I hope I lose 35 pounds by the summer



  • Sala28 wrote: »
    Me toooo :) I'm currently 167 and want to go down to 135

    I am 159 want to be 130
  • werickson
    werickson Posts: 2 Member
    Sala28 wrote: »
    Me toooo :) I'm currently 167 and want to go down to 135

    I am 159 want to be 130

  • werickson
    werickson Posts: 2 Member
    Add me too...need to lose 30lbs and need a little extra support and motivation..never tried w/ a group before hope it helps...
  • Yes me too! I am starting tomorrow and hoping those 30lb drop in 3-4 months!:)
  • fitzymic
    fitzymic Posts: 43 Member
    me to good luck with your weight loss I have sent a friend request feel free to add we all need some banter and a kick up backside every now and then.
  • notfromarizona
    notfromarizona Posts: 53 Member
    I have another 31.5 before I hit my goal...I'll jump on board this "by summer" thing :D
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Please don't set unreasonable goals & set yourself up for failure when you're disappointed.
    You didn't gain the weight quickly, you won't lose it quickly.

    OP's profile says she has 35 lb to lose.
    A reasonable weight loss goal, starting with so little to lose, would be 0.5 lb per week.
    In the beginning you _might_ be able to hit 1 lb per week.
    Over the last year, I've lost an average of 1.5 lb per week, and I started with over 100 lb to lose.
    I'm down to the last 35, at least until I hit my initial goal. Once I get there I'll see how I feel & look, might decide to lose another 10-15.

    Here's a newbie help post, which has links to all sorts of helpful info including sexypants, goal setting (weight, calories, & macros), logging, and motivation.

  • KelSquash
    KelSquash Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Want to get back down to my old weight of 159, and then some. Lets loose 30 by summer!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    :D So exited to lose weight... Can't wait

    what's your plan?

    Search "Cardio: get excited" 20 min.
  • I want to lose 50 pounds by June 1st from dieting alone. Which means 10 lbs a months. I am a full time student in a fast track professional program and I have absolutely no time to exercise. I was wondering if that was plausible?
  • meganjrongholt
    meganjrongholt Posts: 2 Member
    I would really like to lose weight. I don't have a specific goal for the time summer rolls around, but I do want to see a difference in my body to give me the motivation to keep going. I currently don't have any friends on here and would love to have someone to talk to that is trying to accomplish similar goals
  • meganjrongholt
    meganjrongholt Posts: 2 Member
    I want to lose 50 pounds by June 1st from dieting alone. Which means 10 lbs a months. I am a full time student in a fast track professional program and I have absolutely no time to exercise. I was wondering if that was plausible?
    10 lbs a month is a little over 2 lbs a week. A healthy amount is about a pound per week. I am feeling the same as you are. I could easily lose 50 lbs and be right around my goal weight, and even better if it was by summer!! Just make sure you are choosing very filling foods and drinking water before meals to keep you full longer.
  • I'm hoping to lose 30 pounds by May too
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I want to lose 50 pounds by June 1st from dieting alone. Which means 10 lbs a months. I am a full time student in a fast track professional program and I have absolutely no time to exercise. I was wondering if that was plausible?

    Would 50lbs loss put you into a healthy BMI? The closer you get to a healthy weight, the harder it is to maintain something like a 2lb a week loss. People generally plateau at some point too.

    It also depends what your diet is like now. If you're eating say 3000 calories a day and drinking beer every evening, and you drop to 2000 calories and stop drinking beer, that'll have more of an impact than cutting out a slice of bread a day and a can of coke for example.

    Are you studying non-stop, all day? I've done a BA, and MA and my PGCE (postgrad certificate in education...I.e teacher training) and I've always had time to exercise doing those.
  • In my perfect world, I would love to lose 40 lbs by summer. In my realistic world, I'll take 25 lbs by the beginning of summer then work on the last 15 by the end of the year.

    I am currently 167lbs so starting summer at 142lbs would put me in a healthy BMI range (and make me feel more confident in my swimsuit).
  • teenyjem
    teenyjem Posts: 46 Member
    Me too! I am in! Lost 40 last year, put on about 10, but wanna lose another 30-40 by Summer at least.

    CW: 262.8
    TW: 133.0

    Feel free to add me!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Don't hope. Do it.
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    Planning on losing 20. I lost 20 since last July! Looking forward to reaching the goal!
  • roni0906
    roni0906 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello All~

    I am hoping to lose about 40 lbs myself. I created a group: Weight Loss Goal: 30-50 lbs, if anyone would like to join. I am trying to keep the group as a positive and motivational group. I think that it is important to have a support team and a group to "hold you accountable".

    I previously belonged to a website (FreeTrainer.com) many years ago when I needed to lose weight after my daughter was born. I gained 50 lbs with her and was active duty. It was very difficult to lose the weight but I had to so I was within weight standards. I tried everything and finally found that site that gave me a huge support system. I think that MFP will do the same and I am very excited to be part of the site. I have found many helpful resources and joining the groups have been great. I belong to a group that does weekly weigh-ins and challenges (30 Somethings) and last week I lost 4 lbs (granted, probably most water, but weight loss the same).

    I welcome you to join my group, if you so desire. I also just received my fitbit Flex yesterday and am performing my first challenge of having the most steps today.

    Good luck with your weight loss goals and healthy new lifestyles.

  • kechipooh
    kechipooh Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to lose a minimum of 22lbs by the 5th of April. I started working out consistently last May and lost about 21lbs, then dropped off exercise and put about half back on. Restarted my journey on the 5th of January. I aim to workout 6 times a week, eat fresh home cooked food and eliminate snacking from my diet.
    I would love some encouragement and support and would be happy to offer the same!