term goal but losing 60ish pounds to start would be awesome.
  • DocWIll42
    DocWIll42 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me to this goal as well! Started at 230+ and working towards a solid 155.
  • vanbib
    vanbib Posts: 20 Member
    We can all do this! I'm just like the rest. Need accountability. This is my dilemma. I'm finally motivated for myself to do this. Please join me and let's change our lives for the better. Looking forward to the year!
  • caresshudson
    caresshudson Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone! I started at 203 and I'm down to 178.... (Or at least... that was my last weigh in) My goal is to get down to 170 before the end of the month. I do mini goals. Make me push harder for my short term goals. I'd love to add more accountability friends!
  • Calm_Lotus_06
    Calm_Lotus_06 Posts: 104 Member
    I started off at 225, down to 203 now.. but my goal wight is 145. I would love more people to fight this fight with!
  • motherof2kids2014
    motherof2kids2014 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello there same here i'm at 198 trying to get down to 150 looking for any motivation :)
  • fitzymic
    fitzymic Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all

    I'm 176llb hoping to get to 130/140 good luck and feel free to add me.We can do this.
  • karinsheehan
    You can add me as well! I thrive on positive encouragement, and there's only so much I can give myself! I am 180 and hoping to get to 140. I'd love some new healthy encouraging friends!!